Toxic Silence

Janella Purcell
Toxic Silence

Janella Purcell is a pioneer of the Natural Health industry. Her role as a respected and awarded Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist with over 25 years clinical experience, and a whole-food Chef with 5 best selling books, has shaped the way Australians view the connection between food, our health and our environment. In this Podcast she'll be speaking to different experts in the field of body-mind healing to explore the many different reasons our health may be affected when we remain silent. Why is it we mostly choose 'Belonging' over 'Self-Expression'?

  1. Master Plants as Teachers

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    Master Plants as Teachers

    Rudolph Steiner is quoted as saying -  "For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.” Plants have been human’s companion since the beginning of time - providing us with everything we need to survive and thrive.  Yet in today’s modern world of instant gratification, processed food devoid of a life force, screens everywhere, all the time, all at once, and a focus on wealth, youth and beauty - many of us are feeling a deep disconnect, not just from others, but often without realising it - from nature and from ourselves.  In this time of mass confusion and disillusionment, we need great teachers who can help reconnect us to our spiritual nature and reignite inside each of us the love and compassion we once had for all of our brothers and sisters of the Earth, whether they have 2 legs, 4 or 100, feathers or scales, fins or wings. This in fact, is the first Natural Law. So it’s little wonder then that in the search for meaning, and answers to the big questions in life, that some of the most respected and revered plants have crept into the western zeitgeist as a means to reconnect us with our spirituality. There are even certain plants that are considered “power plants” - plants with super powers for healing, as well as opening spiritual portals. You’ll  often hear these power plants called “master teachers” or “teacher plants”, and are considered to be spiritual healers, as well as doctors of the flesh. But at what cost to the plants?  So, when did we start to get high? And why?  Archaeological evidence indicates that the use of medicinal plants dates back to the Paleolithic age, approximately 60,000 years ago.  Today we’re going to be talking about the 4 most popular Plant medicines in the 21st century - Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro and Psilocybin.  My Guest Kerry Henwood is my guest today. Kerry has studied extensively with numerous Shamans and Yogis around the world. She is an internationally recognized intuitive healer, Author, inspirational speaker and teacher. Kerry uses ancient indigenous techniques to foster healing of modern minds and spirits. In her Shamanic work, she draws particularly on the spiritual healing traditions of Peru, which resonate strongly with her soul and have proven highly effective with her clients.

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  2. ٢ صفر

    Detoxing Your Patterns For Authenticity

    The ancient Mayan and Incan civilisations were the first to record various theories of consciousness. Since then many different definitions have sprouted up in various spiritual, psychological, medical, and moral texts in both Eastern and Western cultures. The ancient Mayans were among the first to suggest an organised sense of each level of consciousness, it’s purpose and relationship to humanity. Then about 150 years ago, Sigmund Freud, speaking to consciousness and what in the dickens it might be - suggested that psychological processes are flows of psychological energy in a complex brain. Complex is right! So then this would mean that our behaviour, our habits and actions are all essentially influenced and controlled by psychological energy, that is, our beliefs and patterns. On top of that, specific patterns, real or imagined, will be reinforced by emotional experiences, conditioning, and even psychedelic drugs. Throughout human evolution the ability to process patterns became increasingly sophisticated as the parts of our brains involved in the processing of images - the cerebral cortex, particularly the prefrontal cortex - started to expand. Recognising our patterns allows us to predict and expect what is coming. The process of pattern recognition involves matching the information received, with the information already stored in the brain. I first embarked formally on this road to self-discovery a few decades ago in my early 20’s, to start the long process to unpack my stuff. (No, we didn’t have EMDR back then.) Kinesiology was the modality where the yellow brick road took me first. When I first met Kim O'Brien for kinesiology - to start looking at some of my negative patterning, the things that were getting me unstuck, well, really ruining and ruling my life, Kim was using the Enneagram and other systems to unpack this stuff, and today we're going to hear where she has gone in this field of Patterning since then. Kim O’Brien started as a kinesiologist, then studied Applied Physiology which are both disciplines that look for, and aim to correct patterns in the body. Over several years of intense work in this area it became obvious to her that patterns manifest everywhere and the most challenging ones - which can prevent healing at all levels - are the ones buried in the subconscious.  Welcome to the podcast Kim. Its a pleasure to have yo here as my guest. I'd like to start by asking - are you still using the Enneagram as a tool, and are there any new methods or systems that you're now using in clinic, and in your own life. Books Kim referred to in the interview: The Beat of Life by Dr Reinhard Friedl Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master Kim can be reached here - Click here for the 'Toxic Silence' Playlist.

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  3. Communication with Vedic Astrology

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    Communication with Vedic Astrology

    Hippocrates once said - A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician. And many centuries later - super psychologist Carl Jung made this comment - We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Jyotish is the traditional Hindu system of astrology, originating in ancient India - it’s found to date back to around 10,000 BC. Based on The Vedas - the oldest sacred text of Hinduism -  it sees the stars and planets as having a powerful influence on our lives, and these planetary influences are considered the ‘fruit of karma’, or past actions. In many mythological stories, Mercury is often referred to as The Messenger Of Gods, as it is the planet of expression and communication. So what happens when it’s not in such a benefic (or beneficial) position? Well, you guessed it - there’ll likely be difficulties with self expression, speech, and communication in general. Apart from communication, Mercury also governs the way we speak, and our intellect, so a ‘weak’ Mercury can lead to difficulties in expressing oneself effectively.   My Guest Geoff Rupp has spent the last 10 years studying with Masters in India, gaining insight in Ancient practices from the East, with the desire to integrate these teachings into our lives back here in the West.  After 30+ years in the corporate sector in television, Geoff gazed within, seeing that there was more to life (and beyond that), so enrolled himself in the study of the cosmos by undertaking serious studies in Vedic astrology, Vedic Meditation, Sattva Yoga, Himalayan Breath-work, Kriya yoga, and other modalities all designed to enliven our potential, to be the best version of us we can be.  Book Vedic Astrology Reading

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  4. Ancient Practices For The New Earth

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    Ancient Practices For The New Earth

    The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to unite; ’to join' or 'to yoke’. So yoga means union, but we don’t see a lot of uniting going on with trikanasana these days do we?   Have we lost the point of yoga, or have we never found unity to be the point?  As per Yogic scriptures, the authentic practice of Yoga leads to the union of Individual consciousness - The Self, with that of Universal Consciousness - also referred to as God.  The desired outcome is to achieve perfect harmony  between the mind and body, humans and nature, heaven and earth. In other words - it all becomes whole again. And Wholeness is in fact the true meaning of healing - to ‘return to wholeness’.  So, back to the word ‘yoke’ and unity. In Hinduism yoga leads to oneness with all that is, non-duality, Self-realisation. Yet, how many of us are really, truly surrendering to the union of Mind, Body and Soul, irrespective of our spiritual or religious leanings.  From what we see at an average yoga class, and there are many, I think perhaps the Soul has been mostly left out of the trilogy. For those cultures and religions devoted to and practicing the true art of yoga, it must be very frustrating to see what’s been going on here in the west with this ancient and sacred practice over the past 50 or so years. “Om shanti shanti shanti” are often chanted during yoga classes as a call to peace. In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, the word “shanti” repeated three times represents peace in body, speech and mind. Here today to help us to find peace in body, speech and mind, by using ancient practices appropriate for most of us today is Brad Hays.  Brad has been a dedicated student and practitioner of Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra for more than three decades. He has devoted over 4000 hours to formal training in acclaimed institutions and with highly recognised teachers in the US and Australia. His website says his mission and passion lies in imparting the most relevant, powerful, and practical life skills from the ancient Vedic Sciences of Ayurveda, and Tantra Yoga. His niche is making these powerful, ancient, esoteric teachings highly accessible to modern life and real situations.  Brad says these 5000-year-old Vedic Sciences continue to change his life for the better – and intends for us to experience the same.

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  5. ١٠ محرم

    Plants And Planets For Communication

    ‘Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice. It's not a thing to be waited for, it's a thing to be achieved’. I had this quote by William Jennings Bryan stuck on my fridge for decades, as I've often thought about the difference between fate and destiny. Maybe we can control our destinies, but not necessarily our fate. And the difference is what? Some would say that destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left along the path, but fate on the other hand is a one way. So is my fate predetermined then, but the stops along the way are up to me? These are some of the questions that many thinkers throughout history have also asked themselves. Medical astrology was used by our elders to help decode this existential angst.  Astronomy and astrology were combined with medicine for thousands of years, beginning in Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago, the oldest recorded civilization in the world, now modern Iraq, and continuing well into the 18th century. In fact, ancient physicians were required to pass astrological exams within their medical training as physicians.  Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, based his medical theories on the relationship between the heavenly bodies and human bodies, stating, as a physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician. Likewise, Galen, the Greek physician, writer and philosopher agreed, further developing Hippocrates’ work.  Medical astrology however, came later, reaching its epitome in Europe about 500 years ago. Part art, part science, and not without controversy, the use of astrology in medicine was by no way fringe. It was prominent in the training of physicians and lay practitioners alike by the end of the Middle Ages.  This fascinating and ancient science illustrates centuries of connections between astrology, human personality, and health. Medical practitioners used astronomy and astrology as a key part of diagnosis and prescription. It's an ancient branch of astrology based mostly on the idea that various parts of the body, diseases and medicine, have an association with the nature of heavenly bodies, such as the sun, moon, planets, and the 12 astrological signs. It associates each sign of the zodiac with parts of the body, from head - Aries, to toes - Pisces, and everything in between. These associations and the impact of the heavens on the earth of us humans were believed equally by both the educated elite, and average working class folk for millennia. Centuries later, we're once again starting to study plants and their own individual embodiment of the planetary forces which are uniquely expressed in them. Once this plant to planet relationship was reintroduced to us, it enabled us herbalists and astrologers to not only better understand the plant, but helped us to understand how to strengthen its medicine and therefore healing capabilities on a profound level.   To get a better understanding of all of this and how to relate it to Toxic Silence, I'm so pleased to introduce Naturopath, Herbalist and Medical Astrologer, Elizabeth Cowley. Elizabeth has been working with plants and planets for over 20 years so she knows this stuff on a deep level, and I'm thrilled to be allowed to pick her Mercurial brain. Yep she's got a Gemini sun.  Elizabeth Cowley Elizabeth is a highly experienced Naturopath and Medical Herbalist with over 20 years clinical experience. She combines herbs, flower essences, nutrients and her keen intuition to help re-balance her clients.  Elizabeth can be reached here - 0409 336 922 @naturolizzy Click here for the Toxic Silence playlist.

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  6. Good Vibes: Transformation Through Sound Healing

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    Good Vibes: Transformation Through Sound Healing

    For many thousands of years ancient sages and enlightened communities have understood the significance of sound as a sacred instrument of immense power and potential, not only for healing but also for spiritual development. All tribes throughout history have been working in harmony with sound, and weaving it into their rituals, ceremonies, rites of passage, meditations, celebrations and healing philosophies as far back as the dawn of humanity.  Ancient civilisations revered sound so deeply that they believed it called the universe into creation. Indeed Om is known as the original vibration of the universe. This sacred sound is composed of three fundamental syllables – A U M, which represents the various states of awareness. Of all the forms of energy, sound is perhaps one of the more powerful manifestations. Sound energy is intricately connected with the human experience and the naturally spiritual side of humankind. Sound influences not just the mind, but also the emotions, and is known to alter the life force of a person, with its healing capabilities. Shamans, priests, priestesses, and medicine men and women have always worked with sound in sacred ways since ancient times and have created many sound instruments to assist them. These are things like crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and many more. The ancient Egyptians had a deep understanding of sound's healing properties. They believed that specific tones and rhythms could affect the body's energy centres and promote healing. Instruments like the sistrum, harp, and voice were used in rituals and ceremonies to invoke healing energies. It is only in the last few decades that ancient sound wisdom of the past has been rediscovered. With a deep understanding of the potency of vibration and sound - my guest today is one those people bringing sound healing back into mainstream consciousness, and making it safe and accessible in everyday life.  Seriya Cutbush is an Australian yogini, who grew up between the Byron shire and the Ashrams of India. his human is very impressive, and is strongly pulled to sharing her knowledge and being of service.  Seriya was the Experiences Coordinator at The Crystal Castle, in the Byron Hinterland for 6 years. That led her in 2016 to co-found Sound Healing Australia with her partner in life, Matty Rainbow. Together, they have offered transformative Sound of Being™ experiences to tens of thousands of participants worldwide. Based on Vedic and Shamanic teachings, it weaves sound therapy, breath-work, energy medicine, and meditation. To learn more about what Seriya offers as the founder of Akshaya Healing visit  To read more about what Seriya offers as Co-Founder of Sound Healing Australia visit

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  7. Making New Memories: Update Your Story

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    Making New Memories: Update Your Story

    A single moment can last forever in our memory, yet research has shown us that perhaps our memories are less than accurate.   Which begs the question - if the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day, and 75% of these thoughts are negative, and 95% are repetitive - what would happen if we consciously changed or ‘reprogrammed’ our traumatic memories? It’s a traditional Lakota belief (these are the Sioux people of North American Indian tribes of the Midwest) that our healing reaches both forward and backward for seven generations. If you’re one of the billions of human that feel no matter the efforts you have gone through to shake off your trauma, it still feels like a traumatised child is living inside of you - then you’e going to love this interview with Prof. Felicity Grace.  Enter Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP), created in 1961 by Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso - it’s one of the most advanced therapeutic system available to us for emotional re-education or reprogramming.  It’s been repeatedly said - If you want to really learn how to work on family of origin issues, and how to use body information in your therapy, go straight to PBSP. My Guest Dr Felicity Grace works as a Mental Health Social Worker in private practice, as well as facilitating the Australian training in PBSP Psychomotor. Leading her to this work as a popular therapist and teacher were undergraduate studies in law, economics and government, a PhD in politics and financial security for women, as well as a Bachelor of Social Work, and studies in Feminist Theory, Gender Studies and Queer Theory. Dr Felicity has trained in many different forms of therapy and counselling including Holistic, Art, Mind-Body psychotherapies, couples, Family Constellations, and Interpersonal Therapy. At the time of recording, Felicity is about to become Australia’a first fully qualified practitioner of Pesso-Boyden System of Psychomotor (PBSP)

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  8. Rites Of Passage For Breaking Spells

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    Rites Of Passage For Breaking Spells

    There was a time, and not so long ago, that matriarchal -or Mother-centred societies were the norm, and within this system there was Goddess worship - known as The Triple Goddess. During these times, especially in modern Pagan traditions, the Triple Goddess was said to represent the cycle of a woman’s life. Honouring the Maiden, Mother and Crone, and is often associated with Artemis - the Maiden, Selene - the Mother, and Hecate - the Crone. The Triple Goddess can also be represented by a full moon, waxing crescent moon and a waning crescent moon because the rhythm of the moon and the female body both typically work on a 28-day cycle.  The Maiden— represented by the waxing moon, is the symbol of girlhood, freedom of expression, purity and untamed wildness. It is the Springtime of our lives.  The Mother— around 25yo- is represented by the full moon and being the symbol of love, fertility, growth and caregiving. Mother, the Summer. The Crone—around 75yo, represented by the waning moon, the winter of our lives. She is the wise, more mature woman that embodies all of the women she has been before this phase.  So what happened to the period between 45 and 75 yo? Recently the gap was noticed by wise women Cedar Barstow and Jane Hardwicke Collings. They saw that Autumn was missing! The Autumn Queen ws missing. So why should we care about these phases in our lives anyway, and the Rites of passage that in yesteryear punctuated them. And what have been the obvious consequences of living without this reverence towards tradition in the modern patriarchal society we have lived in over the past few thousand years? Kamya is a women’s rites of passage guide and mentor. She tends the thresholds of life's transitions by creating handmade transformative rites of passages for girls, women, mothers, and elders that acknowledge and celebrate the significant cycles and stages of our lives.

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Janella Purcell is a pioneer of the Natural Health industry. Her role as a respected and awarded Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist with over 25 years clinical experience, and a whole-food Chef with 5 best selling books, has shaped the way Australians view the connection between food, our health and our environment. In this Podcast she'll be speaking to different experts in the field of body-mind healing to explore the many different reasons our health may be affected when we remain silent. Why is it we mostly choose 'Belonging' over 'Self-Expression'?

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