Every Tuesday and Friday, tech journalist Kara Swisher and NYU Professor Scott Galloway offer sharp, unfiltered insights into the biggest stories in tech, business, and politics. They make bold predictions, pick winners and losers, and bicker and banter like no one else. After all, with great power comes great scrutiny. From New York Magazine and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
Ведущие и гости
-2 дн.
Love the Podcast and insights. The truth is if “stuff hits the fan” for the rest of us these two will be sipping martinis making money off Trump with their wealthy friends. Dark glasses and a cool media presence and/or working at a disconnected “university”won’t hide your profiteering. I believe the term is “two-faced” and I’m open to correction.
Trump does not “look good”
8 мар.
Love your podcast. Scott please stop saying that Trump “looks good”. He does not, and It takes away from your intelligent arguments against his actions.
Kara voice
-4 дн.
Kara, I know you have young children, and that brings many upper respiratory episodes, however- your vocal fry is very hard to listen too- any way to soften with a different mic, etc? Thank you
Who cares
-4 дн.
I get you guys don’t care but the shift from thoughtful topic to hairy butthole just isn’t funny. Kara often says she isn’t offended by some comedy as like long as it’s funny- Scott isn’t as funny as he thinks he is.
Pivot from reality
-4 дн.
What a couple of pompous and self righteous hosts. They rail on the rich while boasting of their own wealth. Their opinions literally PIVOT based on their political bias. Unfollow these two immediately.
Liberal nonsense
-4 дн.
This is such a garbage podcast I can’t believe anyone listens to this. Just like Jessica Tarlov, it’s a bunch of fluff without real sense and complete backwards thinking from such people who don’t donate a penny but want to take all your money and spend it for their social causes. F-
-5 дн.
I heard Scott on Amanpour and Co., appreciated his perspective and thought I’d check out his podcasts. 12 minutes into the SXSW live show and my I’m happy to go back to not knowing who he is. Crude, arrogant, gross. And just repeating himself anyway. And Kara Swisher seems like a parody of herself at this point. Both tiresome.
Just can’t do Scott Galloway anymore
-6 дн.
I’ve been a loyal listener to Pivot for well over a year but recently, I just can’t sit through an episode. I still find Kara’s observations very down to earth and insightful, even though she likes to wear her access on her sleeve. But once you get past corporate governance and maybe some marketing analysis, Scott Galloway is completely useless. His recommendations for business and world leaders are superficial and uninformed. While I don’t share his sense of hair-on-fire panic over young men, I’m sympathetic to the unique struggles of young people. Therefore, I can write it off as a passion of a public figure. We all have our passions and drive our friends crazy talking about them. The thing is, I just can’t sit through his long monologues about how the world should change because I can always think of four counter examples that devastate his thesis. It’s just too much for me and I think you’re losing a listener.
Texas or Floriduh…seriously
11 мар.
Who wants to live in a state where you can get shot at an in and out, it’s 110 degrees and land locked, you can’t go anywhere beautiful without getting in a plane. Oracle is a dinosaur, ready to die. I know 20 people who moved to Austin and Dallas from Cali and are miserable. Surrounded by dumb, awful people.
Great podcast
7 мар.
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