Unfiltered: Life & Awakening Podcast

Tanya Bennett, Elliott Bennett
Unfiltered: Life & Awakening Podcast

Hello and Welcome to the UNFILTERED podcast on all topics of Life, Love, Awakening, and Spirituality! If you find yourself on a journey, seeking answers to larger questions, or simply find yourself in a confused state of being, this podcast might be right for you. We started this podcast while being on our own journey of self discovery, awakening, and possibly just simple growth into adult maturity, with the hope that it can act as a catalyst both for ourselves in our progress and also for our listeners to start seeing the commonality between our lives, the journey of self, and awakening as a journey to self love, happiness, and simple knowing. We take on various topics, including relationships, parenting, spirituality, religion, soul self, trauma, depression, sadness, happiness, and love, all in line with our journey of progression, actualizing, and knowing. With all discussions in mind, our goal is to always frame the podcast to offer more insight into self overcoming obstacles, finding center, grounding, and allowing our true nature to grow and expand. We hope hearing our own amazing struggles, confusions, revelations, and discoveries of self will help you gain a personal perspective on your own being, open your mind to larger strokes of the universe, and see your life as an amazing canvas of love. Thank you for being here, taking part in our journey, and being on yours! Always with Love, Tanya & Elliott


    Unsafety & Value

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 76 of the Unfiltered: Life & Awakening Podcast! In this amazing discussion we take on the topic of unsafety, value, trauma processing, and how this process defines and builds our reality both for growth and evaluation of perception. We bring in our personal experiences, the situations of self we have been analyzing within the last couple of weeks, and how the process of bringing awareness allow us to reform and thus change our normal life functionality through this awareness. We discuss personal narratives we have subconsciously been living with and the ways these narratives drive our behaviors, both in the emotional and psychical worlds, and what it means to start building a better selection for self with gained awareness to these subconscious behaviors. We draw on larger scopes of life, how mass narratives and mass conscious experiences dictate reflection of cumulative conscious trauma and how larger-view thinking completely changes realities and the reflective nature of our world once we are ready to face something new. In the whole, building awareness, having the tools of doing so, and choosing to see thorough the difficult points of our lives is the only key we need to open ourselves up to a larger scope of self where we experience peace, harmony, and endless open love. Hope you enjoy listening and find your own truth in our stories. As always with Love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: Darryl Akna: Messages from Bashar the Extraterrestrial - https://www.gaia.com/series/messages-from-bashar-the-extraterrestrial

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    Unexplained Stories

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 75 of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast on all topics of Self Awareness, Awakening, and Self-Healing! In this episode we take a fun dive into our personal stories of the Unexplained, highlighting the magical nature of our universe and how the higher realms bleed through into our reality. Many classify these experiences as supernatural experiences of self that now in retrospect kind of define, explain, and open our lives to healing. We share our unique experiences of intuitive guidance, angels, ghosts, and a multitude of other ways we interpret the multi dimensional existence of self and others around us. We bring in crazy stories from our life that carry momentous memories, experiences, and sequences of unknown and unexplained events that opened our mind to larger, difficult to interpret versions of reality, and translate them into explanations of self that now we see as the expansion of our being. Most, if not all, crazy experiences of self are there to allow us to touch larger scopes of life, touch on the soul mission of our being, and start seeing the world (or our purpose here) from an outside (open-minded) point of view. This beautiful grace of self offers us unexplained grace and guidance from the higher realms of self and directs self into healing. As you listen to our crazy and unique stories, think back on the beauty of you and your own path to self, especially the early childhood years, and see how these experiences translate into your being and what energies of self your younger self was experiencing, noticing, or brining into existence. Hope you find this episode interesting, helpful, and insightful to your own path to self. Thank you for listening, reading, and being you! As always, With Love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: Our Cosmic Origin book - https://amzn.to/3WDbtbS

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    Draconian Agenda

    Hello and Welcome to episode 74 of UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast! In this episode we take on the topic of Draconian, Reptilian, Illuminati, or Kabalian energy intention and discuss the implications of its message on Earth. We start by describing the nature of our interpretation, the origination of light as our only and the primary source of being, and how all dissemination of self including energy of different intent originates from light. We talk about the sovereign choice of self and at what point of our being are we made aware of the entire spectrum of choice that is us. We discuss the nature of misdirection, distraction, and the introduction of narrow thinking to keep us from experiencing the full breadth of knowledge, the entire truth of us and the expansive knowledge of our being. We discuss various examples and effects of choices both into light and integration and into the narrowed down perception of self by functioning in the selection of our lower chakra systems. We discuss the importance of seeing through the choice of self and selecting sovereignty from the standpoint of full awareness; thus the freedom to be your own being. As a whole, we identify, and introduce various aspects of implementation and the overall path of humanity into open minded, clear sovereign choice of self. Hope you enjoy listening and find your own truth and path to being in the freedom on your right. As always, with Love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: Timothy Hogan, Grand Master of the Knights Templar - https://www.instagram.com/timothyhogan5 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs Library of Alexandria - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Alexandria Yuga Cycle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga_cycle Schools Banning Yoga - https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/09/why-schools-are-banning-yoga/570904/ Lynne McTaggart - https://lynnemctaggart.com/ Tony Robbins - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins Phil Stutz - https://www.thetoolsbook.com/about-phil-and-barry

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    Advanced Technologies

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 73 of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast, focused on Self Healing, Awakening, and Awareness! In this episode we take on the topic of Advanced Technologies by discussing the nature of our reality as it seems to exist today and the set of experiences we perceive to have based on our own awakening, awareness, and integration of self. We discuss the nature of our current technology and how its limiting factors exist solely due to our limited nature of self-integration. We discuss what it looks like to experience self from the standpoint of integration and how this process will completely change, rewrite, and alter our perception of technology, advancements into being, and the complete set of circumstances around our lives. We discuss how this shift will play into the ideas of healing, both from the physical medical standpoint and our spiritual energetic application. We further discuss how this type of advancement into self will rewrite and restructure other technologies, including space travel, transportation, education, and much more. The world as we know it will open up to the full scope of potential when we decide to see self from a complete standpoint of being. Hope you enjoy listening, contemplating, and integrating self into this full expression. With love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: Graham Hancock - https://grahamhancock.com/ Fingerprints of the Gods - https://amzn.to/40VmNCV Isaac Asimov - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Asimov Kardashev scale (3 types of civilization) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale Castle Doctrine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine Grotto of Massabielle at Lourdes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctuary_of_Our_Lady_of_Lourdes Joseph of Cupertino (Floating Priest) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_of_Cupertino Nassim Haramein - https://www.instagram.com/nassim.haramein/?hl=en Kevin Courtney - https://www.instagram.com/kevinjcourtney/?hl=en Michelson–Morley experiment - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson%E2%80%93Morley_experiment Planck Time - https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_time Marcel Vogel - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Vogel Tayannah McQuillar on Open Minds (Rootwork interview) - https://www.gaia.com/video/rootworkers-of-hoodoo Arrival (2016 film) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/ Bodies (2023 TV Series) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18347622/

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    Disclosure as Healing

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 72 of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast! In this amazing episode we take on the topic of disclosure, the history of human and earthan origin, and the nature of our awakening and expansion of our consciousness into a unified field of awareness. In the whole episode we bring up the nature of various concepts around disclosure in order to unify the understanding on human progression, expansion of consciousness, and how this process relates to extraterrestrial being, larger scopes of existence, and our progression as humans into our processing of trauma and changing our definition of self. We initially discuss the origin of our species, touching on the galactic history of all humanoid origin, including Lyrans, Draconians, Sirians, and Pleasians, and how their history, origins, and the Orion Wars relates to our transition in this space and time. We touch on the trajectory of our human awakening, the turmoil we feel inside to start defining, seeing, and interpreting ourselves as something different, and how it propagates into our material reality. We discuss what trauma processing and releasing do to our energetic form and how our energetic evolutionary structure of being is designed to integrate and find self in the new now. We relate the concept to various examples of awakening, the movement into mindfulness, self-awareness, and awakening, and how our de-densification opens our reality to larger interpretations. We then bring in the open interpretation of our being and how this openness drives the actual process of disclosure. How our ability to expand self and expand our perspective allows for the perspective of truth to come into reality. As always, we weave, detour and bring in personal examples and narratives to expand on the issue, bring larger concepts into earthly interpretations, and allow ourselves and you to face your new truth in an open, light-filled potential. Hope you enjoy listening, comprehending and opening to your own new reality of interpretation. With Love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: I Want to Believe Poster - https://newrepublic.com/article/126715/x-files-i-want-believe-posters-origin-story Our Cosmic Origin book - https://amzn.to/3WDbtbS Emery Smith - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5691203/ Tactical Tim - https://www.instagram.com/tim.tactics/ bob lazar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Lazar The Alchemist (instagram) - https://www.instagram.com/the.alchemist The Alchemist (youtube) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNQsW_JBuc5aYqLyct6M7mA

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    Gabor Maté Theory

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 70 of the UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast. In this episode we continue to discuss the process of integration, self acceptance, awakening and healing with discussion of Gabor Mate’s theory on childhood development, trauma, and healing. We introduce the episode by discussing this general concept to healing and trauma process and how these ideas fit into the concepts of acceptance, awakening, and the subject of our podcast. We discuss the pitfalls of self we design to keep us from seeing the truth into our deep sense of self that keep us away from addressing the trauma on the journey of our life. We discuss the stigma and societal norms of being open, vulnerable, and open-hearted toward self and self-acceptance and how this narrative keeps us from achieving full healing and self awakening. We bring in our personal examples of escapism, narrative creation, and avoidance and the process of self that is necessary to facilitate true change, the commitment to overcoming self programming and avoidance. We discuss the pitfalls and the easy ways we can get lost in our choices and the commitment it takes to see through our being and find a way to heal without running. Ultimately, we suggest an easy approach to healing through offering of self love to our broken child of self and the acceptance of being this process can bring if we are ready and wanting to see self from a true integrated point of self. As always, hope you enjoy listening, find this helpful and see your own path to self awakening as we go on the journey of ours. With Love, Tanya & Elliott Links from the Episode: Gabor Maté on Joe Rogan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv8pjyJH4Ok Gabor Maté on Joe Rogan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv8pjyJH4Ok

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    Still Here

    Hello and Welcome to Episode 69 of the UNFILTERED podcast on Awakening and Growth! In this episode we take on the topic of triggers, our approach to trying to live in self awareness, and our personal approach to life. We discuss personal stories that bring in the narrative of awareness and our personal struggles with being present, centered, and aware. We discuss how our personal way of coping drives us away from integration and knowing because of our fear of facing the unknown and what steps and tools we can use to bring in determined awareness into our life. We discuss the narrative of self and the stories we design that keep us from going deep within our soul to become aware of our own restrictions, fears, and boundaries and facing and actualizing into our deeper truth. We discuss the amount of awareness we have at any one moment and how we get triggered to function out of the pain body and become aware of it. We discuss our idea of now to be in awareness, and what it looks like to be responding from the natural way of being and not from the reactive, resistance form of being. We discuss the idea of Unknown, the overwhelm that we experience in the concept when coming from the understanding of the unknown as a child. We discuss inner child trauma, where as a child we didn't have the tools to address the larger concepts of life, but when we look at the world from the standpoint of being as a small childlike self, we loose all traction and size when we can't address the issue from adult like eyes. Furthermore, we discuss the idea of living in fear and the determination it takes to overcome the personal ideas of self, the judgement of the world and the triggers of self. We discuss the importance of taking accountability of self and the energy that is required to go into unknown and face our truth. We ultimately bring in a true notion of our running through avoidance of facing the traumas of our childhood systems that simply caused us to lock up and put away integration into later. Hope you enjoy listening, finding your own truth and guidance in your struggles, and bring joy of self into your life. Thanks for listening and being on your own amazing path to self. With Love, Tanya & Elliott

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Giới Thiệu

Hello and Welcome to the UNFILTERED podcast on all topics of Life, Love, Awakening, and Spirituality! If you find yourself on a journey, seeking answers to larger questions, or simply find yourself in a confused state of being, this podcast might be right for you. We started this podcast while being on our own journey of self discovery, awakening, and possibly just simple growth into adult maturity, with the hope that it can act as a catalyst both for ourselves in our progress and also for our listeners to start seeing the commonality between our lives, the journey of self, and awakening as a journey to self love, happiness, and simple knowing. We take on various topics, including relationships, parenting, spirituality, religion, soul self, trauma, depression, sadness, happiness, and love, all in line with our journey of progression, actualizing, and knowing. With all discussions in mind, our goal is to always frame the podcast to offer more insight into self overcoming obstacles, finding center, grounding, and allowing our true nature to grow and expand. We hope hearing our own amazing struggles, confusions, revelations, and discoveries of self will help you gain a personal perspective on your own being, open your mind to larger strokes of the universe, and see your life as an amazing canvas of love. Thank you for being here, taking part in our journey, and being on yours! Always with Love, Tanya & Elliott

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