The Hidden People

A creepy modern fantasy that begins as a murder mystery and becomes a dark fantasy adventure filled with action, Irish and Norse folklore, and fae. At the middle of season one, the world of the Hidden People is revealed, complete with magic and monsters. Come for the creepy mysteries and stay for the fantasy action. Discover the world of the Hidden People.
مقاطع ترويجية
برامج تتضمن ميزات الاشتراك
Go woke Go broke
٩ رمضان
I really enjoyed this podcast. It’s a shame, though that they had to be woke and had to have thrown their politics into it. A lot of us like to listen to these things so that we can escape from the politics. It be nice if you could find out that’s not also indoctrinated with misguided wokeness
Odd pacing
٢١ ذو القعدة
There's some great moments in here, specifically early on when you're guessing what's going on. The pacing gets worse as the series progresses, at least from the perspective of someone wanting more horror/drama than romances. The unreliable narrator aspect is interesting, but I did find it a bit frustrating in here with how often things happened "off screen" to kill any tension the story had.
Favorite pod drama
٦ ذو القعدة
The finale made it worth EVERY SINGLE SECOND. If you think it’s slow in the beginning, I beg you to finish. It gets better with every episode. The twists, reveals, foreshadowing, all masterfully crafted and laid out perfectly. I even cried at that one episode in season 3 🥹 But the finale had me on the edge of my seat and I had goosebumps all over. Amazing writing, incredible story, beautiful character development, absolute 10/10.
Amazing Podcast
١٨ شوال
Honestly it just got better as a I continued listening! This podcast had me hooked like no other audio drama I have listened to. I loved the characters and how they developed throughout the story. I’m sad it’s over now, and wish there was another season! Don’t want to say goodbye 🥺 if you aren’t sure, keep listening past the first half of season 1, it does pay off.
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- صناع العملDWM | Realm
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- موقع البرنامج على الويب
- المزودRealm of Possibility, Inc.
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