Unfiltered: Real Church Planting Conversations

Подкаст «Unfiltered: Real Church Planting Conversations»

Unfiltered: Real Church Planting Conversations is a podcast featuring the often-missed conversations about church planting. Join hosts Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee, experienced church planters who lead a national church planting movement. You'll experience authentic discussions about real issues that church planters face. Lee and Danny hit the in-between-the-lines issues and talk about the topics you don't hear about when it comes to church planting.

из 5
Оценок: 25

Об этом подкасте

Unfiltered: Real Church Planting Conversations is a podcast featuring the often-missed conversations about church planting. Join hosts Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee, experienced church planters who lead a national church planting movement. You'll experience authentic discussions about real issues that church planters face. Lee and Danny hit the in-between-the-lines issues and talk about the topics you don't hear about when it comes to church planting.

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