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Julian Redwood - Marriage and Family Therapist
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Concrete DIY Data on how to be a great Dad, how Moms can be empowering and how together they can have a fabulous family. As a father, husband and marriage & family therapist I have done a lot research on how to be empowered dad. So much of the parenting information is for mothers. This podcast and is directed towards the challenging & amazing life of fatherhood. There is also lots of information for Moms, because to be the best Dads we can be, we need your help. And I will talk a lot about how together you can make your relationship and family thrive. Enjoy. -Julian

  1. 03.03.2017

    Top 5 Keys to a Well Behaved Kid

    Having a well behaved child obviously makes parenthood a lot easier. Today I want to give you the top five things that you can do and not do to have a well behaved child. Let me start by exploring what I mean by “well behaved.” A healthy child needs to rebel against us, protest our boundaries, insult our character, and even say things that make us question ourselves as a parent. This is what learning to be an individual should look like. Ideally we can hold a large enough space for them to travel through this crucial stage of development as they become a capable, self-confident, conscious and happy adult. This is the really hard part of parenting. At times, we might be able to use domination and fear to manipulate a child into doing what we want more consistently, but it rarely works for very long and it significantly prevents a child from becoming an actualized individual. We can try to raise the equivalent of well behaved dogs, but it is more important that we raise self-aware, empowered citizens. These five areas will help you on that path. #5 Connect to Redirect The quality of the relationship with your kid directly affects how well they behave. If you have a good relationship, the child will generally behave. If you have a bad relationship and there is bad attachment between you and your child, then they are likely to misbehave. It sounds simple, but most of us fail to hold this in mind and instead blame our kids as the problem. One of the simple ways in which you can take advantage of this in the moment is to connect before you redirect. You connect, you get a good relationship with your kid and then you redirect them into what you want. If your kid is doing something you do not want, sit down next to them, join them in that experience and then direct them to what you want. If on the other hand you do not have that good connection and you just come in and try to get them to do something different, they are very likely to resist. If you focus on the attachment between you and your child, then they will want to do good. Not for you, but because they feel a part of a team where they feel good. Try to notice when your child is out of attachment with you, maybe when they come home from school or some other disconnected situation, and do something simple to connect with them. Just a couple of minutes of playing around with them or hearing what is going on for them, will allow them to feel you and they'll be more inclined to behave in a well mannered way. Along these same lines, when you are talking to them, try not to use a harsh voice. Of course, this is really hard for all of us, but if you come with a harsh voice, they're going to rebel. Nobody likes being spoken to in a harsh way. Nobody likes feeling disrespected. None of us like it as adults so why would a child like it? Why would a child like being told what to do any more than we do? The unfortunate reality is anytime we try to control our kids, they are going to rebel in subtle or dramatic ways. See if you can stay in loving connection where you focus on the attachment between you, then it is fairly easy to work together as a team. We experience the same thing as adults. If we feel like our boss cares about us and we feel connected to them, then we are inclined to work harder and ‘behave’ in the minds of our employers. If we feel disconnected, then we are likely to act out in all sorts of big and little ways. #4 Don’t Just Blame the Kid The number four best thing that you can do to have a well behaved child is to figure out why they are misbehaving. Look at what is happening for them that might be causing them to act out. Are they having trouble at school? Perhaps there is something happening in the family. Perhaps there is some way in which you and your partner are stressed or not dealing with your own issues. It is quite normal for children to be brought into therapy because they are ‘misbehaving’,

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  2. 24.11.2016

    Screens & Kids – A Radical Vision of Balance

    Obviously, it is really tempting to want to give our phones and tablets to our kids because it gives them the perfect babysitter. They are completely taken care of and we can go on and have our adult conversations and do what we need to do. Parenting is so hard that we need breaks and so sometimes we have to do it, but in my cost benefit analysis, devices actually lead to more work on the parent’s part in the long term. One of the best things that my wife and I decided to do when our child was quite young was to not allow her to use to any of our devices. We saw how many parents were struggling with their kids around access to their phones or tablets, and we didn’t want a child who sat at the restaurant on our phone, separate from us and the world around her. It wasn’t an easy path, but the results have been well worth it and in the end I think a lot less work for us. A number of very famous people have chosen the same decision. Steve Jobs restricted his children's access to devices, as did Chris Anderson, the founder of Wired magazine. They read the research about how detrimental it is for children, but I’ve also heard them say they have a hard time hiring people who can think creatively. There are plenty of people who can use computers, but that engaging them at too early an age stops a child from learning how to think creatively for themselves. (Read more here.) Another such professional was the founder of Broderbund Educational Software. Even though he’d spent his life developing products to help educate kids on computers, he saw that it was better for his kids not to use those computers and, instead, they supported their kids to find other ways to inhabit themselves and self-soothe. So here are four things that you can do to support your child to have a device free life. Advice varies greatly depending upon your children’s age. Although these guidelines are designed for kids under about ten, they can easily be adapted and loosened if yours are older. Step 1: Just Say No The first one is obvious, but can seem impossible. Just say no. If you start young enough, it can be really easy. If on the other hand you are already several years in and they are used to having access to your device, it is difficult, but simply set the boundary. Tell them, "We have one more week and then we are going to stop using devices when we are together." They will protest and be upset, but once it is initiated, it will only be a few days of protest before they accept the limit and start to find a new way to be in the family. This adjustment period is full of discomfort, but I can't tell you how enjoyable the result is. Step 2: Say Yes to Connection The downside and really the upside is that we do have to be more available for our children if we are not going to pawn them off to devices. But that does not actually mean that we have to spend a lot more energy. Like I said, in my experience it actually leads to a child that needs less and struggles less with us. They don’t need a lot of attention, but they do need focussed attention. This can be so hard in our current busy world. My favorite way to do this is to simply set a timer and completely give my attention to my child during those 10 minutes. I play with her however she wants to be played with. Following her lead and not bringing in my own agenda. Since it’s for only 10 minutes, I am able to keep the to-do lists at bay and just do the silly game over and over. When you feed your child with good attention, then they learn to self-soothed and take care of themselves for longer periods of time. Yes, when they ask for attention it requires you to have to turn away from what you are doing. It is hard for me in that moment to turn away, but I am constantly reminding myself that my daughter will not be wanting my attention for very long.

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  3. 21.10.2016

    Top 5 Worst Things Parents Do

    Today I want to cut to the chase and give you the top 5 worst things that we as parents do all the time. #5: Saying “Good Job” We say “good job” to our kids all the time and research has actually shown that this is quite detrimental. What we should be doing is telling them that we see what they are doing. If they make a beautiful picture just say, "Wow, you really worked on that. You put a lot of green in there." You show them that you see them and their efforts. They feel you with them and the validation will cause them to go on in life and make more effort in their life’s endeavours. If you praise their result, if you praise when they get an A, then they will do things to try to get more A’s and that unfortunately includes not taking risks. One really interesting study showed that when kids were given a challenging test and then graded, they would subsequently avoid taking hard tests on which they might get a lower grade and would try to take easier tests. They ended up avoiding things that actually challenged them and required effort. In the same study, another group of kids were acknowledged for their efforts in the first test and subsequently were more likely to go on to take other challenging tests. When we say “good job” we're not praising their efforts, we are praising the result, which teaches them to focus on getting good results in order to get other’s praise. Their motivation in life ends up being about getting others approval rather than being driven by their interest in the world around them and their enjoyment of challenge. We subtly teach them to be like lab rats performing the rewarded task rather than empowered humans driven by their inner passion and enjoyment of life. #4: Stick Them in Boxes We all do this. It’s so hard not to. We stick our kids with labels. We label them as being a bad sleeper or a good eater or bad at math or good at reading. All these labels really cement their identities in a way that does not enable them to move on in life and experience different sides of themselves. I myself had the label as a bad writer when I was a kid and it wasn't until I finally had a teacher that said something different that I realized I love writing and I am actually at least decent at it. If you see your kid doing something, just acknowledge what they are doing in that moment without acknowledging who they are as a person. “You finished all your food.” Or "you had a hard time sleeping last night." Not, “you are a such a good eater.” Or "you really have a hard time sleeping." It has long-term effects on our kids as they come to think of themselves in these ways. They will think they are bad at math and avoid it. Or think they are great at math and cling to that as a safe area for them to focus on. Kids change so fast and we have to constantly remember that they are a new being, capable of new feats, everyday. #3: Telling Them What to Do The third worst thing that we do is that we pressure our kids over and over to do all types of things: to eat more, to do their homework, to clean their room, to brush their teeth. Unfortunately, every time we push on our children or any human being, there is a defensive reaction to back away and not do that thing. If, on the other hand, we just ask, "have you done your homework?", then they are inclined to think about it for themselves and take responsibility for the act. They do still need our help remembering the various tasks, but if we can leave it at that, we are far more likely to raise a self-motivated and personally responsible child. Quite young with my daughter, we stopped pushing her to brush her teeth and simply said, "hey, do you want to brush your teeth? Now is the time." She actually did not like it at first. She liked it when we were taking responsibility for it so she didn’t have to think about it. But that was disempowering and prevented her from learning to take care of herself.

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  4. 24.09.2016

    A Man’s Guide to Making PMS a Gift

    The days or week prior to our women having their menstrual cycles can be extremely hard on them and us. Unfortunately, if we do not know how to navigate that time, we can make it much worse. If we have a few simple tools, however, we can make it a lot better. Women's hormones shift radically during this time of the month and as a result, they have a lot of intense feelings in their bodies that lead to strong emotions. The intensity of these bodily reactions can be difficult to contain and may lead to them having strong reactions to the things around them, most notably us as their partners. The reality is that they are tolerating a lot of bad sensations and impulses in their body and it's very hard to maintain a rational, logical perspective on life. This can actually be quite beautiful because it forces them to deal with the darker aspects of life. So many of us deny these darker aspects, our insecurities, our doubts, and our fears about the world. It is valuable for us to have a time in our lives when we really address this side of being human. For many men and women it is at 3:00 in the morning, when you're lying in bed and unable to sleep, that we come face to face with these thoughts. We find ourselves overwhelmed by anxiety about some aspect of life. Usually it is because the sensations in our bodies at this point are quite uncomfortable. If we can inhabit these moments with consciousness and allow ourselves to feel these feelings, they can be quite transformative in helping us to be more empowered in our lives. Most of us spend far too much time working to avoid bad feelings, whether it be with coffee, work, our phones or some other intoxicant. If we learn to embrace them, we don’t have to spend so much time trying not to feel them and instead feel the relief that comes in inhabiting our pains. If we can support our women to embrace the experiences of having their cycle, then they too can feel more empowered in their life. If on the other hand, we are just making them wrong for feeling ‘irrational’ and telling them they should be more logical, it will make them feel worse. Here are four things that you can do to make it a lot better for both of you. Step 1: Be Prepared! Set it on your calendar. Know when it is going to happen. If you are prepared, then you are not blindsided by her suddenly having upset feelings. If you can be prepared for those kinds of reactions, you will not have such a hard time being in relationship to it. Step 2: Love Goes a Long Way Now that you have it in your calendar and you know when it is happening, do things that will be supportive of her feeling good in herself before it even hits. Give her a little note expressing your love, maybe a flower, an extra kiss. Little things that show your affection and your support. If she feels your love in this time, she is less likely to fall into a bad place and see you as a bad person who is causing her suffering. Learn what she likes. Perhaps foot massages. Perhaps little kisses on the cheek, chocolate or maybe sex. Anything that can support her to feel good in herself so the bad feelings don’t dominate. Step 3: Just Listening This step is really important throughout your life with your partner, but especially during this time. It is hard to listen to our partner’s suffering and not want to help them feel better. We want to tell them how they can fix the situation and how they are thinking about it in a distorted way. Unfortunately this makes it worse. It gives them the message that they should be different. If we can just listen and look them in the eye, then they get to share their experience in a deeply helpful way. Just listen to what is going on for her. Do not try to change her feelings. If she has the ability to vent whatever is happening for her, no matter how irrational it is, it will get out and it will move on. If on the other hand, you are countering her negativity with some kind of optimism,

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  5. 26.08.2016

    Dads, Daughters & Her 1st Menstrual Cycle

    When our little girls grow into women and start to bleed, it is an amazing moment in their lives. Unfortunately, few of us fathers know what to do in this precious moment. A lot of us back away thinking we should leave it to the women. This can lead to long term detrimental effects upon our daughters. If we know how to be the father they need, we can make it a profound transition that leads to them becoming a more empowered woman throughout their life. We are taught that the menstrual cycle is something to leave for the women to take care of. Unfortunately, if we are close to our daughters throughout their younger years and then they start to bleed and we back away leaving the mom to take care of this moment, we give our daughters a really bad message. We are unconsciously telling them that they should hide their cycle from men and that is something of which to be ashamed. We are saying we preferred them when they were little girls, not sexually blooming powerful women This has a long term effect on women, as it takes women many decades to come to the place where they feel good in themselves as a sexual being. If we know how to be with them in this moment of transition into womanhood, we can give them the message that all of who they are is good. They can more quickly get to a place of feeling fully empowered in who they are. Here are four keys that you can do to have this moment be a wonderful moment and not a bad lesson. Key #1 Don’t Assume It’s a Woman’s Thing! The most important and quite simple step is to not assume it is a woman's thing, to get in there and incorporate yourself. Learn about the experience, talk to your partner about it, get educated, and engage in the moment. Do not assume that you should remove yourself in that moment. Key #2 Know Thy Self & Deal with It! If we want to fully incorporate ourselves into our daughter's lives, then we have to notice what's going on for us internally. If we have any mixed feelings about our daughter's transitioning into becoming women and becoming sexual, then those unconscious mixed feelings can cause us to back away. Many us have shame about your own sexuality or unaddressed fears about our daughter being sexual. Our culture doesn’t help us much with being consciously empowered in our sexualities and thus our children need all our help to not go down the normal disempowered path. Transitioning into womanhood and puberty is a really intense experience for girls. If we as fathers back away in that moment rather than being close, they really lose the support that they need. If we can step forward and maintain our proximity, they will be able to transition through this period of life with much greater ease and move into a life where they feel good about themselves. Take the time to get in touch with your own inner feelings about this transition. Talk to your partner, journal, perhaps a friend, or just sitting there with a cup of coffee and thinking about it. Notice what is happening inside of you, so that your inner feelings do not end up dictating your relationship with your daughter and you can continue to have a close relationship with her. Key #3 Stay Close I keep saying this because it is extremely important. We need to stay in physical contact with our daughters. As they transition in their bodies, it's really helpful for them to stay in physical contact with us. Whether it is rough housing, wrestling or however you did it with them when they were younger. Do not stop doing that just because they have breasts that are budding, and their hips are spreading out. They still need that contact and if we suddenly withdraw this connection and affection, then they get the subtle message that I discussed previously. If we are there for them to cuddle up against and be close with, they get to experience their developing eroticism in a very healthy way. If we back away, it gets very confusing for them.

Об этом подкасте

Concrete DIY Data on how to be a great Dad, how Moms can be empowering and how together they can have a fabulous family. As a father, husband and marriage & family therapist I have done a lot research on how to be empowered dad. So much of the parenting information is for mothers. This podcast and is directed towards the challenging & amazing life of fatherhood. There is also lots of information for Moms, because to be the best Dads we can be, we need your help. And I will talk a lot about how together you can make your relationship and family thrive. Enjoy. -Julian

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