40 min

Tracy Maylett and Tim Vandehey on Why We Don't Finish What We Start I'd Rather Be Reading

    • Books

Resiliency has become a problem in our society. If something gets too hard, we abandon it -- after all, there are many, MANY other options we can choose from that maybe won't be so difficult. The "swiping" culture -- think shopping online and dating apps -- has become habitual online but offline, too, meaning we continually disengage and never finish what we start. This has a human cost, and we're talking about it today.

Swipe: The Science Behind Why We Don’t Finish What We Start by Tracy Maylett and Tim Vandehey

Resiliency has become a problem in our society. If something gets too hard, we abandon it -- after all, there are many, MANY other options we can choose from that maybe won't be so difficult. The "swiping" culture -- think shopping online and dating apps -- has become habitual online but offline, too, meaning we continually disengage and never finish what we start. This has a human cost, and we're talking about it today.

Swipe: The Science Behind Why We Don’t Finish What We Start by Tracy Maylett and Tim Vandehey

40 min