The Afghan Files With Former Australian Army Lawyer and Whistleblower: David McBride Please share this interview with at least ONE person or on social media, here's why👇 David has 3 degrees in law, he's a former British Army Major, former Australian Army Lawyer, he served two tours of duty in Afghanistan (2011 and 2013) and is a Whistleblower David became aware that there were crimes being committed to Afghans in Afghnaistan by Australian troops. David brought these crimes to the attention of his superiors but they not only ignored it, they suppressed the information and David. To the extent that when David saw a psychologist, he was told that the information was in his imagination. David took the information about war crimes committed by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan and provided them to the ABC. In Australian Law, there is an Act called the Public Interest Disclosure Act that protects whistleblowers. This Act stipulates that if an organisation someone were to see a wrong thats needs to be made right, that information needs to be taken to the authority figure of the organisation, should the organisation fail to right the wrong, then the information can be made public, and that's exactly what David did. He followed the Public Interest Disclosure Act, went to his superiors with the information, when they ignored the seriousness and suppressed the information, thats when David went to the media. These documents and information that David provided who included unlawful killings by Australian troops is called The Afghan Files. An investigation was carried out to see if David's information had any credibility by Major General Justice Paul Brereton and it was found that, yes, crimes were committed by Australians. This is known as the Brereton Report. 10 years have now passed since The Afghan Files and only David has been charged, for speaking up about war crimes. On the 27th October 2022, in the ACT supreme court David went to court to seek immunity from prosecution under the Public Interest Disclosure Act but The Australian government, would not allow it to go ahead. David's bravery and courage to speak up about war crimes has come at a huge personal cost in these past 10 years. There has been huge stress on his family, he lost his career, he has a service dog thats with him even in the studio whilst we were doing the interview for his post traumatic stress disorder. You and I may not be in a position in government to do anything BUT you and I, can collectively contribute to supporting David, seeking justice for him and his family, being a voice for the voiceless in Afghanistan who died and those who remain, continue to suffer in silence. We can also contribute to a brave, just and courageous Australian government. We can do do all of this, simply by sharing David's interview. David's the one doing the heavy lifting, facing 50 years to a lifetime in prison for speaking up BUT we can help turn that around by sharing this interview and ANY other interview or video of David. Australia was a role model for the world, when it banned guns, it made for a safer, happier, Australia. Australia can once again, can be a role model for the world, if we pursue a government run on the rule of justice and law, protecting ALL its' citizens, domestically and internationally without special favours to anyone, without foreign coercion or interference and by addressing the wrongs and making them right. This would alleviate the need for whistleblowing. How do we do that? The power of the collective, PLEASE share this interview with at least one person, if not more people. David McBride, we are indebted to you, thank YOU for your service. Please listen in to the podcast. With Peace. Thank you.