Are you a busy woman struggling with a diagnosed or undiagnosed invisible illness?

Struggling with knowing where to even begin or have no idea what your next steps  are that will actually start helping you feel better?

Have you been told there’s nothing wrong with you, but you know deep down that’s not true?

Maybe you’ve received a diagnosis and thought that’s the end, this is just how life is for you now….

Friend, I’m here to tell you that there is hope!  I navigated all of that in my own health journey, finally followed that prompting of the Holy Spirit and started asking more questions.

I knew deep down something must be wrong as my symptoms were not only getting worse but more kept getting added to the list.

Conventional medicine failed me BIG, and I finally realized it was time to take a different route as the Lord began leading me to natural health practitioners who truly listened, understood, were encouraging, and never gave up!

Can you relate?  

It’s time to break free my friend, become empowered and more aware so that you can make the best choices that will move you from just surviving each day in your busy life to actually thriving!  Come learn from someone who’s been where you are and wants to help you come on the other side of it all so you can serve well because you feel well.  

You’re going to learn what it means to live a healthier life that honors the Lord as you become more aware and cautious about what you are exposing yourself to.  Remember that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and we have a great responsibility to take care of it to the best of our ability.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

My hope and prayer for you is that as you begin feeling better, everything you are implementing overflows into your family and community.  We’ve got lives to change for the Kingdom! 

Grab your favorite drink, healthy snack and maybe even a notebook.



Social: @madetobethriving 

Facebook Community:  Faith, Gut Health & Non-Toxic Living

Freebies: Immune Support Recipes








