32 min

Transforming Conflict w Kathleen Oweegon Tactical Magic Podcast

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Kathleen Oweegon is the founder of Bridges of Peace, providing facilitation, training, communication coaching and mediation services throughout the U.S. and around the world. She is the host of the weekly podcast, “Co-creating Peace”, which focuses on conscious communication and conflict transformation.

The focus of Kathleen’s work is to help communities, organizations, and individuals become empowered to fulfill their greatest potential through dialogue, negotiation, and collaboration. This often involves bringing seemingly discordant voices together in collaborations that result in mutual understanding, increased wisdom and growth.

Learn more: https://bridgesofpeace.com/

Kathleen Oweegon is the founder of Bridges of Peace, providing facilitation, training, communication coaching and mediation services throughout the U.S. and around the world. She is the host of the weekly podcast, “Co-creating Peace”, which focuses on conscious communication and conflict transformation.

The focus of Kathleen’s work is to help communities, organizations, and individuals become empowered to fulfill their greatest potential through dialogue, negotiation, and collaboration. This often involves bringing seemingly discordant voices together in collaborations that result in mutual understanding, increased wisdom and growth.

Learn more: https://bridgesofpeace.com/

32 min