Connect with Tim: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, Website We talk: The hard pivot he made from B2C to B2B for his first startup. The growth hacks he did to bootstrap to millions of ARR and get acquired, and how the product is still running and making money today! Some of his angel investments like Third Wave and Weekend Fund (as an LP). Why he invests in plant-based alternatives both for personal reasons as well as from a thesis point of view. The life hard pivots he made from tech founder to nomad to ayahuasca facilitator. The upbringing which led to the chip on his shoulder, and how it went away. Background on the founder of Reunion, Brad, who built a hundred million dollar+ company over 25 years, did ayahuasca, which prompted him to sell his company to a PE firm, come out of the closet as a gay man, and together with his wife amicably conclude their 25-year marriage. The difference between religion, which is necessarily coupled with power structures versus plants, which have no ego. The three common personas of people who do ayahuasca retreats. How he explains what he does to his Christian, Asian immigrant mom. What advice he has for founders, creators, and leaders hard pivoting. Why people in the normal western world are addicted to food, their phones, alcohol, and work. How psychedelics are really a crusade against pharmaceutical world: anti depressants, SSRIs, anti anxiety, etc. How plant medicine lets people reinterpret the relationships and narratives they have with trauma. How entrepreneurs can weave surrender, spirituality, and consciousness into their startups and lives, leading to magic and intention.