Leftist Reading

Leftist Reading

A leftist reading longform theory about various aspects of leftism in a digestible chunk each week. Gary (@SuperBiasedMan) is not a very well read leftist, but hopes to be in the course of doing this show.

  1. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 23


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 23

    Episode 158: This week we’re finishing:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 20]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 21 - 22]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism [Part 23 - This Week]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism 2. Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth b. Truth, and the Relationship Between Truth and Reality - 0:41Annotation 232: 2:19 - 3:36Annotation 233: 4:39 - 6:04Annotation 234: 7:02 - 10:25Annotation 235: 10:55 - 16:55Annotation 236: 18:04 - 20:16Annotation 237: 20:32 - 22:37Annotation 238: 24:38 - 24:52Annotation 239: 26:04 - 32:48 [Part 23]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 26:07Truth and Practical Activities have a dialectical relationship in which truth develops through practice, and practice develops through the correct application of truth. Figure 2 - 27:17Truth and practical activities mutually develop one another over time. Footnotes 3) 2:16Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914. 4) 17:35Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1908. 5) 23:56Once Again On The Trade Unions, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1921.

    35 分钟
  2. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 22


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 22

    Episode 157: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 20]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 21]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism [Part 22 - This Week]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism 1. Praxis, Consciousness, and the Role of Praxis in Consciousness c. The Relationship Between Praxis and Consciousness - 0:18Annotation 221: 0:55 - 1:45Annotation 222: 6:22 - 8:52Annotation 223: 9:03 - 10:07 2. Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth - 10:42 a. Opinions of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth - 10:47Annotation 224: 10:53 - 11:18Annotation 225: 12:05 - 14:23Annotation 226: 14:49 - 15:41Annotation 227: 18:37 - 20:40Annotation 228: 23:28 - 27:06Annotation 229: 28:00 - 28:53Annotation 230: 29:38 - 31:12Annotation 231: 32:24 - 35:08 [Part 23]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 15:26The cognitive process is a continuous cycle which describes the dialectical development of consciousness and practical activity. Figure 2 - 18:46 Figure 3 - 23:45 Figure 4 - 29:42The dialectical relationship between consciousness and practical activities means that conscious activities develop practical activities, and vice versa, in a continuous feedback loop. Figure 5 - 30:39The dialectical relationship between consciousness and practical activity is what drives the development of humanity. We imagine better ways of doing things, then test those ideas against reality through practical activity. Footnotes 1) 5:10Theses On Feuerbach, Karl Marx, 1845. 2) 5:35Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1908.

    37 分钟
  3. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 21


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 21

    Episode 156: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 20]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 21 - This Week]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism - 0:41Annotation 210: 1:15 - 2:51 1. Praxis, Consciousness, and the Role of Praxis in Consciousness a. Praxis and Basic Forms of Praxis - 2:52Annotation 211: 3:29 - 8:17Annotation 212: 9:34 - 11:54Annotation 213: 12:51 - 14:40 b. Consciousness and Levels of Consciousness - 14:42Annotation 214: 16:16 - 18:16Annotation 215: 18:34 - 19:30Annotation 216: 19:44 - 26:00Annotation 217: 28:30 - 30:50Annotation 218: 31:29 - 32:34Annotation 219: 33:58 - 34:33Annotation 220: 36:12 - 37:12 [Part 22 - 25?]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 14:04Material production activity has a dialectical relationship with all other praxis activity, with material production activity determining, while being impacted by, all other forms of praxis activity. Figure 2 - 24:49Empirical and theoretical consciousness have a dialectical relationship in which empirical consciousness and theoretical consciousness lead to and mutually develop one another. Figure 3 - 29:39Empirical consciousness and theoretical consciousness have a dialectical relationship with one another. Our observations of the material world lead to conscious activity which we then test in reality through conscious activity, and so on, in a never-ending cycle of dialectical development. Figure 4 - 35:55Ordinary consciousness refers to the passive observation of reality which takes place in our daily lives. Scientific consciousness refers to the systematic application of consciousness to solve specific problems in a methodological manner.

    38 分钟
  4. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 20


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 20

    Episode 155: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 19]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics IV. Basic Laws of Materialist Dialectics [Part 20 - This Week]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics IV. Basic Laws of Materialist Dialectics 3. Law of Negation of Negation - 0:37 a. Definition of Negation and Dialectical Negation - 0:57Annotation 195: 2:02 - 6:37Annotation 196: 6:53 - 13:21Annotation 197: 13:47 - 15:29Annotation 198: 15:51 - 17:17Annotation 199: 17:30 - 19:54Annotation 200: 20:53 - 29:46 b. Negation of Negation - 30:02Annotation 201: 30:21 - 35:26Annotation 202: 35:48 - 36:47Annotation 203: 37:16 - 41:10Annotation 204: 41:31 - 42:16Annotation 205: 43:57 - 44:17 c. Meaning of the Methodology - 44:18Annotation 206: 45:26 - 46:46Annotation 207: 47:12 - 48:41Annotation 208: 49:02 - 49:52Annotation 209: 50:10 - 52:14 [Part 21 - 25?]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 2:47An overview of various forms of negation as they relate to dialectical development. Figure 2 - 3:18Replacement negation refers to the replacement of one thing, phenomenon, or idea with another through dialectical negation. Figure 3 - 4:33Terminal negation refers to the end of a specific cycle of development. Figure 4 - 8:29The metaphysical perspective of terminal negation views negation as an essentially terminal process representing the end point of the existence of a static and isolated thing, phenomenon, or idea. Figure 5 - 23:32A common misperception of dialectical development is that it is “fully negative,” insomuch as the initial thesis (initial subject) is completely negated by the antithesis (impacting subject). In fact, characteristics from both the thesis and antithesis are carried forward into the synthesis. Figure 6 - 25:17In materialist dialectics, it is understood that negation is a process of retention: characteristics from both the thesis (initial subject) and antithesis (impacting subject) are retained in the resulting synthesis. Figure 7 - 30:52The metaphysical “line development” model sees an initial form as being “replaced” or entirely negated into a completely distinct entity. Figure 8 - 33:05The “Spiral Development” model of materialist dialectics sees every stage of development as a higher form of the previous stage which carries forward characteristics from previous stages. Figure 9 - 37:30The cyclical pattern of development is an abstract pattern of dialectical change over time. Figure 10 - 38:56In this example, a new car goes through a cyclical pattern of development in which the third form (new steel) possesses characteristics of the first form (a new car). Figure 11 - 39:40The development of class structure is a dialectical process in which different classes synthesize to form the next era of class society. For example, the capitalist class emerged primarily as a synthesis of the feudal lords and peasants of the medieval era. Footnotes: 10) 20:51Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914. 11) 41:29Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914. 12) 42:45Karl Marx, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914. 13) 43:56Anti-Dühring, Friedrich Engels, 1878.

    53 分钟
  5. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 19


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 19

    Episode 154: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 18]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics [Part 19 - This Week]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics IV. Basic Laws of Materialist Dialectics 2. Law of Unification and Contradiction Between Opposites - 0:23Annotation 182: 1:05 - 1:49 a. Definitions of Contradiction and Common Characteristics of Contradiction - 1:49Annotation 183: 2:30 - 5:20Annotation 184: 6:10 - 6:53Annotation 185: 8:07 - 9:10Annotation 186: 9:52 - 13:26Annotation 187: 13:35 - 14:48 b. Motion Process of Contradictions - 14:49Annotation 188: 15:11 - 16:40Annotation 189: 17:23 - 18:42Annotation 190: 19:34 - 20:47Annotation 191: 21:27 - 26:44Annotation 192: 27:35 - 29:38 c. Meaning of the Methodology - 29:39Annotation 193: 30:16 - 30:35Annotation 194: 31:11 - 32:16 [Part 20 - 25?]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 26 - 30?]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 3:06In the metaphysical conception of contradiction, the negated “disappears” and is not represented in the resulting synthesis. Figure 2 - 4:05The materialist dialectical conception of contradiction recognizes that contradicting subjects are defined by their relationship and that the synthesis of the contradiction carries forward attributes and characteristics from both the negator and the negated. Figure 3 - 18:03War, disease, and economy are all examples of unity in contradiction. Figure 4 - 25:43Relative Unity refers to the temporary and relative nature of specific relationships which define and unify specific contradictions; Absolute Struggle refers to the permanent, constant nature of development through contradiction. Figure 4 - 25:43The relationship between relative unity and absolute struggle defines and drives change, motion, and development through contradiction. Footnotes: 4) 0:48Summary of Dialectics, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914. 5) 8:05Anti-Dühring, Friedrich Engels, 1877. 6) 17:22On the Questions of Dialectics, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1915. 7) 21:25On the Questions of Dialectics, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1915. 8) 27:34On the Questions of Dialectics, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1915. 9) 30:14On the Questions of Dialectics, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1915.

    33 分钟
  6. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 18


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 18

    Episode 153: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 17]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics[Part 18 - This Week]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics IV. Basic Laws of Materialist Dialectics - 0:25Annotation 161: 2:29 - 3:27Annotation 162: 4:09 - 4:43 1. Law of Transformation Between Quantity and Quality - 02:29Annotation 163: 5:01 - 5:59Annotation 164: 6:29 - 8:58 a. Definitions of Quality and Quantity - 09:16Annotation 165: 9:34 - 12:14Annotation 166: 12:58 - 13:52Annotation 167: 13:59 - 14:28Annotation 168: 14:43 - 16:10Annotation 169: 16:21 - 16:44Annotation 170: 16:54 - 17:38Annotation 171: 18:40 - 19:20 b. Dialectical Relationship Between Quantity and Quality - 3:04Annotation 172: 19:52 - 20:29Annotation 173: 21:01 - 22:09Annotation 174: 22:27 - 22:55Annotation 175: 23:47 - 24:45Annotation 176: 24:51 - 26:05Annotation 177: 26:45 - 27:59Annotation 178: 28:53 - 31:32 c. Meaning of the Methodology - 12:06Annotation 179: 32:32 - 34:56Annotation 180: 35:55 - 38:58Annotation 181: 39:31 - 40:07 [Part 19 - 25?]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 26 - 30?]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Figures: Figure 1 - 21:04The quantity range is a range of quantities between quality shifts. Figure 2 - 22:30 Figure 3 - 23:12A quality shift occurs when a quantity changes beyond a threshold, leading to a change in quality. Figure 4 - 24:53The Quantity Range (A) refers to the range of quantities between two qualities in the process of development. The Quality Shift (B) refers to the point at which quantity accumulates to the point of changing the Quality of the developing subject. The Period of Motion (C) includes both the quantity range and the quality shifts themselves. Figure 5 - 30:04Quality refers to the differences which are distinguished in human consciousness between one subject and another, or changes in a subject’s form over time. Footnotes: 1) 26:43Anti-Dühring, Friedrich Engels, 1878. 2) 39:53See Annotation 108. 3) 40:00See Annotation 207.

    41 分钟
  7. The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 17


    The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 17

    Episode 152: This week we’re continuing with:The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismWritten for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna NguyenYou can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:https://www.banyanhouse.org/product/ebook-the-worldview-and-philosophical-methodology-of-marxism-leninism [Part 1 - 5]Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism [Part 6 - 10]Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-LeninismChapter 1: Dialectical Materialism [Part 11 - 16]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics I. Dialectics and Materialist Dialectics II. Basic Principles of Marxist Dialectics III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics 1. Private and Common 2. Reason and Result 3. Obviousness and Randomness 4. Content and Form [Part 17 - This Week]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics III. Basic Pairs of Categories of Materialist Dialectics 5. Essence and Phenomenon - 00:30 a. Categories of Essence and Phenomenon - 00:30Annotation 155: 1:01 - 3:04 b. Dialectical Relationship Between Essence and Phenomenon - 3:04Annotation 156: 4:22 - 12:05 c. Meaning of the Methodology - 12:06Annotation 157: 12:28 - 14:22 6. Possibility and Reality - 17:44 a. Categories of Possibility and Reality - 17:44 b. Dialectical Relationship Between Possibility and Reality - 18:12Annotation 159: 18:52 - 22:26 c. Meaning of the Methodology - 22:57Annotation 160: 23:50 - 24:16 [Part 18 - 25?]Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics [Part 26 - 30?]Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism Footnotes: 5) 3:59Philosophical Notebooks, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914-16. 6) 14:37Philosophical Notebooks, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1914-16. 7) 23:21To N. D. Kiknadze, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, written after November 5, 1916.

    25 分钟
共 5 分
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A leftist reading longform theory about various aspects of leftism in a digestible chunk each week. Gary (@SuperBiasedMan) is not a very well read leftist, but hopes to be in the course of doing this show.








