They Shot the Piano Player is an innovative animated documentary by directors Javier Mariscal and Fernando Trueba, blending mystery, history, and music. The story explores the life of Francisco "Tenório" Júnior, a young Brazilian pianist from the Bossa Nova era whose life and tragic disappearance become the focal point of the narrative. Tune in to hear a discussion on the use of animation in a documentary, censorship in music and shrouding dissent, Operation Condor and its impact on ordinary apolitical citizens and of course, the life of Tenório. Intro and outro music by our friend, Nikhil Lobo. For feedback and/or suggestions, write to They Shot the Piano Player - Making Of by MARISCAL How Brazil's Music Hid Protest Inside Harmony by Charles Cornell
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Biweekly
- PublishedDecember 15, 2024 at 7:10 AM UTC
- Length38 min
- RatingClean