Top mealtime lessons from the last 100 episodes

Planned, Prepped, and Productive: Real Food Cooking for Busy Moms

Top 10 mealtime tips from the planned, prepped, and productive podcastMeal prep isn't just for dieting (and there's lots of different types) -Meal prep is a tool to save your sanity, and while it can also help you maintain a specific diet it's about so much more than that! You also don't have to stick to matchy matchy containers of chicken and broccoli, anything you can cook you can meal prep to save your sanity! Other episodes that talk about meal prepTypes of meal prepHow meal planning and meal prep helps you avoid food wasteThe key to mastering family mealtime is to make meal planning and meal prep a habit, slowly over time-Habits are so underrated, and while more time-consuming than big goals, they are easier to create and stick to if you have the patience and perserverance to stick it out!Other episodes that talk about habitsKeystone habitsWhy you should focus on habits instead of goalsUse paper recipes and don't let your phone in the kitchen-This is my biggest productivity tip in the kitchen. you say you're using your phone to cook, but really you're shopping that cute new swimsuit online, don't let the distraction kill your productivity and frustrate you. Paper recipes for the win!Other episodes about productivityWhy moms should minimize information overloadFinding purpose in productivityLeftovers aren't the enemy, in fact when managed properly they can save you loads of time in the kitchen-Don't dread leftovers, plan for them and plan them into your life, learn to repurpose them, and watch how much easier meal prep becomes when you are using everything instead of wasting things!Other episodes about leftoversHow to handle holiday leftoversSmall changes add up to big results-No change is too small, check out the episodes above about habits for more!Ditch all-or-nothing thinking, some is always better than none-All or nothing thinking is the enemy of success in the kitchen (and tbh in most aspects of mom life) don't be a victim to it. Make this your mantra. Some is ALWAYS better than none.Other episodes about mindset and mindfulnessHow to make dinner when you don't feel like itMaster mealtime mindsetYou choose what and when, your kids choose if and how much-This comes from Ellyn Satter and this advice is gold. If you can stop defining your success by whether or not your kids (or ahem your spouse) likes what you cook, you will already feel so much more effective in the kitchen. Other episodes about feeding kidsKids in the kitchenCreating healthier f








