
MCAT Basics (from MedSchoolCoach)

Thermodynamics is fundamental to mastering chemistry concepts and understanding the energy dynamics within biological systems crucial for the MCAT.

In this episode, host Sam Smith dives into the laws of thermodynamics, covering everything from the zeroth law to the third. You'll explore key concepts like enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs Free Energy and learn how they apply to reaction spontaneity and equilibrium. Sam also gives practical examples, including how the equilibrium constant and reaction quotient (Q vs. K) affect reactions, and covers types of heat transfer—conduction, convection, and radiation—essential for the Chem/Phys section.  Visit for more help with the MCAT and use promo code PODCAST to receive a five percent discount on your first session.

Jump into the conversation:

(00:00) Intro

(01:03) Introduction to thermodynamics

(03:58) The four laws of thermodynamics

(12:46) Thermodynamic variables: entropy, enthalpy, and Gibbs Free Energy

(24:11) Phase changes in thermodynamics

(25:30) Gibbs Free Energy and spontaneity of reactions

(38:01) The three types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation

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