Think and Grow Rich Made Easy

David Ford
Think and Grow Rich Made Easy

Think And Grow Rich Made Easy offers a 14 Steps to Riches Guide, based on the achievements of others, and designed especially for people that are looking to succeed in achieving their personal goals. It is really important to understand that “Think And Grow Rich Made Easy” is not intended to entertain, but to inform, and can be seen as a textbook that is based on the individual achievements and experiences of hundreds of the most successful men to come out of America. By the way, “Riches”, actually mean “financial, spiritual, mental, and material states.” and does not purely just mean money,

  1. 03/10/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 10 🤔 🤑

    The Tenth Chapter "Power Of The Master Mind" of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy of my new video series is now on YouTube . 🤔  🤑    Power Of The Master Mind   Another attribute you need to support your money making plans is the power to put them into action.    In this section you will acquire the knowledge of how to apply power to your cause.   The term power being used here refers to organised effort and the use of knowledge directed intelligently to enable ones desires to be converted into a money making situation.    Organized effort is more efficient with the cooperation of two or more people working towards the same definite goal.    Everyone in your group requires the power to accumulate money through organised knowledge.    Let us look at how this power may be acquired and the sources for gaining this knowledge.   A. Infinite Intelligence – This source of knowledge may be acquired through a procedure described in another section with the aid of the creative imagination explained earlier.   B. Accumulated Experience – This refers to the experiences of mankind. It is all the information that man has discovered and documented that you can gain from schooling and from public libraries.   C. Experiment And Research – In all subjects we study there are new things    to be learned. In practically every walk of life, science, history, English, math’s etc new information is researched and discoveries are made. It is the source which people turn to when their accumulated experience is insufficient. Sometimes the creative imagination is required here also.   Through the methods above mankind has acquired knowledge, so watch the rest of the video to learn about how important creating a master mind group is to your success.   Listen to all of Chapter 10  the "Power Of The Master Mind" for some great examples of how to persevere with your task, and go on to realise your dreams and goals.   After you have listened to Chapter 10, don't forget to press the RED Subscribe button and turn the notifications ON, so that when the next Chapter is there you will be notified, and a LIKE would be really appreciated, if indeed you did like what you saw and heard leave me a comment, and if you didn't, definitely let me know. 😎   To your wonderful success   David Ford Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy   PS... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula"  to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    22 min
  2. 03/10/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 13 🧠

    Welcome to the Thirteenth  Chapter "The Brain" 🧠 of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy my new video series of my book @ 🙏 👌    A Broadcasting And Receiving Station For Your Thoughts.   Every human brain acts as broadcasting and receiving stations for thoughts.    We pick up thought vibrations which are released from other people.    Consider here the chapter on the creative imagination.    The creative imagination is the receiving part of the brain which receives thoughts released by other brains.    It is through the use of the imagination that one communicates between the conscious mind and the four sources outlined earlier from which one is stimulated by thoughts.   The mind is more receptive when stimulated to a high level of vibration.    It is through experiencing more powerful emotions that the brain becomes highly stimulated and thought vibrations become increased.   The thought vibrations that transfer from one brain to another are the vibrations of a higher rate.    Put another way thoughts are energy traveling at an exceedingly high rate of vibration.    If thoughts are emphasized through the expression of emotions then the thoughts are more powerful or at a higher rate of vibration than usual.   It is these thoughts which are communicated between brains.   As mentioned in the chapter on sex transmutation, sex emotion is at the top of the list in regards to being a source for motivation.    A brain stimulated by the sex emotion vibrates at a more rapid rate than it can without it.    With the sexual energy re-diverted into other more constructive efforts the creative imagination becomes more open to ideas.    And so, the broadcasting principle refers to the mixing of emotions with thoughts. and how they are passed on to the subconscious.   Listen and learn more in this chapter on the power of The Brain.   To your wonderful success   David Ford Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy   PS.... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    20 min
  3. 03/10/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 14. ♾️🛎

    Welcome to the Fourteenth Chapter "The Sixth Sense" of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy my new video series of my book is uploaded to YouTube @  🙏 👌    The Key To Old Age Wisdom.   This Chapter will explain the Sixth Sense as the Thirteenth principle.    It is this principle through which infinite intelligence may and will voluntarily communicate.    This principle can only be understood and experimented with after mastering the other twelve principles.   The sixth sense is the part of the subconscious mind that has been referred to as the creative imagination.    In the previous chapter it was also described as the receiving station through which ideas, plans and thoughts flash into the mind.   The sixth sense is hard to describe to anyone struggling to grasp the other principles.   Understanding the idea of extra senses can only come through meditation and self development.    It is a mixture of both mental and spiritual thought that connects the finite thinking mind and infinite intelligence.   The next statement would seem unbelievable if you had not read the previous chapters and understood the principles described.   Through the aid of the sixth sense you can be warned of dangers in time to avoid them and aware of opportunities in time to make the most of them, that you would not normally spot with the five known senses.    The only way you will ever discover whether this statement has any truth to it is by following the instructions in the thirteen principles.   As far fetched as this seems you are not being asked to believe in miracles, as we all know that nature does have certain unbreakable laws.    However, the idea of a sixth sense comes as close to being a miracle as anything most people claim to have experienced.   Listen and learn more in this chapter on the power of The Sixth Sense.   To your wonderful success   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy   PS.... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" @ to help you  get into the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    35 min
  4. 03/10/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 15. 👏🙏

    Welcome to the Fifteenth and final Chapter "The Sixth Sense" of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy my new video series of my book is now uploaded to YouTube @​ 🙏 👌    How To Overcome The Six Fears   Take inventory of yourself, as you read this closing chapter, and find out how many of the six fears are holding you back.   Before you can use this philosophy successfully, you must prepare your mind to fully understand it.    You need to study and understand these three weaknesses and learn how to beat them, Indecision, Doubt and Fear.   If you are to develop the sixth sense then you must eliminate these faults from your mind.    They are all linked to each other.   Indecision is the result of fear.    Indecision leads to doubt and the two both mix to form fear.    The mixing of these weaknesses can take time and are dangerous because of this as they stay and grow in the mind without you realising it.  This chapter will go on to analyse a condition which has, in the past, reduced many people to poverty.    It refers to a truth which you need to appreciate if you are to obtain riches or a state of happiness.    You will discover the cause of the fears which hold people back from achieving their ambitions.   Before You Can Master An Enemy, You Need To Recognize Its Habits And Analyse It.   Analyse yourself, as you read to find out which of the fears affect you.    Search deep as they may be rooted in your subconscious making them hard to locate as well and harder to overcome.   Listen on to the what The Six Basic Fears are and how to recognize the symptoms.   How the 60 Self Analysis Test Questions help you on your journey in total self discovery, and why you should come back to these questions every week or so, to gain additional knowledge and reinforce what you learned the first time.   Finally find out what the “Fifty Seven” Most Used Alibis are that are keeping you from achieving your hearts desire.   I sincerely hope you have enjoyed my book and will endeavour to use the principles taught, which go back to Napoleon Hills discovery, but updated for the 21st century way of life.    It is my sincere desire to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams, and by YOU adopting these priceless Principles contained within “Think And Grow Rich Made Easy”, my goal will be accomplished, what about yours?   To your wonderful success 🙏   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy​  PS.... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" @​ ​​to help you  get into the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    1h 47m
  5. 03/01/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 12 🤔🧞‍♀️

    Welcome to the Twelfth Chapter "The Subconscious Mind" of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy my new video series of my book @ 🙏 👌    The subconscious mind, and the link between thoughts and actions.   Did you know that the subconscious mind receives all thought impulses perceived through the five senses.    These thoughts are classified and recorded like files, and when needed maybe drawn from the subconscious like letters in a filing cabinet.    All sorts of thoughts both positive and negative will inevitably enter the mind.    Discover in this Chapter The Secrets Of The Subconscious Mind.   How to Master the THE SEVEN MAJOR POSITIVE EMOTIONS.    What you can do to change the SEVEN MAJOR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.    The subconscious first puts the most dominating thoughts, backed by the stronger emotions, in the mind into action.   The subconscious mind works constantly throughout the day and night in a process little understood.    The mind draws from all sources of knowledge and attempts to convert your desires into realities.    Consider this when you write down the six steps from the Chapter on Desire that instruct you to build your plans.   Remember, you cannot control your subconscious mind, but through the process of auto suggestion described in Chapter 4 you can hand over a plan or desire which you want putting into action.    There is evidence to suggest that the subconscious mind is the link between the finite thinking mind of man and infinite intelligence.   Listen and learn more in this chapter on the Subconscious Mind.   To your wonderful success   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy  PS.... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective >> "Manifestation Formula" to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    23 min
  6. 03/01/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 11 🙏 👌

    Welcome to the Eleventh Chapter "The Mystery of Sex Transmutation" of Think and Grow Rich Made Easy of my new video series which is now on YouTube.    The Mystery of Sex Transmutation.   The word transmutation simply means to transfer or to convert one element of energy into another.    When we talk about sex in this section we are referring to a state of mind rather than the physical sense of the word.    We are talking about the emotion of sex, and how its energy can be channelled constructively.    There are three constructive principles in which the emotion of sex can be interpreted.   They are:  1. The perpetuation of mankind.  2. The maintenance of health, (as a type of therapy, it has no equal).  3. The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation.   Sex transmutation involves switching the mind from thoughts of physical sexual expression to thoughts of another nature.    When driven by sexual desire people are able to develop their imagination, courage, will power, persistence and creative ability that would not be as efficient at other times.   The motivating sexual force can be transferred and redirected into other forms of expression.   This applies to any profession or service being offered in return for the accumulation of wealth.    To be able to channel this energy effectively a person requires will power.   Sexual desire is a natural instinctively built in thing in all of us and so it should not be suppressed.   However, if it is expressed in the right way, it can enrich the mind body and soul.   Listen/watch further to discover what "THE TEN MIND STIMULI" are.. 🙏 👌   After you have watched Chapter 11, don't forget to press the RED Subscribe button and turn the notifications ON, so that when the next Chapter is ready you will be notified, and a LIKE would be really appreciated, if indeed you did like what you saw and heard leave me a comment, and if you didn't, definitely let me know. 😎   To your wonderful success.   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy   PS... I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸

    1h 10m
  7. 02/24/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 9

    Before we start I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸 The Ninth Chapter "Persistence" of "Think and Grow Rich Made Easy" of my new video series of my book is uploaded to YouTube so go to... Maintaining A Consistent and Continuous Effort.   Persistence is an essential element in the thirteen steps towards riches.    The strength of your persistence will be determined by the power of will.    Men who are relentless in their pursuit of riches have been described as cold blooded or ruthless.    This is not usually the case as what they actually have is will power backed up by persistence, and the desire to achieve their objectives.   The majority of people are ready to give up at the first sign of defeat but a few, people like Ford, Carnegie, and Edison carry on regardless of what opposes them until their goal is achieved.    Persistence, along with the other principles, must be understood if you are to successfully make your fortune.   The first step in applying your persistence will come when you begin to follow the six steps referred to earlier in the section on Desire.    Unless you have a definite plan that has definite goals for you to aim for, then you may read all the instructions, and then go through your daily routine not applying them.    The chances of a lack of persistence being overcome, will depend largely on the intensity of your desire.   The starting point of all achievement is found in the rest of Chapter 9, so listen on more to find that without Persistence, you are defeated before you have even started.   Listen to all of Chapter 9 for some great examples of how to persevere with your task, and go on to realise your dreams and goals.   After you have listened to Chapter 9, don't forget to press the RED Subscribe button and turn the notifications ON, so that when the next Chapter is there you will be notified, and a LIKE would be really appreciated, if indeed you did like what you saw and heard leave me a comment, and if you didn't, definitely let me know. 😎   To your wonderful success   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy

    48 min
  8. 02/24/2021

    Think and Grow Rich Made Easy Chapter 8

    Before we start I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula" to help you to get the Billionaire Mindset. 💰💸 The Eighth Chapter "The Power of Decision" of "Think and Grow Rich Made Easy" of my new video series, is uploaded to YouTube so check it out @ Two questions for you in this Chapter..  1.   Are you guilty of being SNIOP'ed,  (listen more as you learn how to avoid it, and to find out what it means..)  2.   How Not To Procrastinate and avoid being SNIOP'ed..    It has been found through the analysis of many men and women, that many of their failures are due to a lack of decision.    Procrastination is the most common thing holding most people back from achieving their full potential.  You will be able to reach decisions quickly and put your thoughts into action with the aid of the thirteen steps towards riches.   Research of many millionaires has shown, that successful money makers fall into the habit of making decisions promptly and only change them if absolutely necessary.   People who find it difficult to make decisions and change their minds regularly fail to accumulate money.   Going back to Henry Ford as an example, highlights what being decisive is all about.   The Model T car that was described as the world’s ugliest car was manufactured by his orders, despite all of his advisers urging him to change the idea.    Although changing the idea earlier may have brought him even greater fortune more speedily, he stuck with it.   The determination in his decision, meant that he made a fortune before the change became necessary.   One major factor in indecision is that people are too easily influenced by the opinions of others. S.N.I.O.P. (Susceptible to the Negative Influences of Other People)   If you are to make decent money in this world doing the things you truly desire to do, then you need to listen to yourself, and not others.    You should not be influenced by the media or people who gossip, or even seek the approval of friends and family when it comes to making those vital decisions that you need to make to bring you your fortune.   That burning desire should be all the influence you need.  Watch Chapter 8 for some great examples of how to avoid being SNIOP'ed, and go on to realise your dreams and goals.   After you have watched Chapter 8, don't forget to press the RED Subscribe button and turn the notifications ON, so that when the next Chapter is there you will be notified, and a LIKE would be really appreciated, if indeed you did like what you saw and heard leave me a comment, and if you didn't, definitely let me know. 😎   To your wonderful success   David Ford  Author  Think and Grow Rich Made Easy

    37 min

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Think And Grow Rich Made Easy offers a 14 Steps to Riches Guide, based on the achievements of others, and designed especially for people that are looking to succeed in achieving their personal goals. It is really important to understand that “Think And Grow Rich Made Easy” is not intended to entertain, but to inform, and can be seen as a textbook that is based on the individual achievements and experiences of hundreds of the most successful men to come out of America. By the way, “Riches”, actually mean “financial, spiritual, mental, and material states.” and does not purely just mean money,

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