ULP 6-203 | Інтерв’ю з Катериною Олійник про медичний батальйон «Госпітальєри» | Ukrainian Lessons Podcast Season 6

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast — for everyone who learns and loves the Ukrainian language

Meet Kateryna Oliinyk, Anna's good friend and a representative of the medical battalion 'Hospitallers' — to which we are donating all our income from Season 6 premium membership this October. Katia will discuss the battalion's history, mission, achievements, and needs. Listen to this interview in normal-speed Ukrainian, with comprehension questions and vocabulary introduced by Anna at the start.

❗️ Season 6
of the podcast is entirely in slow, simple Ukrainian. For easier episodes with English, check out our Season #1 or Season #2.

Transcript and Exercises! 😍

Конспект уроку
– Lesson notes for this episode include:

  • Transcript of the entire episode in Ukrainian;
  • Translation of challenging vocabulary in the margin;
  • Питання-відповіді: Comprehension questions with suggested answers;
  • Словничок: This episode's focus vocabulary with additional examples in various forms;
  • Three exercises to practice the lesson’s vocabulary and phrases. Answers included.

To receive lesson notes, as well as flashcards and mp3 files every 10 episodes, become our premium member here

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