SEXY GIFS! SEX TRAFFICKING! THIS PODCAST IS BACK! Online platforms are kicking off adult content. Tumblr just banned porn and erotic images. Looking at freedom of speech, public health concerns, sex-positive access to self-affirming imagery and sex worker rights, Lady Cheeky and Sandra explore the implications of the just implemented Tumblr Porn Ban.
Lady Cheeky is the Famous Alter Ego of sex educator, activist, speaker and author Elle Chase. Signup for her newsletter at to find out more about
Pickup Elle's “NSFW Totally Naughty Coloring Book” and “The #NSFW Totally Curvy Coloring Book” at Pickup her popular book, “Curvy Girl Sex: 101 Body-Positive Positions to Empower your Sex Life,” available at your favorite bookseller.
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