Thymus: Self-Love

The Constance Messmer Podcast

If you feel nothing you ever do is good enough or you are just unsatisfied in your life, than this episode is for you.

This one is all about exploring the building blocks of Self-Love!

When doing psi work and reading energy imbalances around people's thymus, I often get to the source of what is blocking or thwarting their sense of self-love.

In this episode, I look into infancy and childhood mishaps, being a people-pleaser, seeking approval from the outside world, and ways to turn the imbalance to the magnanimous energy of positive self-love.

Once you commit to explore this part of your soul work, spirit will intervene with assistance: in whispers from your soul to books brought to your attention. You will need to pay attention to your attention. Let your Soul Awareness guide you.

This episode will benefit anyone struggling with self-love, perfectionism, depression, feelings of not being good enough or doing enough, and/or dissatisfaction in their life and choices. It aims to give you the tools to move forward through life with self-awareness, self-respect, self-appreciation, and (therefore) self-love.

It will be especially helpful for any person looking to do credible psychic reads, mediumship, and soul work. The offerings here help to negate the potential interference and projections from your own ego mind. To be a healthy reader means you recognize the benefit and importance of doing your own soul work along the way. I am hoping this will help you.

Join me as I explore the energy of your thymus and self-love.

Mentioned Books of Interest:

"The Drama of the Gifted Child -The Search for the True Self" by Alice Miller

"The Emotionally Exhausted Woman - Why You're Feeling Depleted & How to Get What You Need" by Nancy Colier

Thanks for Tuning In!



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