The story follows Brandon's journey from his abusive upbringing to his fast track into the military after high school. His family and military service became closely intertwined as he experienced significant life events such as the 9/11 attacks, his marriage, and the birth of his first child. He became a "war commuter," spending little time at home due to extended tours of service. Eventually, after 11 years of service, he retired from the military, but faced new challenges such as learning to take off layers of armor and seeking help for unresolved behavioral health issues, which went undiagnosed for six years. He eventually found faith through conversations with other veterans and joined a church with his wife. Brandon's journey shows the power of surrender and seeking help to overcome challenges and become a better person.
- Émission
- FréquenceToutes les 2 semaines
- Publiée14 mars 2023 à 09:00 UTC
- Durée56 min
- Saison1
- Épisode11
- ClassificationTous publics