The Spirit Hunters! (Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Beyond!)

A Podcast dedicated to discussing our favourite Poltergeist Reporters in Yu Yu Hakusho, and our favourite hunters in Hunter X Hunter. We also talk Japanese culture in the 80’s and early 90’s. Join us as we explore, laugh, and love the anime series, Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter X Hunter! Formerly titled “The Yu Yu Hakushow”
Awesome show!
Hunter x Hunter is my favorite manga and anime and Yu Yu Hakusho is my second. This show is great. They remind me so much of my friends from undergrad and medical school talking about Hunter x Hunter and other anime. Really great listen and really well educated podcast hosts. They provide a lot of great extra education and background on not only the specific shows but culture, art, and history at the same time.
Great attention to detail and lots of fun
caught up on all the HxH episodes, so now time to go back for the Yu Yu ones!
Needs more exposure.
Yyh has and always will be my favorite anime. To find out there was podcast dedicated to it and breaking down episode by episode, I had to listen. All I can say is that the podcasts were very enjoyable and I appreciate all the time and effort they all put into it. I really feel like this podcast deserves a lot more attention and listeners… Truly great podcast and huge thanks from a fellow YYH fan!
Stop with the goddamn Jojo references
Whoever that moron is that wont shut up about Jojo. Please for the love of god STOP. Stop speaking, stop existing
- CreatorPoltergeist Reporters
- Years Active2018 - 2024
- Episodes137
- RatingExplicit
- CopyrightCopyright © Poltergeist Reporters
- Show Website