8 episodes

Every week we give a fresh and positive look at the future of work. We dream of a more people-centered digital world. We share little tips and magic tricks for greater daily confidence and serenity.

Once a month, we welcome a guest with a unique story and personality. Certainly not a media star, but a genuine hero of their life!

We inspire people to embrace change and create a better and kinder world.

Tinkering the Future of Work and Life Bluewaves Boutique

    • Education

Every week we give a fresh and positive look at the future of work. We dream of a more people-centered digital world. We share little tips and magic tricks for greater daily confidence and serenity.

Once a month, we welcome a guest with a unique story and personality. Certainly not a media star, but a genuine hero of their life!

We inspire people to embrace change and create a better and kinder world.

    Dealing with Toxic Behaviors in the Workplace

    Dealing with Toxic Behaviors in the Workplace

    Our co-hosts Érica, Bertrand, and Bernardo delve into the complexities of toxic behaviors in the workplace. We navigate the intricacies of what constitutes toxic behavior and how it manifests in various forms, offering insights and strategies for transforming negativity into positivity.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - Introduction: Meet the Hosts and Today's Topic
    (00:11) - Exploring Toxicity in the Workplace
    (02:03) - The Good Side of Toxic Behaviors?
    (05:13) - Navigating the Bad and Ugly Faces of Toxicity
    (09:59) - The Impact of Toxic Behaviors on Company Culture
    (22:00) - Strategies for Preventing and Managing Toxicity
    (24:53) - Conclusion: Reflecting on Toxic Behaviors and Antidotes
    🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 27 min
    The Modern Spy - Lessons Learned from James Bond

    The Modern Spy - Lessons Learned from James Bond

    In this episode, our co-hosts Érica, Bertrand, and Bernardo delve into the fascinating world of James Bond to extract valuable insights on workplace innovation and team dynamics. We discuss how the spy's adaptability, reliance on his team, and innovative gadgets can inspire novel approaches in the workplace, especially in challenging times.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - Introduction to Episode 007: The Modern Spy
    (00:16) - Exploring James Bond's Influence on Workplace Innovation
    (01:32) - The Importance of Innovation in Challenging Times
    (01:35) - Redefining Gadgets and Innovation in the Workplace
    (05:36) - Innovation Beyond Competition: A New Perspective
    (07:50) - Identifying and Combating Hidden Enemies in the Workplace
    (15:15) - The Power of Teamwork and Support in Overcoming Challenges
    (17:54) - Embracing Continuous Improvement and Adaptability
    (23:25) - The Role of Failure and Learning in Personal and Professional Growth
    (24:44) - Conclusion and Key Takeaways from the James Bond Episode
    🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 26 min
    Smells Like Team Spirit

    Smells Like Team Spirit

    In this episode, our co-hosts Érica, Bertrand, and Bernardo delve into the dynamic world of teamwork and its evolving role in today's professional landscape. We explore the essence of team spirit, the impact of culture on team dynamics, the challenges and rewards of teamwork in a digital age, and much more. Join us as we dissect these fascinating topics, offering insights and ideas for a more connected and collaborative future.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - Introduction and Welcome
    (00:08) - The Concept of Team Spirit
    (00:43) - The Role of Music in Team Building
    (01:08) - The Evolution of Teamwork in 2024
    (02:04) - The Importance of Teamwork in a Company
    (04:28) - The Challenges of Teamwork
    (08:12) - The Role of a Leader in a Team
    (09:32) - The Impact of Remote Work on Team Dynamics
    (15:49) - The Importance of Respect and Collaboration in a Team
    (22:24) - The Role of Individual Tasks in a Team
    (28:47) - The Importance of Team Growth for Company Success
    (30:47) - Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 31 min
    Fixing Modern Communication Breakdown

    Fixing Modern Communication Breakdown

    In this thought-provoking episode, our co-hosts Bertrand, Érica, and Bernardo dive deep into the complexities of communication in the modern world. They explore the current state of communication, the impact of technology, the role of communication in relationships, and the challenges posed by digital mediums. This episode offers valuable insights and perspectives on enhancing our communication skills for a brighter, more connected future.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - Introduction to the Episode
    (00:13) - The Current State of Communication
    (01:04) - The Impact of Technology on Communication
    (03:11) - The Role of Communication in Relationships
    (04:28) - The Influence of Culture on Communication
    (05:06) - The Power of Communication
    (07:27) - The Importance of Listening in Communication
    (10:52) - The Challenges of Communication in the Workplace
    (16:35) - The Art of Assertive Communication
    (18:49) - The Power of Diverse Opinions
    (19:16) - The Role of Body Language in Communication
    (19:40) - The Impact of Posture and Confidence
    (20:13) - The Deception of Body Language
    (21:20) - Training Body Language: A Difficult Task
    (23:02) - The Challenges of Communicating Without a Physical Body
    (23:43) - The Importance of Facial Expressions in Communication
    (24:03) - The Bias in Digital Communication
    (25:22) - The Challenges of Remote Work and Global Collaboration
    (26:43) - The Impact of Hierarchy on Communication
    (28:36) - The Loss of Formality in Digital Communication
    (30:51) - The Importance of Respect in Communication
    (33:13) - The Need for Better Asynchronous Communication
    (34:17) - The Future of Communication
    (35:02) - Conclusion: The Importance of Prioritizing Communication
    🎁 Little Gifts to Takeaway
    Make a conscious effort to listen actively during conversations. This involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully.Tailor your communication style to suit different contexts and audiences. Be more formal and reserved with superiors, and warmer and more inviting with peers and family.Use communication tools effectively to enhance, not replace, human interaction. Be mindful of over-reliance on digital tools and strive for balance.Develop a communication style that is both assertive and empathetic. This means being clear and confident in your message while also being considerate of the receiver's perspective.Maintain politeness and courtesy in digital communications. Start messages with a greeting and ensure your tone is respectful and clear, mirroring in-person interactions.🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 36 min
    The Paradox of Focus and Attention in Modern Society

    The Paradox of Focus and Attention in Modern Society

    In this episode, our co-hosts Érica, Bertrand, and Bernardo engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the challenges of maintaining focus and attention in today's fast-paced world. We explore topics such as the impact of technology on attention span, the importance of genuine engagement, and the influence of social media on self-perception, offering insights and ideas for a brighter, more empowered future.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - 004 • Focus and Attention
    (00:00) - Introduction to the Discussion
    (00:08) - The Problem of Lack of Focus and Attention
    (01:11) - The Impact of Technology on Attention Span
    (01:55) - The Importance of Attention in Daily Life
    (02:07) - Impatience and the Desire for Instant Gratification
    (02:42) - The Role of Respect and Fairness in Attention
    (03:53) - The Influence of Digital Devices on Social Interactions
    (04:38) - The Paradox of Attention in Modern Society
    (10:37) - The Difference Between Focus and Attention
    (13:41) - The Role of Technology in Shaping Focus and Attention
    (15:36) - The Fear of Missing Out and Its Impact on Attention
    (16:36) - The Importance of Having a Point of View
    (17:08) - The Difference Between Opinion and Point of View
    (17:39) - The Illusion of Knowledge Through Media Consumption
    (18:10) - The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Technology for Knowledge
    (18:41) - The Value of Patience and Focus in Learning
    (19:32) - The Impact of Social Media on Professional Life
    (20:53) - The Importance of Genuine Engagement and Learning
    (23:24) - The Influence of Social Media on Self-Perception
    (27:09) - The Importance of Prioritizing and Focusing on What Matters
    (29:25) - The Dangers of Procrastination and the Importance of Completing Tasks
    (30:33) - Conclusion: The Power of Organization and Focus
    🎁 Little Gifts to Takeaway
    Tech Overload? Less Focus! - Our brains are buzzing with digital noise! Smartphones and social media are fun, but hey, they're also zapping our ability to concentrate. It's time to hit the pause button on those notifications.Wait, Patience is Still Cool! - Instant everything sounds great, but guess what? It's making us super impatient. Remember, good things (and great focus!) come to those who wait.Be Here Now! - Getting lost in what you're doing or who you're with makes life richer. Let's dial down the distractions and tune into the moment. Real connections beat emojis any day!Social Media - The Confidence Trickster! - Our screens are filled with likes and shares, but are they messing with our heads and hearts? Real-life chats beat chat apps for keeping it real.Focus Hacks! - Ready to sharpen your focus? Try this: Tame those tech temptations, pick one task, and see it through. Say no to the multitasking myth and watch your productivity soar!🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 31 min
    Power vs. Empowerment

    Power vs. Empowerment

    In this episode, our co-hosts Érica, Bertrand, and Bernardo delve into the intriguing dynamics of power and empowerment in the workplace. We explore the distinctions between these concepts, their implications in leadership and team dynamics, and how they shape the future of work and life.
    🎙️ In this Episode
    (00:00) - Introduction to the Episode
    (00:10) - Understanding Power vs Empowerment
    (01:03) - The Bright and Dark Sides of Influence
    (01:59) - Defining Empowerment
    (03:17) - The Role of Power in Companies
    (05:49) - The Importance of Empowerment in Today's Companies
    (15:17) - The Challenges of Empowerment
    (22:43) - Practical Tips for Improving Empowerment
    (24:25) - Conclusion and Wrap-up
    🎁 Little Gifts to Takeaway
    1. Empowerment requires effort and understanding of the 'why' behind actions.
    2. There's a significant difference between power and empowerment, with power often misused in high positions.
    3. True empowerment involves support, growth, and motivation.
    4. Effective communication is crucial for empowerment, especially in remote work environments.
    5. Empowerment in a company requires dedicated investment and a cultural shift towards supportive leadership.
    🤗 Stay connected with us
    Website: https://bluewaves.ccInstagram: @bluewaves_boutiqueYouTube: @BluewavesBoutique💬 We want to hear from youYour thoughts and feedback on today's topics are invaluable to us. Share your favorite moments and suggest future topics. Connect with us via our website or social media.
    🔔 Don't miss a thing and spread the wordIf this episode resonated with you, please subscribe and share it with your network. Your support enables us to keep delivering insightful and inspiring content. Join us again as we continue to explore the future of work and life.
    Thank you for tuning in to "Tinkering the Future of Work and Life!" Stay engaged for more insightful episodes from Bluewaves Boutique.

    • 25 min

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