Unlearn And Relearn Podcast

Wilson Holts and Megan Thompson
Unlearn And Relearn Podcast

Wilson Holts and Megan Thompson are friends and Los Angeles based yoga and wellness practitioners that have been having conversations on race, class, gender and all things social. This podcast is here to influence you on your journey of anti-racism work in the era of Black Lives Matter. We are here to dispel myths, inform, call you to action, and inspire and influence you to do the challenging but necessary work to help make the change we all want to see.

  1. Episode: 10 - QUARANTINE: 1 YEAR LATER


    Episode: 10 - QUARANTINE: 1 YEAR LATER

    There's so much that has happened over the course of the last year. So many major events and tragedies that will certainly be in the history books. This pandemic has been life-altering to say the least. From loss of jobs and income, to financial instability and loss of precious life, this has been a strange and tragic time for so many. We wanted to take time in this episode to reflect, breathe, and remember. And tell the story of life, one year later. Life moves fast and things happen at a rapid pace. This year in quarantine has felt like ten years for some and for others, a day. This pandemic has revealed what many of us already knew. Inequality and inequities were laid bare for all of us to see. The unequal infections rates. The poverty that millions of people easily slipped into. The uneven distribution of resources and aid. The government response or lack thereof. The mental health effects are yet to be fully understood and the vaccine roll-out is further proof that there is much work to be done. Collective healing is what we need from this tragic period in our history. We are still in the midst, and still processing, the toll this pandemic has taken on our country. We take this time to remember and acknowledge the bravery and resilience of our collective human spirit to move forward and help each other heal. We also say the names of our fallen for this week, Priscilla Slater and Xzavier Hill AND we highlight 2 activists doing great work in their communities, Gary Chambers and You Are Essential. This episodes marks our break in season 2 for us to rest and reassess. In the meantime, Subscribe to our YouTube page! Follow us on IG! Please LIKE, FOLLOW, and SHARE the podcast. Take care of yourself in this time as we reflect and move forward. Your health is the most important thing. If you want to support our growth, you can do so by donating to our CASHAPP: $UnlearnRelearnPod. And as always, thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1. Gary Chambers @garychambersjr Running for congress, Louisiana 2nd District 2. YouAreEssential @yaeorg www.youareessential.org Intro and Outro Music: @staybased

    1h 23m



    This is the second show in a series in which we explore the concept of capitalism and its effects on serious issues facing us in this time. Homelessness is a problem that has been made worse by the effects of an unregulated form of capitalism. If we stop for a minute and observe our surroundings, we can see that this problem hasn't gotten any better in the last 20 years. Despite policy and public outcry, the solutions we propose are not working. There is a stigma about homelessness and homeless people. This cultural attitude has to change if we have any hope of offering a new vision on how to solve this problem. In this episode we talk about the devastating effects this crisis is having on our communities. The rates of homeless families have gone up, there are more youth experiencing homelessness now than ever before, and our response as a human family must change because the old ways of doing business aren't working. We also cover the cottage industry of anti-homeless architecture in major American cities and what charity organizations are doing to alleviate the suffering and help the most vulnerable. We also say the names of our fallen for this week, Corey Stingley and give an update on the George Flyod case, AND we highlight two activists doing great work in their communities, NOHO Home Alliance and Love Beyond Walls. Please take care of yourself and be easy on yourself as we move through one year since the start of this pandemic. Support our efforts, LIKE SHARE, SUBSCRIBE. Help us grow so we can bring more content to you CashAPP: $UnlearnRelearnPod. Any questions or concerns, please email us at unlearnrelearn.podcast@gmail.com. And reach out if you are interested in advertising with us or for sponsorships, we would love to work with you! And as always thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1.NOHO Home Alliance @nohohomeorg 2.Love Beyond Walls @lovebeyondwalls https://www.lovebeyondwalls.org/about-us/

    1h 17m



    The next few episodes follow a theme. Here at Unlearn Relearn we have noticed that no matter the topic discussed, we keep coming back to a common underlying root of the problem. That root stems from the pervasive and destructive nature of an unregulated disastrous form of capitalism. In this episode, we take a look at how the dangerous effects of climate change are further exacerbated by local, state, and federal government inaction at best and willful neglect at worst. Climate Change makes storms, hurricanes, fires, and flooding worse. Add that to government policy that doesn't begin to address the need and solve the problem and what you get is a national emergency that quickly turns into a national tragedy. From flooding in Gulf states due to hurricanes to fires in California made worse by government neglect to snow storms in Texas that leave millions without power and some to literally freeze to death, We see in case after case that the most vulnerable, poor and working class, bear the brunt of the effects of both the weather event and the aftermath of government inaction and corporate greed. These are conversations that we need to have so that we may begin the process of re-imagining what our world can and should look like and then working to elect politicians that will enact this change. We also say the names of our fallen this week, Rekia Boyd, Joshua Cole Cooper, and Anderson Retic AND We highlight two organizations doing great work in their communities, Retail, Wholesale, Department Store Union Local 338 and Joycelyn Longdon with Climate In Color. Happy Black History Month. Let's make it a Black History Year. Don't stop learning or doing the work. Welcome to March 2021. Please take care of yourself. Tell someone you care about that you care about them. Offer a smile, you never know what others are going through. And be kind and easy on yourself. Support our efforts and help us grow so we can bring you even better content Cash App: $UnlearnRelearnPod. Like, Follow, Share and Subscribe. And as always thanks so much for hanging out with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1. Retail Wholesale Department Store Union - Attempting to unionize Amazon plant in Bessemer, Alabama. @local338 https://www.rwdsu.info/in_alabama_workers_at_amazon_warehouse_are_poised_for_union_vote 2. Joycelyn Longdon--Founder of Climate in Color, 22yo, a platform at the intersection of climate and social justice with the aim of making climate conversation more diverse, accessible, and informative @climateincolour GoFundMe for the families of Anderson Retic and Jaylin Rice https://www.gofundme.com/f/for-the-families-of-anderson-retic-and-jaylin-rice?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 36m



    For the last few weeks we challenged the way we think about Black History Month. There has always been a tenuous relationship between Black People and this time of the year. Prevailing thought in certain communities was often geared towards harsh criticism around how an underhandedly racists society celebrates a people's history it often fails to acknowledge. To say that most Black people are skeptical that America can "get it right" is an understatement. We all know the mainstream media does not cover this month with the seriousness and reverence it deserves. Our chief complaint has been that only approved and sanitized historical figures are allowed to be discussed. And those people that made a huge impact but also may have shown the worst parts of American history were simply left out of the narrow discussion. In this episode we tell the history of how this month-long, yearly celebration came to be. There are so many stories that need to be told and so many people that need to be made famous for their contribution to this country’s rich history. This episode is by no means your only work when it comes to Black History Month. Find the resources and do your own work. We also say the names of our fallen for this week, Preston Chaney and Sgt James Brown, AND we highlight two activist organizations doing great work in their communities, Angel By Nature and Yanawana Herbalarios. Things may not be the best for right now, and even if they are, please take care of yourself. Take some time to show love and compassion for yourself and others around you. Continue to listen each week, reach out with questions, feedback, and topics you want us to talk about. Support our efforts. LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. Donate to help us grow and bring you better content. CashApp:$UnlearnRelearnPod. Reach out for advertising or sponsorships, we would love to work with you! And as always, thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1.Angel By Nature http://angelbynature.com/about/ 2.Yanawana Herbolarios http://www.yanawanaherbolarios.org @yanawanaherbolarios Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 37m



    Here at Unlearn Relearn, we maintain the position that most politicians are not our friends. They are put in positions of leadership and power to do a job. That job is to use the levers of the government to help to improve the lives of the people they serve. Our job is to be vigilant and keep the watchful eye on not only what they say but what they do. In the process of the last election cycle, we operated under the understanding that Joe Biden wasn't our first choice, nor was he our second or third. He was the best option this broken system could produce as an alternative to Trump. We voted for him clear eyed and fully aware of his flaws and past history of being on the wrong side of many issues. Which is why advocacy organizations have mobilized to be a direct challenge to some of the moderate and corporate influences that are present in his team and policy proposals. Our job is to hold him and his administration accountable. Black and Brown support for his candidacy was at an all-time high. Young voters came out in droves for him. Climate change activists mobilized for his campaign. These groups have demands and are mounting pressure campaigns to raise awareness and force this administration to do the things we need him to do. In this episode we talk about all of these people that are using their influence to make the change we want to see real. From minimum wage increase, climate policy, economic justice, criminal justice reform to ending the wars, student-loan debt forgiveness, and jump-starting this economy, we have much work to do and little time to waste. We also say the names of our fallen for this week, Victor White III, Clyde Kerr II AND Two activists doing great work in our community, The Denver Star Program and Asian Youth Act. As we say every week, please take care of yourself. Be kind and easy on yourself and share a kind word with others because you never know what people are going through in this challenging time. Support our efforts-- Like, Follow, Share, Subscribe! Help us grow by donating to our Cash App: $UnlearnRelearnPod. Reach out, we want to hear from you! Send questions, feedback, or topic ideas. And reach out if you are interested in advertising with us or for sponsorships! And as always, thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good Stuff. 1. Denver Star Program https://denverite.com/2021/02/02/in-the-first-six-months-of-health-care-professionals-replacing-police-officers-no-one-they-encountered-was-arrested/ 2. Asian Youth Act www.asianyouthact.org @asianyouthact Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 23m



    If there is anything we learned over the last 10 plus years, it's that people can go a little crazy in the way they idolize elected leaders. Politics have turned into entertainment; less about the issues and more focus on blue vs red. The Trump era showed this in obvious and extreme ways, although, the Trump phenomena sadly was not an aberration. We saw this same craziness during the Obama years, and many presidencies before that. Sadly, it is no different with Biden and Harris with all the "Democracy is restored" and "We can all rest now" talk. The absolute last thing we should do is idolize politicians. We elect them to do a job, represent us, and make our lives better, not get famous and become celebrities. They deserve at best Luke-warm support and in normal times, harsh criticism.  We make these people famous and then we spend time defending them even when they do and say things that go directly against our own best interests. In this episode, we talk about the consequences of failing to do your part in keeping these people accountable. The key word in that last sentence is "people". They are human beings prone to mistakes and failings. It is our job to stay vigilant and tied to our policy goals so we know when the person is doing what we need them to do and raise hell when they're not. They are not your friend, they are not God. They are there to do a job. Let's hold them to that task and save the rest for later. We also say the names of our fallen for this week, Desmond Philips and Sandra Bland AND we highlight two activists organizations doing great work, Real Justice Pac and Hope Of The Valley. We say this every week and this week is no different , please take care of yourself. Show yourself some ease and love and kindness. Then, extend that kindness out into the world to those that may need it. Like, Share, Subscribe to our YouTube channel! And reach out to us for questions, feedback, and if you want to donate to our growth, advertise with us, or for sponsorships. And as always, thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1. Real Justice: Electing reform-minded prosecutors who will use powers of their office to fight mass incarceration, structural racism, and defend our communities. @real_justice_pac https://realjusticepac.org/#the-strategy 2. Hope of the Valley--provides services for individuals lacking the means to provide food,shelter,and clothing for themselves and their families @hopeofthevalley Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 13m
  7. Episode: 4 - DAVID vs. GOLIATH: Reddit Edition


    Episode: 4 - DAVID vs. GOLIATH: Reddit Edition

    Here at the Unlearn Relearn HQ, we plan our show topics at least one week in advance and carefully consider how we want to cover certain issues. When the Reddit Vs. Wall Street story broke, it changed not only our focus but it changed the game. We are living in unprecedented times right now. History is being made all around us. What these Redditor's did in their battle against greedy Wall Street hedge funds, the response, fall out, and backlash proved to us in the clearest possible terms that we live in two very different systems of rules and regulations. In this episode we talk about this monumental event and its impact on our lives going forward. We discuss what happened, who the players are and how this is the beginning of a new way of looking at the Stock Market. This has been a fun ride and we're still on it so stay tuned. We also say the names of our fallen this week Charles Roundtree Jr and Patrick Warren Sr. AND we highlight two activists doing great work in the community, Intersectional Environmentalist and Author and BLM Co-founder Patrise Cullors- Brignac. Black History Month is upon us. We invite you to spend this time digging a little deeper in your research and find those stories and historical figures not covered properly in the mainstream press. Please follow our YouTube page, Unlearn And Relearn for our content surrounding Black History Month. Also reach out to suggest topic ideas, questions you may have, and to sponsor our efforts. Our email is unlearnrelearn.podcast@gmail.com Take care of yourself and each other. Find peace and relaxation within your daily routine as you stay informed, spread love, and fight for justice. And as Always, thanks so much for hanging with us as we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1. Intersectional Environmentalist: https://www.instagram.com/intersectionalenvironmentalist/ https://www.intersectionalenvironmentalist.com/about-ie 2. Patrisse Cullors-Brignac--Founder, Abolitionist, Artist, Author @osopepatrisse @blklivesmatter https://www.instagram.com/osopepatrisse/ Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 20m
  8. Episode: 3 - THE DEATH PENALTY


    Episode: 3 - THE DEATH PENALTY

    Although President Trump is gone, we're still living with the repercussions and consequences of a failed administration. One of the worst realities of the past 4 years has been the resurgence of the Death Penalty. The prior administration presided over 13 federally sanctioned executions, more than had been done in the last 17 years. We dedicate this episode to this relic of inhumane treatment of human beings. There are problems with how this specific form of justice is not only applied, but who is disproportionately affected by it. It seems, as has been proven in most things American, the race, class, and gender of the defendant determines who this barbaric form of justice is applied to. With the advancements in technology, we have also seen how many people have been sent to death row only to have their convictions overturned. This is shocking, alarming, and should warrant the complete abolition of this system. We also talk about this controversial topic in an attempt to highlight what solutions can be found and how we need to change social norms to leave this form of so-called justice where it belongs, the dustbin of history. We take the time to say the names of our fallen for this week, Dustin Higgs and Jordan Edwards, AND we highlight two activists doing great work in their respective spaces, The Community Coalition of South Los Angeles and Myisha Hill with Check Your Privilege. Please take care of yourself as self-care is the best care. Like, Share, Subscribe, and reach out to us for questions, feedback, or topic ideas. Reach out you are interested in advertising or sponsorships, or supporting the growth of the podcast and YouTube channel! And as always, thanks so much for hanging with us and we unlearn the BS and relearn the good stuff. 1,Community Coalition Los Angeles:  https://www.cocosouthlaactionfund.org IG:@cocosouthla 2. Myisha Hill with @ckyourprivilege-- guiding folx on their journey to become actively anti racist and dismantle their relationship with the interlocking systems of domination Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music' Track Name: 'Good Day' Music By: Low Frequency Music @ https://soundcloud.com/user-551516820 Official "Low Frequency Music" YouTube

    1h 26m


    Wilson Holts and Megan Thompson are friends and Los Angeles based yoga and wellness practitioners that have been having conversations on race, class, gender and all things social. This podcast is here to influence you on your journey of anti-racism work in the era of Black Lives Matter. We are here to dispel myths, inform, call you to action, and inspire and influence you to do the challenging but necessary work to help make the change we all want to see.

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