iungo Solutions presents... Fairly Unorthodox

iungo presents... Fairly Unorthodox
iungo Solutions presents... Fairly Unorthodox

If you don't like the game, change the rules. From start-up advice to progression in your career - this podcast covers it all. So, come with us on a journey to unravel the norms of business and provide people with the power to shape their future.


  1. 2022/01/17

    Mental Health And Neurodivergency In The Workplace With Mark Williams #4

    -Ploy Nilduang, Human Resources and Sales Executive of iungo solutions  and host for this podcast is joined by the wonderful and inspiring Mark  Williams from Fathers Reaching Out to discuss mental health and  neurodivergency in the workplace in time for january where we know  mental health can suffer. In this episode, you can expect to hear about  how to be supportive to those who struggle with mental health conditions  or neurodivergency in the workplace, general advice on mental  health/autism/adhd management, how we can help prisoners with adhd and  more.   Watch the video to learn more!    --  iungo Solutions Twitter: https://twitter.com/iungo_solutions Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iungo_solut...  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/iungo...   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iungo.solutions  Mark Williams  https://www.markwilliamsfmh.co.uk/ https://www.reachingoutpmh.co.uk/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-williams-fmh-97065943/  https://twitter.com/markwilliamsfmh https://www.instagram.com/fathers_mentalhealth/?hl=en   Get help today! https://hubofhope.co.uk/ https://mentalhealth-uk.org/help-and-information/downloadable-resources/  https://www.mind.org.uk/workplace/mental-health-at-work/taking-care-of-your-staff/useful-resources/ https://www.chrysaliscourses.ac.uk/news/free-mental-health-resources  https://www.silvercloudhealth.com/uk   Numbers to reach out to https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/helplines-listening-services/

    36 分钟


If you don't like the game, change the rules. From start-up advice to progression in your career - this podcast covers it all. So, come with us on a journey to unravel the norms of business and provide people with the power to shape their future.








