Theater Talk: O'Connell's KHAN!!! hilarious but closing soon at Shea's Smith; THE DAY I LEARNED TO FLY, also a comedy, very well presented by First Look at Canterbury Woods.

Theater Talk

This week on Theater Talk, Anthony and Peter talk about KHAN!!! A PARODY TREK-TACULA, a musical send-up of the Star Trek franchise produced by O'Connell & Co. at Shea's Smith Theatre. And, also a comedy, but with a thoughtful side, THE DAY I LEARNED TO FLY a new play produced by First Look Buffalo which just opened at the Canterbury Woods performance space.For more about upcoming local shows, please see the listings.For 32 years (as of November 2024), Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45am, 8:45am, and 5:45pm Fridays on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on NOTE: Theater listings are included with the podcast. As part of BTPM (Buffalo Toronto Public Media), their beat is primarily Buffalo theater, but Broadway, The Shaw Festival, The Stratford Festival, and Chautauqua are covered as are other relevant art forms for the stage, including ballet and opera.

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