Trailer - Everything a birth partner needs to know about pregnancy, labour and birth

The Ultimate Birth Partner Podcast

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The ultimate guide to being a birth partner is the podcast for anyone who is supporting a woman through pregnancy, labour, birth and the early postnatal period. Throughout the episodes, regardless of whether you are supporting a woman who is expecting her first or subsequent baby, you will learn everything you need to know to help her to achieve a positive birth experience. 

Whether you are a dad-to-be, mum-to-be, sister, friend, doula or midwife, I will share with you my tried and tested tips that ensure that you are well prepared for your role and will understand her physiological needs. These include:- hormones, stages of labour, birth plans, deciding where to have a baby, how to access a personalised care plan, how to make decisions, breastfeeding, and much more.  

Subscribe now to make sure that you don't miss out on a single episode. 

If you love the podcast and would like to support it, then please use the link to 'buy me a coffee' -

If you would like to buy a copy of either of the books that accompany this podcast please go to your online bookseller or visit Amazon:-

Labour of Love - The Ultimate Guide to Being a Birth Partner - click here:-

The Art of Giving Birth - Five Key Physiological Principles -

Pregnancy Journal for 'The Art of Giving Birth'
- Black and White version

Pregnancy Journal for 'The Art of Giving Birth'
- Colour version

You can find all my classes and courses on my website -

Follow me on Instagram @theultimatebirthpartner

Book a 1-2-1 session with Sallyann -

Please remember that the information shared with you in this episode is solely based on my own personal experiences as a doula and the private opinions of my guests, based on their own experiences. Any recommendations made may not be suitable for ...

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