Aleia McDaniel set it off this episode. We talked about self-care and wellness, the difference between joy and happiness, the dangers of the “good girl” trope and the benefits of embracing your hoe-dum, the many forms of activism, Beyoncé, and much more. Light some incense or a candle, grab a pen and notebook, and let Aleia get your entire life together. 1:49 - Lunchtime Read: 31 Days of Self-Care: A Total Mind, Body, and Soul Reset by Aleia McDaniel 8:32 - Interview with Aleia McDaniel 1:14:00 - Work Fit Tip: Quarantine Weight Gain Not A Joking Matter 1:26:10 - Fancy Quote: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde Aleia McDaniel’s Bio Aleia’s passions are education, Black women, and teaching them how to empower themselves and live their truths, as she has learned on this journey called life. Born in the San Francisco Bay Area and raised during the crack epidemic of the 1990s, Aleia developed a passion for service and grit for overcoming insurmountable odds. She took that determination to New York City where she earned two Ivy League degrees. In 2000 she graduated with a Bachelors in Sociology from Barnard College, the women’s college of Columbia University and in 2009, she earned her Master’s in Educational Policy and Social Analysis from Teachers College, also of Columbia University. She has spent the past 19 years as a teacher, instructional coach, consultant and now middle school principal. Beyond her daily work coaching the next generation of educational leaders, Aleia has led both educational and personal development workshops. Her first novel, Pieces of Her, debuted in the top 100 African Lesbian and Gay Amazon Kindle books, and she has been a staff writer for Elixher, a website and magazine celebrating the black queer experience. She is currently developing her new sanctuary for women, Queen Bees: The High Order of Divinely Chosen Women Lighting Shit Up. You can get on the waiting list for that at She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her wife, daughter, and two yappy dogs. For more information about how you can book Aleia for workshops and speaking engagements, contact Check out her website at Hit is up on Twitter or IG @theworkrundown or email us at And remember: Breonna Taylor's killers still have not been arrested. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter