The first anniversary of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas came in the middle of this week. It was not the last school shooting, not by a long shot.
All of society has grown used to such events, but people still in school--and their parents and teachers--have to live with the possibility that it could happen here. The Truth to Power Club at Ashland High School explores the issue further in a fresh installment of our Fresh Eyes podcast.
Fresh Eyes will take a break for the summer and return in the fall. We'd like to thank Isadora Millay and Simone Starbird for their engaging work this year.
Also, Jefferson Public Radio wishes Isadora all the best as she graduates this June. You inspire us with your dedication and thoughtfulness. Congratulations on your next exciting chapter!
- 节目
- 发布时间2023年5月26日 UTC 17:43
- 长度15 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜