Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show

Felice Gerwitz
Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show

The Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show is comprised of interviews with the authors and speakers about special homeschool products or services. Listen in, get to know them, their hearts and leave with some wisdom of your own.


  1. 18 ОКТ.

    Helping Our Kids Have Resiliency with Lisa Nehring

    Helping Our Kids Have Resiliency "We're not just raising kids, we're raising resilient adults. We're raising spiritual beings." Join Lisa Nehring on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show in celebration of our 10th Birthday Celebration! Episode Sponsored by the 11th Birthday Celebration Sponsors, CTC Math & More on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network   In a world where people easily crumble like delicate snowflakes and take offense at the drop of a hat, it's high time we pondered this vital question: Are our children truly growing in resiliency? Are they emerging as fearless warriors, fortified with unyielding character and an indomitable spirit? Let me tell you, this remarkable gift of resiliency will serve as their secret weapon in navigating an increasingly secular world. So join me on this resilience adventure as we explore the importance of resilience and why it's high time we raise a generation of tenacious individuals who can conquer any challenge that comes their way. Trust me, it'll be one heck of a ride. Get Intentional! In her excellent book, appropriately titled, Grit, Angela Duckworth takes on the task of developing the idea of resilience in our children. She advocates for making resilience development a part of kids' life skills curriculum. I couldn’t agree more. Our kids need resilience. It’s what allows them to go out and compete, take risks, fail, and try again. Key Ingredients for Developing Resilience Practice– Practice is what lets us learn as we go. To practice and develop well, we must get assessments and feedback. Purpose– Resilience is not always about pursuing those things that we might have a natural inclination toward. Students should consider pursuing something that they can develop an interest in over the long term. Hope– This is tied to trying and failing. Failure is a huge part of developing resilience. We need to teach our kids that success does not come without failure. Winners keep pursuing goals despite setbacks. Time– We need to set aside time to practice with deliberation, fail, and succeed. Create Some Resilience Goals Angela Duckworth has some practical recommendations for bestowing the remarkable gift of resilience to your children: Choose something that requires deliberate daily practice. Commit to doing this activity for 2 years. Finish what you’ve started for a specified interval. Resources Mentioned in the Podcast After Action Your Homeschool Year Find Lisa at the Life Skills 101 Podcast on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Top Podcast Episodes on Life Skills 101, formerly Soft Skills 101 Getting Started with Elementary Homeschool Education The Cost of Parental Ignorance: Unveiling the True Price of Education Learning Styles & Online Education Check out True North Homeschool Academy Our mission at True North Homeschool Academy is centered around the Compass, and that's by design. It's the heart of what we do, because we are heading True North with the Christian conviction that together our homeschools should transmi...

    19 мин.
  2. 16 МАР.

    Creation Matters

    Creation Matters Does Creation Matter? Why does the discussion on how God created the world matter? Did God really create the world in six days and rest on the seventh? Does anyone really care? These questions and many more including teaching tips and great resources are presented in the Creation Science Podcast, my name is Felice Gerwitz and it is my pleasure and honor to be your host. Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast!  Do that here:  SUBSCRIBE Sponsored by Smash Maths SMASH Maths provides 2 online math Practices every week for children. Each Practice contains at least 10 bespoke questions, so that means 20+ questions a week. The program is available for pupils in Kindergarten to Grade 6. The cost is $7.50 per month. Use CODE: FELICE to receive your discount. Visit SMASHMATHS.org/homeschooling  Find out more here: https://www.smashmaths.org/home-schooling/   This podcast was an original work of the Creation Science Expo that I had the pleasure of hosting some years back, it is my pleasure to re-release it to you and share the importance of caring about our origins. Many times I've discussed the purpose of having a creationist perspective, and people would say, "Why do you care?" The reason I care is that I want my children to grow up with a Christian worldview and share that with their children, someday. In the writing of my Truth Seekers Mystery Series book, I had a "God-incident" that I share in this episode. In a nutshell, I was rushed during the Christmas season and wanted nothing to do with the rereading of the draft copy of one of the novels. You see, as a novelist, and co-novelist at the (along with my then, college-aged daughter, Christina), I was the one in charge of final proofreading and I kept finding mistakes. I was frustrated. I threw up a heavenward prayer, "God are you sure you have the right person doing this job?" And, I wasn't talking about the job of editing, I was talking about the job of being the "hands and feet" of God - spreading the word about the fallacies of evolutionary claims. Which these novels demonstrate in a fun-easy to read and mystery adventure. More about the TruthSeekersMysterySeries.com here. Heading to a store to do last minute shopping, I happened upon a calling card placed in a nativity scene I was about to purchase. (The audio includes details about this, but here is the visual -- a copy of the card: Listen to the podcast for the rest of the story! Be sure and check out our blog, HomeforLearning where you'll find helpful science posts: Do I Really Need to Teach Science in My Homeschool? Teaching Science | Unit Study  How and What to Teach with Science   and visit our Creatio...

  3. 21 ФЕВР.

    The Fruit of the Spirit for Moms

    The Fruit of the Spirit for Moms Our pastor recently did a sermon on the Fruit of the Spirit, and it inspired me to start a Bible study inside my private Christian parenting Facebook group.  (By the way, anyone listening who’d like to join that group, I’d love to have you! You can click here to join.) Over the last several weeks, we’ve been studying the Fruit of the Spirit, as it applies to motherhood. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Wow! Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are all things that I desire to be to my children as their mother. So how can we attain this fruit of the Spirit? The way we attain the fruit of the Spirit that we desire is by faith through the Holy Spirit. But when we put God on the back burner, we experience what I have officially named "the fruit of the mom flesh." And here’s the Marianna version… "But the fruit of the mom flesh is nagging, yelling, annoyance, harshness, manipulation, shaming,  and lack of self-control." Ouch. I have no problem admitting that some of these qualities describe my parenting some days. But, I believe that there is hope in Christ. Maybe you’re a mom who has blown it time and time again and you think there’s no hope for you to change. Perhaps you come from a long line of emotional abuse and you feel powerless to break the cycle. Maybe you feel like you’ve been mommin’ the same way for so long that there’s not even any point to try to change. But here’s the good news for you today. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control….it’s not up to you to produce this fruit. In fact, it’s not even about you! It’s about Christ in you and the Holy Spirit working in your heart. When we experience the gospel and the love that God has so lavished upon us, we cannot help but overflow with that love! Be careful not to get stuck in this place of mom guilt. If you’re thinking to yourself, "Man, I just don’t embody these fruit of the spirit," let me remind you.  Pastor J.D. Greear says, “For every one look you take at yourself bemoaning your fruitlessness, take ten looks at Christ, boasting in his faithfulness.” Scripture references "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13 NIV "...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6 NIV "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." - Matthew 6:33 NIV “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” - Galatians 5:22-23 NIV Join Marianna Chambers as she talks about practical ways to become a more peaceful parent. Having children is a wonderful blessing, but it can also be quite stressful. Every day we hear from moms just like you who are struggling to be the gentle parent they want to be. Moms desperately want to raise their children on a firm foundation of love, but those sweet kids sure know how to push our buttons. (And boy, do they push them!) Marianna Chambers is a counselor, parenting coach, blogger, homeschool mom, and best-selling author. She's passionate about supporting and encouraging moms. You can follow her on a href="http://facebook.com/findyourmomtribe" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=http://facebook.com/findyourmomtribe&source=gmail&ust=1518219434101000&usg=AFQjCNHP-nxc3vbWbxTimFwE...

  4. 07.11.2023

    Lifeschooling | Love in Homeschooling

    On this very special episode of Life as a Lifeschooler, I talk about Love in Homeschooling.  What an honor it is to recognize the work of Felice Gerwitz and 10 years in homeschool podcasting on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network! Episode Sponsored by the 10th Birthday Celebration Sponsors, CTC Math & More on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network  out the $350 giveaway, too! Love in Homeschooling – Exploring how love plays a central role in homeschooling Over time, love has become a central focus of my Christian walk, as I’ve realized how impactful this one concept of loving others can be. Jesus says that all the law and the prophets are summed up in “love God, love your neighbor as yourself.” If one thing can cover so much ground, it must be essential that we understand it! In a very basic sense, when we homeschool our children, we are loving our neighbor as ourselves. We remember what school was like for us and we want better for them. We are sacrificing our own opportunities for income, self-fulfillment, and achievement in order to see our children successful and fulfilled. But there are times we forget this motivation. Or the motivation becomes cloudy, tainted by the pressures, fears, and worldly ambitions we allow to enter our hearts. So it’s good to be reminded of what love really is. If we want to truly love, we must know what exactly love is. And to know exactly what love is, we must turn to the Bible’s definition in 1 Corinthians 13, the “love chapter.” If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Moms, you can have the perfect homeschool curriculum and teach with eloquence and simplicity, but if you don’t have love, you will fail your kids. You can even do it in the power of the Holy Spirit, according to this chapter, and still fail your kids! That’s how important love is to everything you do in life. In fact, love was so important to God that He sent Jesus to die for us. Love is at the very core of the Gospel!  So we need to have a full understanding of it. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Now, let’s look at what love is... Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Patient Are you patient in teaching your children about 56 times in a day that 7x8 is 56? Are you patient in teaching them how to do their chores quickly and diligently? Or is your goal to check off the boxes and be done? Kindness Do your children see you as an example of kindness? When they talk back and disrespect you, do you respond “in kind” or with kindness (and discipline, of course)? Does Not Envy or Boast Pride is the opposite of love. Pride is all about self, not God and others. If you are busy making yourself feel accomplished from the shiny, perfect children you have raised, then your homeschooling is not about love. It is about boastfulness in your own achievements. If you look at others whose kids graduated high school at age 13 and think, “That’s not so great. We could have done that if we had wanted to,” then you may have an envious heart that has no room for love. Not Arrogant or Rude

    22 мин.

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The Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show is comprised of interviews with the authors and speakers about special homeschool products or services. Listen in, get to know them, their hearts and leave with some wisdom of your own.

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