Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone
Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone

Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

  1. 15 ЯНВ.

    Episode 350 - Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists)

    Episode 350 - Tyler Valencia - President of KIPS (Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists)  “My secret sauce is that I have a YouTube mentality…I am willing to learn the things…to  increase my digital footprint…”  “I enjoy the process of content creation…the entrepreneurial side of business, the hustle, the late  nights…” -Tyler Valencia  It’s time for the 2025 debut of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast! Heading into its  ninth year, Brian and Christine are pumped to welcome the president of KIPS, the Kinesiology  Institute for Performance Specialists, Tyler Valencia. Joining the show from his home in  Chandler, Arizona, Tyler is here to shed some light on the power of creating meaningful  collaborations in the fitness industry when it comes to brand awareness and exposure in the  online arena. Then, listen closely as Tyler shares his “special sauce” when it comes to building,  growing, maintaining, and profiting in an industry where many new businesses fail to last more  than a few years. You may even want to take notes as you listen to this raw and revealing peek into the inner works of some of the biggest fitness companies in the world. We cannot wait to  hear what you think!  Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian   Tyler and KIPS sites and links: Instagram: TylerValencia_ or @kips_online  Facebook: Kinesiology Institute for Performance Specialists or Tyler Valencia  YouTube: Tyler Valencia Fitness  Website:

  2. 21.11.2024

    Episode 349 - Greg Justice - Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary

    Episode 349 - Greg Justice: Author, Speaker, Fitness Entrepreneur, Publisher, and Visionary “I sell them life…lifestyle is not a destination…I’m in the business of making dreams come true.” “I was inspired by a book I bought for .25 at a church…I had $40. and a new pair of running shoes…I started walking door to door to get my first best client.” It’s time for the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite hosts, Brian Prendergast and Christine Conti! Today, we are joined by one of the OGs of fitness himself, Greg Justice! Listen up as Greg shares his amazing story of how he helped to “create a new industry” along with guidance from the Godfather of Fitness, Jack LaLanne, and other fitness icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Tony Horton (P90X), David Parisi, and more! Greg also sheds some light on how he came to open his first gym, write 30+ books, form Scripts Publishing Company, co-host Elaine LaLanne’s podcast, create a company with Tony Horton, and most recently, compete on American Ninja Warrior. If you are looking for some amazing advice on how to live a long, happy, healthy, and successful life, this episode is for you! And did you know that “life begins at 60?” Stay Fit! Stay Crazie!!! Christine and Brian Greg Justice Links and Contact Information: Instagram: @gregjustice1 LinkedIn: Greg Justice Facebook: Greg Justice Website: You Tube: “Pass It On” Podcast #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #AmericanNinjaWarrior #NinjaWarrior #fitness #exercise #fitnessinstructor #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #TonyHorton #LouFerrigno #P90X #JackLaLanne #IHRSA #KCchiefs #AYCHealth #ChetHolmes #Vitality #longevity #MarkWhalberg #ScriptsPublishing #ToddDurkin #IMPACT #Juicer #DanielGil #vitality #ACSM #FITFIXNOW #entrepreneur #publishing #writer #author #train #coach #NASM #ACE #ISSA #wellness

  3. 07.11.2024

    Episode 348 - Dane Pallerino - Founder of Dad Bod Sculptors

    Episode 348 - Dane Pallerino - Founder of Dad Bod Sculptors “I am a former world-class dad bod owner!” “I used to build businesses…but compromised my health…went on my own journey…I tried to find the things that were most optimal in health and nutrition…” -Dane Pallerino Welcome to the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast with your favorite “fit crazies,” Brian and Christine! On today’s show, we welcome a “former world-class dad bod owner” by the name of Dane Pallerino! Dane, in addition to once owning a “dad bod,” was a successful headhunter who built and scaled businesses. However, while his professional successes were abundant, he found that he was severely compromising his health! Can you relate? Listen up as Dane unpacks a powerful personal and professional transformational journey that led him to create Dad Bod Sculptors! Born after accumulating decades of bodybuilding knowledge, Dane sheds some light on the importance of collaborating with a coach to better understand how proper weight training and nutrition based on your life stage and body type can make ALL the difference! If this resonates with you and you are ready to lose the “dad bod” and live a healthier life, be sure to check out! Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian Dane and Dad Bod Sculptors Links and Sites: @dadbodscuptors #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #Impact #dadbod #dadbodsculptors #dad #clients #bodybuilders #bodytype #nutrition #exercise #lifting #liftweights #strength #men #menshealth #dad #business #health #bodyfat #mentalhealth #coach #online #programs #change #accountability #WhoopWearable #battlebars #HDMuscle #MacrolifeNaturals #Rubberbanditz #MelinHats #FitFixNow #podcasting #bro #father #husband

  4. 23.10.2024

    Episode 347 - Angelo Gingerelli - Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coordinator - Seton Hall University Athletics

    Episode 347 - Angelo Gingerelli - Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coordinator - Seton Hall University Athletics “Most students and athletes need to have realistic expectations…take care of the conditioning.” “If you have kids that think they want to play in college…this book is for you!” -Angelo Gingerelli Seton Hall University Strength and Conditioning Coach On today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Christine and Brian welcome back to the studio, Angelo Gingerelli! Since his debut on the show in 2021 to discuss his first book, FINISH STRONG, Angelo has been busy changing the lives of countless Division I athletes at Seton Hall University. As the current head strength and conditioning coach for SHU, Angelo’s ken of exercise science and sports conditioning is unparalleled. Because of this, we are excited to announce that Angelo is back to shed some light on his most recent book, THE NEXT FOUR YEARS! Listen up as Angelo unpacks what he has learned after decades of working with student athletes, starting even before they begin their college recruiting process. From signing letters of intent and NIL, to preparing for what it REALLY takes to be a successful collegiate athlete, Angelo’s answers may surprise you! If you are a parent of a prospective collegiate athlete, an aspiring collegiate athlete, an athletic coach, or a strength and conditioning coach, you may want to take notes! To learn more, order THE NEXT FOUR YEARS on Amazon today! Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian Angelo Gingerelli Links and Sites: Seton Hall Athletics: Email: Insta: @mr5thround Amazon: #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #FITFIXNOW #exercise #fitnessenthusiast #athletictrainer #collegiateathlete #NJ #AFAA #ACE #NASM #ACSM #AAAI #ISSA #strengthandconditioning #coach #SetonHallUniversity #SHU #Division1 #CollegeAthlete #Conditioning #Strength #Expectations #mindset #parents #sports

  5. 13.10.2024

    Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth

    Episode 346 - Fit Fix Now - New CEO Christine Conti and Founder Jane Curth “FITFIXNOW is one of the leading online continuing education platforms for busy fitness professionals to gain the knowledge and credits needed to keep ALL major certifications current! Convenient! Affordable! Accredited!” Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is a special one! Get excited because the Fit Crazies welcome back an amazing and successful female entrepreneur by the name of Jane Curth! As the founder of FITFIXNOW, one of the leading platforms for fitness professionals to gain continuing education in a convenient and affordable way, Jane is here to announce some BIG NEWS! If you have yet to hear, your very own “fit crazie,” Christine Conti has stepped into her new role as the CEO of FITFIXNOW! Listen up to hear how Jane turned a personal frustration into a successful online business! Then, find out the story behind the “passing of the torch” which would allow Christine to lead FITFIXNOW boldly into the future! Whether you are a fitness professional, budding entrepreneur, or are looking for a little inspiration to turn your ideas into reality, this episode is for you! And if you are looking to uplevel your personal training, fitness business, or studio, get your next CEC’s at! Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian Fit Fix Now Links and Sites: @FITFIXNOW #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #FITFIXNOW #exercise #fitnessenthusiast #NCAA #AFAA #ACE #NASM #ACSM #AAAI #ISSA #onlinetraining #fitpro #fitspo #fitnesscontinuingeducation #continuingeducation #personaltrainereducation #activeaging #mentalhealth #mindset #exercise #groupexercise #fitnessinstructor #fitnessbusiness #OTF #F45 #Equinox #NYSC #CRUNCHFitness #SoulCycle #BarrysBootcamp #pilates #yoga #strength #LesMills #CorePower #SymmetryAlignsmart #Rollga #Gliders #TRX #Kickboxing #Step #Running #Mindset #Coach360News #MuscleMixes #AtlantaTechVillage #FitnessCertification #Coach #Athlete #Cycle #AquaFitness

  6. 16.09.2024

    Episode 345 - Kathleen Ferguson - Founder and CEO - Coach360

    Episode 345 - Kathleen Ferguson - Founder and CEO - Coach360 “There are many people who become fitness professionals and get to a point where they think, what the heck do I do with this…how do I survive? How do I make a business out of this.” “Coach360 is an ecosystem that serves…it creates community, it’s a place for content, and the Career Marketplace attacks the problem of recruiting and hiring…” -Kathleen Ferguson In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine welcome a visionary in the health and fitness world by the name of Kathleen Ferguson. Recently stepping into the role as founder and CEO of Coach360, Kathleen is no stranger to the business of fitness. She has been working hard to help people through her “massive passion project that became a career.” Alongside the most influential trailblazers in fitness, Kathleen has spent decades gathering powerful experiences and lessons that fueled her journey “to be in an industry to help others…and to do something that transforms lives.” This powerhouse entrepreneur is ready to light a fire under everyone she meets, and that is apparent in her most recent project, IGNITE by Coach360. In this video series, participants can learn from top coaches, mentors, C-suite executives, and experts that will discuss career guidance, expansion, and educational opportunities in health, fitness, and wellness. And those looking to interact with leaders, establish brand authority, and engage with influential figures to boost career development and recognition, this is for you! The best time to start is yesterday, but the next best time to start is now! IGNITE by Coach360 ( Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian www.TwoFitCrazies,com Kathleen Ferguson Info and Sites: #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitpro #Impact #IGNITE #fitnesspro #groupfitness #IDEAfit #TRX #SanDiego #Canva #GenZ #NASM #CareerMarketplace #USC #ToddDurkin #Nutrition #LifeCoaching #AFAA #ACE #ISSA #rtwtribe #womenboss #CEO #trailblazer #visionary #health #marketing #business #boutiquefitness #gyms #trainers #continuingeducation #recruiting #hiring #certifications #community

  7. 16.09.2024

    Episode 344 - Steve Weintraub DO, Board-Certified Physician Specializing in Sports Medicine

    Episode 344 - Steve Weintraub DO, Board-Certified Physician Specializing in Sports Medicine “Always keep moving if you aspire for a good quality of life…start slow…keep a positive attitude…” “I went into medicine because I love people…I love helping people…we are all living longer. What is your quality of life?” In today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast, Brian and Christine welcome Dr. Steve Weintraub, a board-certified physician specializing in sports medicine! With over three decades of experience working with everyone from the amateur and professional athlete to those with chronic conditions, Dr. Steve is here to share some valuable information about how to live a quality life well into your golden years. Listen closely as Dr. Steve discusses why he is so passionate about educating the aging athlete. Get ready to take notes as he dives into the science behind combining movement with a positive attitude to improve your health span. Currently practicing with Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Jersey as well as serving as the team physician and sports medicine physician for a plethora of high schools across the state, Dr. Steve has no plans to slow down anytime soon! In fact, if you don’t see him working with patients, you might want to look for him on his Peloton or playing or coaching Pickleball! Dr. Steve walks the walk, and his insight might just inspire you to get moving! Stay Fit ! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian Dr. Weintraub: Website: Steve L Weintraub DO - New Jersey Health System ( #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #athletictrainer #yankees #baseball #HospitalforSpecialSurgery #sportsmedicine #BinghamtonUniversity #SJV #AlPacino #pickleball #tennis #Peloton #exercisephysiologist #fitnessinstructor #arthritis #keepmoving #obesity #RWJ #ColtsNeck #Freehold #NJ #TrentonThunder #Osteopathic #Rehabilitation #injuryprevention # health #movement #exerciseismedicine

  8. 03.09.2024

    Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL - Episode 343

    Episode 343 - Emma Barry - Founder and Chief of Trouble at TROUBLE GLOBAL “Trouble is the little piece of you that needs to rise up…disrupting the status quo…challenging your belief system…” “I was born to be global…I believe that intense joy, passion, love, success and freedom is yours for the taking. You just have to find and ignite your inner trouble.” Today’s episode of the Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone Podcast is pure trouble! That’s right! Whenever Emma Barry is around, she is bound to cause a ruckus! This Kiwi girl, born in London, now living in LA, is ready to share some amazing insights about her life! From breaking into the fitness industry with powerhouse companies like Les Mills and Equinox, to how she came to be known by many in the industry as “the Oprah of Health & Fitness,” this episode is a must hear! Listen up as Emma shares her views on the future of fitness as it relates to the increasing reliance on tech and AI. Then, it’s time to discover why Emma has become such a coveted business consultant and speaker for companies around-the-globe. Driven by “a relentless quest for the world’s best,” Emma’s “explosive boldness, infectious energy, and pure inspiration,” will provide you with just what you need to get you off your ass and change everything for the better! Find out how to get into more trouble with Emma at the expletives in this episode are included with no added cost! Let’s start some trouble! Christine and Brian Emma Barry Links and Sites: Instagram: @emmabarryistrouble or @emmabarry_gfa LinkedIn: Emma Barry Facebook: Emma Barry Website: #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #exercisephysiologist #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #LesMills #Kiwi #NewZealand #Aussie #London #BodyPump #BodyStep #Bodycombat #canfitpro #trouble #equinox #consulting #canfitpro #boutiquegyms #corporatewellness #tech #wearables #AI #fitnessconventions #Oprah #disrupter #slippers #petticoat #Bold

из 5
Оценок: 45

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Christine Conti and Brian Prendergast, aka Two Fit Crazies and a Microphone, discuss Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Running, Longevity, Vitality and Healthy People Doing Healthy Things. Guest Stars on the Regular!

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