Mid Cities OPC

Mid Cities OPC
Mid Cities OPC

The sermons of Pastor Joseph L. Troutman and other guest preachers, Sunday School lessons, and DFW Reformation Conference audio from Mid Cities Presbyterian Church in Bedford, Texas. mcopc.org

  1. 03 All Things to All People (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)


    03 All Things to All People (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

    On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Dr. Alan Strange delivered his third lecture, "All Things to All People" from 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 at the 2024 DFW Reformation Conference. Summary: We are to be all things to all people positively and not negatively, to give way to the partisan siren songs in our churches as reflected in The New Christendom, and Christian Nationalism. Outline: We are to be all things to all people, not coercive Christians making them fit our mold. I. Paul declares his freedom in 1 Cor. 9. A. Paul is, in fact, "the apostle of the heart set free." 1. He knows this, first, for himself. 2. Paul does not have "freedom without form," however. B. Rather, this flexibility involves a freedom that chooses to become servants of all for the purpose of winning some. 1. We see that to do so Paul engages in personal discipline and self-denial. 2. Recognize the servanthood to which we are all called. II. This will take for us, as with Paul, form/fitness, discipline. A. Paul develops this by the metaphor of the athlete 1. Paul's hearers know such an appeal well. 2. He argues from the greater to the lesser: if so in sports, how much more so in heavenly pursuits? B. Paul disciplines himself in this as ought we. III. Douglas Wilson, Mere Christendom, and Stephen Wolfe, The Case for Christian Nationalism advocate for a revived Christendom and Christian Nationalism. A. These proud programs are not the answer for those called to "turn the other cheek" in this time of humiliation. B. Will we live the Christian life or attempt to grab power with a "this-world" focus?

    2 小时 8 分钟
  2. 02 The Great Commission Refocused (Matthew 28)


    02 The Great Commission Refocused (Matthew 28)

    On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Dr. Alan Strange delivered the second of three lectures, "The Great Commission Refocused" featuring Matthew 28. Summary: Christ calls us to preach the gospel to all people groups with the promise of his abiding presence, even though people naturally reject him, as did the religious leaders of his time. Outline: We need to keep our spiritual focus and not become distracted by the flesh. I. A survey of the history of the doctrine of the work of the Holy Spirit. A. The early Church grasped the doctrine of the person of the Holy Spirit. 1. Even as it did the doctrine of the person of Christ. 2. The work of Christ awaiting medieval development in Anselm's Cur Deus Homo. B. Similarly, the doctrine of the work of the Holy Spirit awaiting development 1. It did not receive such, as did the doctrine of the work of Christ, in the Middle Ages. 2. It awaited Calvin and other Reformers who properly developed the doctrine of the work of the Holy Spirit. II. Matthew 28 helps us keep our spiritual focus A. The broader context demonstrates the necessity of the work of the Spirit not only in evangelism but in apologetics. 1. Seen in the absurd counter-story: such a story was concocted not because of a lack of evidence but because of the need for a new heart to receive Christ. 2. We need such Spirit-indicted work to believe (v. 17) B. It is ours because the resurrected Christ is with us to the end of the age, always empowering us. 1. He does this by the work of his Holy Spirit. 2. The Spirit who brings us to Christ and Christ to us. 3. Who makes Christ powerfully present among us in the means of grace.

    1 小时 22 分钟



The sermons of Pastor Joseph L. Troutman and other guest preachers, Sunday School lessons, and DFW Reformation Conference audio from Mid Cities Presbyterian Church in Bedford, Texas. mcopc.org








