Tyron Webster - Come Play With Me & Launchpad Support plus looking after your mental health

Launchpad Connect

This episode features Tyron Webster - a singer/ songwriter whose sound is rooted in soul, pop and R&B. Singing songs about heartbreak and love, Tyron hopes to bring a fresh stamp to the UK R&B / Pop scene that brings light to all the talent that is in the North and not just in the South.

Tyron spoke to us about looking after your mental health, how important it is to look for and accept support where you can find it, including Launchpad support, and his experiences with performing. We talked about his performance at Live in the Virtual Square and his song ‘Love Ya Pt 2’ which has been released by Come Play With Me on their Side by Side compilation.

Follow Tyron on @tyronwebster on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and check out his music on all major streaming platforms ESPECIALLY ‘Love Ya Pt 2’.

Thanks to:

This episode's guest - Tyron Webster

Facilitator - Lins Wilson

Production and editing - Ash Doherty and Lins Wilson

Podcast Artwork - Jon Foulger


Tyron Webster

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tyronwebster

Twitter - twitter.com/TyronWebster

Facebook - facebook.com/tyronwebstermusic
Website - tyronwebster.wordpress.com


Artist level of support infographic - instagram.com/p/CDg3ep3BFd5/

Launchpad resources page - launchpad-music.com/other-resources

One-to-one advice sessions - musicleeds.appointlet.com/s/online-advice-session


Instagram - instagram.com/_launchpadmusic

Twitter - twitter.com/_launchpadmusic

Facebook - facebook.com/launchpadyorkshire

Mailing List - launchpad-music.com/subscribe

Website - launchpad-music.com

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