Gospel Spice | Awaken Delight in God through faith in Jesus Christ

Stéphanie Rousselle
Gospel Spice | Awaken Delight in God through faith in Jesus Christ

Hungry for deeper intimacy with God? Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him? Ready to embrace your full identity in Christ? Gospel Spice is your Jesus Christ-centered podcast, infused with in-depth Bible flavors and sprinkled with a dash of French culture. Have you recently found yourself less than captivated by your relationship with God? Have you found the pages of Scripture to be stale and lifeless? Are you looking for a spiritual flavor explosion in your journey with God? Then Gospel Spice is your new secret ingredient.  French host and Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to spice up your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Could the Christian faith prove more delightful & delicious than you’ve tasted so far? A feast awaits. Begin today! Join Stephanie and her guests to taste & see that the Lord is good! The Gospel Spice Podcast is ranked Top 1% All Categories globally*, and is listened to from 170+ countries.  Guests include Dallas & Amanda Jenkins, Max Lucado, Joel Rosenberg, Os Guinness, Jennifer Rothschild, Sheila Walsh, Susie Larson, Jonathan Evans, Ruth Chou Simons, Jim Cymbala, Jo Saxton, Alisa Childers, Curt Thompson, and so many, many more. When not with her guests, Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to delight in God by diving deep into Scripture! Gospel Spice was recognized as the 3rd most recommended podcast for Christian women in 2025. So, don't miss out! NEW! SHOP GOSPELSPICE MERCH DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES  We exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools by Gospel Spice Ministries. We provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. The majority of donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog (*ListenNotes ranking, 2025) Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

  1. How can I live in deeper awareness of God's love for me?


    How can I live in deeper awareness of God's love for me?

    Are you ready for a fresh, spicy approach to the love of God today? We've all heard that God loves us. Do we really believe it? How can we live in deeper awareness of God's love for me? The Book of Proverbs might not be overtly explicit about God's love, but it is the underlying foundation for the entire book. So, today, we are pondering God's love: what does it mean that "God is love"? Why is He love? What does His love look like? We're not staying in shallow waters. We are peeking under the hood of Proverbs to look at how the engine of this book truly functions. And we discover that Love is the fuel behind every motion in Proverbs. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom Stephanie starts us off this week with a powerful quote by her countryman, Blaise Pascal, on his famous "God-shaped hole" in the human heart: “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself” -- Blaise Pascal, 1670. We see that, IN God, our primary life calling: to REST in LOVE and DELIGHT in HIM in return. To make God our rest and my delight. We are created to LOVE and BE LOVED. We are attracted by LOVE like an irresistible magnet. And, we can only love well when we are loved well. Love is an experience of the heart AND mind. It is a decision of the will that transforms your heart and turns living into loving. Stephanie challenges us to embrace the challenge of the Christian life: to nurture the One Craving of craving the One--Christ, that is. And we discuss practical ways to do just that. They may sound overworn and cliche, but there's a reason some paths are well-trodden by countless generations of Christ-worshipping believers across time and space: these well-worn paths actualyl work, and actually lead us deeper into God. They are called prayer and the study of Scripture. Stephanie gives us a fresh perspective to rejuvenate our desire to walk these paths daily. We are challenged to learn to experience the consequences of growing in our craving of God alone. Then, we look at the practical outcome: True love is binding yourself to the One you love. It is a surrender of freewill to embrace freedom to love another. God displays His supernatural glory through human impossibilities. He chooses us to make us a willing partner of His acting through us. Love the Lord your God, and then love your neighbor as yourself. - Jesus. Join us today for a fresh, in-depth dive into the love of God! Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/proverbs MEET OUR CHARACTER OF THE WEEK Eve has always wanted to get married but does not feel very comfortable with the idea of long-term commitment. Now in her early 40’s, she would describe herself as pleasing, accommodating and bubbly. And she has an amazing body that she works hard to fine-tune. In social situations, Eve shines. It makes her job as an events coordinator all the more enthralling. She craves the thrill of success. If it takes a perfectly fitting shirt or some batting of the eye lashes — in the end it gets the job done. God helps those who help themselves, right? Eve recently began attending a church in town. The music is so unique compared to the boring hymns she grew up with! She felt exposed, however, when the pastor’s wife invited her to attend a women’s event. You see, Eve just doesn’t get along with women that well, and naturally shies away from female friendships. In this case however, given that it was church, she agreed to attend ONE event. After all, she’s always looking for opportunities to coordinate an event and land some new clients, so she decided to go ahead with it. Fast forward a few months. The women’s event was so enjoyable that Eve started attending a Bible study. Surprisingly, she finds herself learning to like some of the women. One woman invited her for coffee and started asking more personal questions. This left Eve feeling anxious and uncomfortable. No one had ever probed like this. Yet it also felt so caring and loving. Weird. Eve is starting to feel nervous that she might not know how to connect. She wonders if there is more to life than the fancy events, the fine-tuned body, the bubbly interactions. She thinks she wants something more but has no idea for what that would look like. Eve is looking for God’s love, and she does not know it. She is feeling what my compatriot, Blaise Pascal described in the 1650’s in his Pensées as “this infinite abyss [that] can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God himself.” You may have heard this referenced to as a “God-shaped hole” in every human heart. Blaise Pascal never said it was a merely a hole or a vacuum. It’s an infinite abyss. Only God can fill the abyss of our heart. And that is, because only God is pure love. We often settle for substitutes, even good ones. And yet, nothing short of God’s infinite love will truly satisfy. Even the “perfect” family, the dream job, the best ministry—they may satisfy for a season, but the “infinite abyss” of our heart intuitively discovers that they do not fill. Only the love of our infinite God can fill the infinite abyss of our heart. So, what does God’s love look like, and how do we experience it so that it fills our heart? I would venture to say, in the same way that we experience anyone else’s love! God has given us human interactions so that we would learn from them how to spot true love, and then infinitely extrapolate the experience to embrace God’s love. In other words, how do you know anyone loves you? I think it is the sum of what they say and what they do. And so it is with God. Ponder what Scripture tells you about what God says about you, what He promises you, and what He has done for you both in the past and in the present. For example, Zephaniah 3:17 describes you as the recipient of the overflow of the love of God: “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke y but will rejoice over you with singing.” To need and to want; to love and be loved. This is the experience God invites us to enjoy in Him. Love is an experience of the heart AND mind. It is a decision of the will that transforms your heart and turns living into loving. So, how do we do this? First, be inspired by others who DO delight in Him. Who do you know, who loves the Lord with all of their heart and mind and strength and soul? Seek them out, and then surround yourself with them; learn from them. And second, YOU be inspiring to others who seek to delight in Him! Never place yourself intentionally on display, but intentionally invite Him to use you as His earthen vessel in a jar of clay. In other words, love God, and love others like yourself. What does it look like? I would sum it up in one word: Crave. Crave Him. The more you spend time with others who crave Him, the more you will crave Him. It will happen through prayer and study of His Word. It will happen through a deeper living-out of the set-apartness of knowing you are His, and He is yours. It will happen as you practically set out to love others in His Name. And it will not happen in your own strength—that’s the secret. God displays His supernatural glory through human impossibilities. Crave God. He will satisfy. Love God. He will teach you to love Him through the Spirit. Love others. He will act through you. Join us this week on the Gospel Spice Podcast to find out how Eve is discovering the mysterious miracle of intimacy with God. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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  2. Intriguing connections to worship Jesus anew | Delight in Jesus from fasting to feasting


    Intriguing connections to worship Jesus anew | Delight in Jesus from fasting to feasting

    Stephanie here! We are taking a temporary break from the Book of Proverbs to immerse ourselves in the two major Jewish and Christian liturgical events happening this week, roughly at the same time (which is unusual): Lent and Purim. I always find it fascinating to find fresh ways to worship Jesus Christ through the connections between different feasts and seasons. So today I invite you to delight in Christ through the unexpected juxtaposition of Purim and Lent. We invite you into a delightful exploration of the divine tapestry that intertwines the ancient traditions of Purim with the solemn reverence of Lent, ultimately pointing to the redemptive Lordship of Jesus Christ. You can purchase the Spring Feasts workbook to take notes while you listen, including the gorgeous visuals we created to accompany your experience: https://www.gospelspice.com/offers/ct6coMYd Purim, a joyous and festive Jewish celebration, commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people as detailed in the book of Esther. The intricacies of the story, from the absence of God's name in the book of Esther to the sovereignty and deliverance of His people, provide a rich tapestry to explore. In the Christian tradition, Lent serves as a period of preparation and reflection leading up to Easter, encompassing forty days marked by fasting, sacrifice, and repentance. Both Purim and Lent share a dark background of struggle and the hope of a joyous feast, creating an intriguing juxtaposition. Steeped in history and tradition, Purim and Lent leads us to worship Jesus at their intersection. It's compelling to note that while Purim is celebrated with joyful feasting and the giving of gifts to the poor, Lent involves fasting before the celebration of Easter. Both observances intertwine notions of hardship and hope, underscoring the resilience and faith exhibited by believers. Purim and Lent beckon us to seek and find Jesus in the heart of these sacred observances. So, join the conversation today! Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools given to you by Gospel Spice Ministries. In a nutshell, we exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. In more details: we provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel-Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. PLAY IT FORWARD by SHARING the link with friends and family. PRAY IT FORWARD by praying for us and those you share it with! PAY IT FORWARD!! Would you consider supporting this show today to help others enjoy it for free? It comes to you completely free, but is labor-intensive to produce, and we want to keep putting it in the ears of people! Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. All donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog (*ListenNotes ranking, 2023) Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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  3. Balancing confidence and humility, the secret to authentic worship | with Darlene Zschech


    Balancing confidence and humility, the secret to authentic worship | with Darlene Zschech

    Stephanie engages in a heartfelt conversation with renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech, who likes to remind us that learning to trust God is a superpower! Darlene invites us into a life of authentic worship. She challenges us to cultivate a heart rooted in humility, to pursue genuine connection with God, and to understand the profound impact of living a life centered around worship. Darlene emphasizes the necessity of approaching worship without pressure or performance. She underscores that God's love is unconditional and is not influenced by our achievements or failures. This invites us to worship and create from a place of freedom, where we can focus on building a sincere relationship with God rather than seeking approval or validation from others. Darlene shares her own journey, highlighting how she learned to adore God not for His gifts or as a task to check off, but simply to be in His presence. God's delight in us is not contingent upon our accomplishments, but is inherent to our relationship with Him. Engaging with God without any agenda other than presence leads to an authentic worship experience. Darlene's wisdom reminds us that trusting God is a superpower. Her personal experiences, including battling cancer, illustrate God’s faithfulness and the necessity of discerning His voice. Humility in worship is non-negotiable. Darlene speaks to the trap of self-sufficiency, particularly for those naturally inclined to leadership and capability. She insists on the importance of shedding self-reliance and embracing humility to fully trust and depend on God. In a world craving attention, Darlene values the hidden life and the importance of remaining true to worship's essence. Her journey reminds us to fight for a culture of truth and humility. Darlene's experiences illustrate the significance of nurturing deep roots in God's Word and maintaining accountability in our faith walk. She cautions against the allure of fame and the pressure to create commercialized versions of worship, advocating instead for a focus on genuine expression that aligns with God's heart. Darlene's testimony of God's faithfulness during her battle with cancer is particularly moving, as she reminds us to trust both God's whisper and shouts alike. Nurturing a close relationship with God prepares us to discern His guidance during pivotal moments. Stephanie asks Darlene about the church's role in cultivating worship leaders. Darlene stresses the importance of mentoring and discipleship within worship teams, encouraging leaders to uphold a culture of truth, confidence, and humility. This environment ensures that the focus remains on facilitating worship towards God rather than self-glorification. Darlene's experience with Christians in India teaches us about true devotion and reliance on God. When comfort isn't an option, desperation calls out to God, showcasing His incredible faithfulness. Here are some of the key insights Stephanie will remember from her conversation with Darlene. Make them your own, or add some more! 1.      Embrace Your Identity in Christ: God loves you unconditionally, regardless of your actions or achievements. 2.      Delight in God's Presence: Prioritize spending time with God, not just for what you can gain, but for simply being with Him. 3.      Practice Humility and Confidence: Strive for the combination of these qualities in your faith and life. 4.      Cultivate a Life of Worship: Lead others to focus on God’s worth, not your own abilities. 5.      Seek to Align Desires with God’s Will: Spend time in His word to align your heart with His plan. 6.      Nurture a Hidden Life: Value your private relationship with God over public recognition. 7.      Be Anchored in a Sure Foundation: Start each day with devotion and prayer, positioning yourself for what the day brings. 8.      Serve with Excellence: Honor God through high standards in your work, recognizing Him as the source of your abilities. 9.      Surrender to God’s Will: Continually submit your life to Him and trust in His faithfulness. 10.  Remember God’s Faithfulness: Regularly reflect on and remember His past faithfulness as a source of encouragement. 11.  Lead by Example in Worship: Facilitate a genuine connection between people and God, elevating them to see His worth. 12.  Guard Your Heart: Continually examine and protect your heart against pride and complacency. 13.  Embrace the Power of Influence: Use influence responsibly and to glorify God, while ensuring roots are deep in His word. 14.  Remain Teachable: Continuously seek mentorship and embrace correction and growth. 15.  Trust God Beyond Self-Reliance: Let go of self-sufficiency and put trust fully in God, who desires to guide your path. 16.  Value Discipleship and Community: Learn from and contribute to the community around you for spiritual growth. CONNECT WITH DARLENE ZSCHECH https://www.darlenezschech.com/  “First and foremost, I am a woman who simply and wholeheartedly loves Christ, and serves Him through loving my family, serving the church, and speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” – Darlene Zschech Darlene Zschech is an award-winning Australian singer-songwriter, worship leader, pastor, author, and speaker. With three GMA Dove Award nominations, the winner of GMA's International Award for influence in praise and worship, and the achievement of 16 Gold and one Platinum ARIA album, her songs have reached many nations around the world. However, Darlene’s success simply stands as a testimony to her life’s passion for serving God, her family and people with all her heart. Alongside her husband Mark, they are the Senior Pastors of Hope Unlimited Church (HopeUC) on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, which now has churches in the US and India. Darlene is perhaps most famous for the worship anthem “Shout to the Lord,” a song that has been sung by millions and translated into multiple languages. In addition to “Shout to the Lord,” Darlene’s catalog includes “In Jesus Name,” “Victor’s Crown”, “Worthy is the Lamb,” and over a hundred others which have greatly contributed to the worship in the contemporary Church worldwide. Darlene is passionate about raising and training other worship pastors, leaders, teams, and writers. To this end, she has penned six books which have been translated internationally. Darlene and Mark live in the beautiful Central Coast of New South Wales with their family: Amy and her husband Andrew, Chloe and her husband Hosanna, Zoe and her husband Matthew and their six beautiful grandchildren Ava, Roman, Ruthie, Thea, Elias and Nora. MORE ABOUT “TESTAMENT”, DARLENE’S LATEST ALBUM New album "Testament" is not just about memories, it’s a statement that worship leads to encountering Christ afresh in every moment. Australian worship leader Darlene Zschech unveils her highly anticipated studio album, “Testament.” The new release marks the milestone 30-year anniversary of “Shout to the Lord,” a song that became an anthem for the church worldwide. It is also a stake in the ground to the faithfulness of God, as the title track declares: “My testament is you.” Stirred by friends and family, Zschech crafted a collection of 25 reimagined legacy songs and five brand-new tracks. From iconic songs such as “Cry of the Broken” and “Victor’s Crown,” to fresh offerings like “Spirit of the Living God” and “Yes Again,” each song carries a powerful sound that is just as vibrant today. It also features many artists like Martin Smith, SVRICINA, Mitch Wong, and Michael W. Smith among others, as well as various choirs and the Australian Christian Orchestra, creating an expansive and eclectic project filled with the sound of praise, thanksgiving, and rich collaboration. This album embodies Zschech’s story and her experience of God’s unfailing love, not only in worship ministry but in each intricate details of her life too. It’s a family project, described by the artist as “songs that have deep meaning to my family, that have helped shape me and kept my focus heavenward.” “Testament” weaves together songs that have been the soundtrack to her children’s lives, her battle with cancer, and her adventures planting churches and starting non-profits alongside her husband. It also features multiple family members, including Zschech’s daughter, Zoe Cameron, on “Shout to the Lord.” Commenting on this central song, which was penned before Zoe’s birth, Zschech said: “I wrote it quickly while crying out to God about our future, saying that no matter what, we will follow him. I was young in age and young in God. ‘Shout to the Lord’ changed things around us, but the things that really matter never changed and never will: God is faithful and attentive to our prayers.” Harnessing this central theme of faithfulness, “Testament” communicates its close relationship to obedience and thankfulness. It’s the sound flowing out of a lifetime lived with the Lord, the very meaning of worship. Zschech is adamant that worship is not a genre but the whole of one’s life poured out for the glory of God: “I’ll always find it hard to wrap my head around the miracle of worship, music, and song. There’s really no other vehicle available to us on earth that has the ability to bring to attention our mind, auditory senses, resting our hearts, moving the soul and spirit to a point when your whole self is pointed in the one direction. Such is the power of worship as the Holy Spirit leads our heart heavenward, Jesus-ward, through the magnificent sound of sacred song.” “Testament” is not just about memories, but it’s a statement that worship leads to encountering Christ afresh in every moment. Zschech’s prayer is that this collection of songs would play a part in people’s story as they too are

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  4. Can my pride be good?


    Can my pride be good?

    Wisdom. Most of us would say we possess some measure of it. And yet, we would probably all sign up for more, if it didn’t prove so, well… elusive? Unattainable? Reserved for the “truly spiritual”?  What if our desire for wisdom led us to look for the right answers in the wrong places? What if wisdom was accessible to anyone who asks? Most importantly, how do we get this wisdom that is not of the world? Gospel Spice Ministries invite you to ponder the wisdom of the book of Proverbs through a Christocentric perspective over the next few weeks. We promise spiritual flavor explosions steeped in the biblical concepts of hope, faith, and joy in the Lord. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom Every week, we invite you to meet a fictional character who teaches us much about God. Today, meet Lauren. Lauren is a talented interior designer, and she knows it. That’s why she hates it when an outsider tries to teach her something in her field of expertise. It happened just recently again when Mary and Bob gave her advice on how to use color to accent a room. That conversation drove her crazy. She respectfully tuned out their poor advice while mentally listing superior alternatives, before sharing that list with them. She did them a favor—their silence was proof of approval. Or take the other day, when she was asked to volunteer to help clean the church kitchen after an event. That made her angry. Don’t they know she has important things to do with her time, and better ways to use her gifts? For example, she recently met with this famous movie star and they really hit it off. She loves telling people how she, Lauren, gave sensible advice to this actress for her next role. See, she has more important things to do. She encourages her tendency to compare to others, in every area. She sees it as a competitive spirit. Comparison has been encouraged by her teachers and her parents as far as she can remember. She truly believes it’s the path to personal growth—when you measure yourself up against others, and increasingly notice progress. Since comparing is a source of growth, she does others a favor by flaunting her latest success. She just lost 15 lbs and is letting everyone know. She would not mention the actual weight loss, but her tight-fitting clothes show the progress well enough. She has noticed the appreciative looks around her at the firm. She is proud to know she is inspiring them to try too. God knows some of them could use some weight loss too—take Sharon and Kim, for example. She got aggravated with that stupid Bill at work recently, who dared hint that she was judgmental. What a complete idiot. But here is the truth: if people don’t have their act together, that’s because either they’re not trying hard enough, or they choose to rely on others rather than work hard. She makes a point of never asking anyone for help. What would they think? She prides herself on her humility. Take her house, for example. Considering her status and salary at the designing firm, she could afford a much bigger one. So, there. Plus, she is at church most Sundays. They should be grateful, because here’s the honest truth: that church really is not half as good as it could be. Hum… maybe she will give the head pastor some much-needed advice next time she sees him. Our world is full of Laurens. Do you know one? She might never have heard a key Scriptural message from proverbs: God gives grace to the humble, but justice to the proud. Jesus Himself, in Matthew 7:1-2, warned us that we will be judged by the very standard we use to judge others. God won’t even pull up the ten commandments; He will look at how we treated others, and that will be the basis of how He treats us. A sobering thought. Indeed, it is a terrifying thought, apart from the grace of God. Mark Twain famously said, “It’s not the parts of the Bible I can’t understand that bother me; it’s the parts that I do understand.” The way I see it? Anything short of begging for grace is sheer folly. In our previous article and podcast episode, we focused on fear, and we saw that fear stems from a deflated view of God. Today, we see that pride stems from an inflated view of self. French is going to come to our help by showing us that bad pride always stems from comparison. In French, we have two words for your one English word “pride.” Orgueil (pronounced [ɔʁɡœj]) is always negative, and it is always pride in relation to someone else: it’s comparing to others, and coming out on top. Conversely, fierté (pronounced [fjɛʁ.te]) is generally in relation to yourself. You are your own standard, and you measure improvement against yourself. It is much more positive. Orgueil and fierté  teach us that true pride is humble because it knows its limits and surrenders to God. The true glory of mankind is not to seek glory for ourselves—that is worldly pride. Humans are truly glorious when we seek to know God. Our purpose and identity are found, not in pridefully seeking to make ourselves equal to God, but in seeking to know God. Humble pride seeks not to be God, but to know Him. As believers, we have an awe-inspiring privilege: we are beckoned to enter the Throne Room boldly… on our knees. That is pride rooted in humility; it is God-dependence rooted in gratitude. When we approach the Throne to pray, for others and for ourselves, we nurture humility which, in turn, breeds gratitude and compassion. Pride cannot pray. Therefore, prayer is the antidote to our all-pervasive pride; prayer is both the soil and fruit of humility. You can’t enter the Throne room without being captivated by the beauty of the Sovereign. His beauty is supremely displayed in the Son, the radiance of the Father’s glory (Hebrews 1:3) cloaked in the humility of human flesh (Philippians 2:5). The Book of Proverbs highlights the wisdom that is from above: a crucified Lord, foolishness to the proud but salvation to the humble. Take a listen to the Gospel Spice Podcast, Episode 379, to further ponder the beauty of our Lord’s humility. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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  5. Mission meets fashion to empower survivors | with Heidi VanderWal of Crowned Free


    Mission meets fashion to empower survivors | with Heidi VanderWal of Crowned Free

    Stephanie welcomes Heidi VanderWal, the inspiring founder of Crowned Free, a Christian apparel, home decor, and jewelry company. This organization is not just about selling beautiful products but is deeply rooted in a mission to support and employ survivors of human trafficking. Every purchase from Crowned Free supports its mission. This is a powerful reminder of the impact we have when we vote with our wallet can have. By choosing ethically made products, we support not just a business, but a broader movement against injustice. Exclusive code! Use GOSPELSPICE for 15% off your purchase at https://crownedfree.com/ (valid through 03/31/25).  Heidi VanderWal's journey into the world of human trafficking began nearly fifteen years ago after attending a local church event. At this event, she heard a gripping testimony from a human trafficking survivor. This transformation experience led her to question how she, an entrepreneur, could contribute to such a massive and daunting issue. Despite her initial feelings of inadequacy, she became determined to make a difference—no matter how small the seemingly insurmountable problem appeared. Over time, her journey materialized into Crowned Free, a business that merges her love for style with a powerful mission. Crowned Free stands for more than just ethically made products. The company operates under a unique model that combines retail sales with a commitment to combating human trafficking. They donate a portion of their proceeds to organizations dedicated to this cause and employ human trafficking survivors to create around 40% of their products. A cornerstone of Crowned Free's mission is providing employment to survivors. Importantly, their partnership with Wedgewood Christian Services has been pivotal. Through this collaboration, Crowned Free involves teenage survivors, aged 13 to 17, in crafting various products, ranging from jewelry to candles, that embody beauty, hope, and rehabilitation. These partnerships provide invaluable therapeutic outlets for the participants, offering a sense of achievement and helping to restore dignity. Heidi's visits to Wedgewood reveal the profound emotional and psychological healing that these young artisans undergo, and underscore the potential of a supportive work environment. Heidi encourages increased awareness and intentional shopping practices as simple ways to engage with this cause. Even those unfamiliar with the intricacies of human trafficking can contribute by supporting ethical brands or engaging in conversations that spread awareness. Here are some highlights from Stephanie’s conversation with Heidi: 1.      Power of Sharing Stories | Hearing firsthand experiences raises awareness and urges action against human trafficking. 2.      Faith-led Entrepreneurship | Trusting divine guidance can lead to impactful business ventures. 3.      Combating Human Trafficking | Crowned Free is dedicated to fighting human trafficking through ethical business practices and survivor employment in the Name of Jesus. 4.      The Importance of Ethical Choices | We can influence positive change by choosing ethically sourced products. 5.      Local Partnerships are Crucial | Collaborations with local organizations amplify impact and aid in survivor rehabilitation. 6.      Balancing Business and Mission | Maintaining focus on purpose ensures business decisions align with mission goals. 7.      Ripple Effect of Intentional Actions | Small, conscious purchases can ripple into significant impacts for the kingdom of God. DISCOVER CROWNED FREE Go to https://crownedfree.com/  We are dedicated to raising awareness and empowering women who have been rescued from human trafficking. Crowned free gives back two different ways. The first way is by donating 15% of our profits to organizations in the United States and internationally that work to restore, rescue, and rehabilitate survivors. The second way Crowned Free gives back is by creating sustainable jobs for girls who have been rescued to make over half of our products. This opportunity equips survivors with vocational skills they can use to provide for themselves and their families. MEET HEIDI VANDERWAL Years ago, Heidi VanderWal (Chief Crown Officer) attended a woman’s event sponsored by a local church to create awareness for human trafficking. After realizing that girls were being sold right in her city, at her favorite malls, in local schools, and online, she became determined to help fight this injustice that was hitting so close to home. She dreamed even bigger, of a world where human trafficking didn’t exist at all. In January of 2014, the idea for Crowned Free, a clothing company that donated a portion of its profits to this cause, took shape. Launched in 2015, the response to Crowned Free’s products and mission was immediate and women from all over started asking how they could get involved. By the middle of 2016, that was exactly the direction that the company was heading, and on August 1, 2017, Crowned Free officially launched as a direct sales company so that women across the United States could join the mission as Independent Representatives. Crowned Free’s mission is to end human trafficking through ethical fashion and gifts. We offer women the opportunity to build their own cause-based business that creates safe and sustainable jobs for survivors of human trafficking and supports anti-trafficking organizations. We believe Crowned Free came to be for such a time as this. We believe the Crowned Free woman is brave, courageous, a champion and an overcomer. She is strong, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made. She is loved. She is free. She is you. She is me. This is our story, and it can be your story too. Together we can make a difference. “…Everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” —Isaiah 35:10 We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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  6. How can we move from fear to faith?


    How can we move from fear to faith?

    Wisdom. Most of us would say we possess some measure of it. And yet, we would probably all sign up for more, if it didn’t prove so, well… elusive? Unattainable? Reserved for the “truly spiritual”?  What if our desire for wisdom led us to look for the right answers in the wrong places? What if wisdom was accessible to anyone who asks? Most importantly, how do we get this wisdom that is not of the world? Gospel Spice Ministries invite you to ponder the wisdom of the book of Proverbs through a Christocentric perspective over the next few weeks. We promise spiritual flavor explosions steeped in the biblical concepts of hope, faith, and joy in the Lord. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom Today, Stephanie takes us deep into the topics of fear, insecurities and anxiety in order to ponder the Christ-centered alternative: faith and trust. Many proverbs are centered on the concept of fear--both as something to avoid when it is the fear of man, and as something to nurture when it is the fear of God. What do these proverbs mean, and what can they teach us today? As has now become our habit, we start off by meeting a fictional character who embodies the traits we will be pondering today. Her name is Jessica, and she tries hard to please everyone! Stephanie takes us to a profound quote by Thomas Chalmers about the "expulsion power of a new affection" as the underlying secret to replace fear by faith. We examine fear to conclude that it is always a secondary motivation in the transformation process, and that growing in faith makes for a much more powerful vector of transformation. Faith predates the fall in the garden, but fear follows it. Therefore, in Christ we are given the opportunity to return to our deepest roots, restoring the harmony of our intimacy with the Father in the garden, and even more. Because of the transformative power of faith in Christ, we can become salt and light--this is actually the context of Jesus' famous teaching about our identity as salt of the earth and light of the world! We ponder that genuine faith and trust in God are only possible when we rejoice and delight in God first, and foremost, and, actually, all in all. Faith is grounded in who God is; fear is grounded in who we are in our own eyes, or in the eyes of the world. We examine this powerful thought by Saint Augustine, that challenges us to give up the "fruitless joys we are afraid to lose" in order to "embrace the joy-filled fruit we cannot lose." We do this, by looking at Peter's faith when he dared to step out of the boat. Will we dare to step out of our own boats in faith, keeping our eyes on the One who holds our hand? This event in Peter's life teaches us that, if we have faith in mankind, we will have the fear of man; but if we have faith in God, then we will cultivate the only healthy fear: the fear of God, which is the "beginning of wisdom" and the "beginning of knowledge" as Proverbs teach us. So, what is the fear of God? How can it be good, since we've expounded on fear being bad, so far? It requires a look at who God is. His preeminence in presence, power, goodness, justice, love, patience and kindness set Him so very much apart, that He is a category all His own. To be "set apart" literally is the root of the word "holy." The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge because God is a category all His own, and we cannot fear Him as we fear man. It's not the same fear because it's not the same category. The fear of God is wise because it is awe and reverence and worship and adoration--not cowering in fear of getting hurt by a vengeful tyrant. God's identity makes Him trustworthy and, therefore, make His guidance much sought after. We end with yet another favorite quote of Stephanie's, "complaint supposes ill-usage." If we complain that God has not come through for us (as we all are prone to do!) we basically state that God is out to get us, or that He does not have our best interest at heart; that He behaves towards us with ill-will. When we take time to think this through, we realize it is not consistent with who we know God to be. In other words, complaining against God is always rooted in a faulty understanding of His grace and heart on our behalf. It means we can correct our faulty view, and therefore grow in joy and contentment! What a delightful prospect. Such promises are NOT for the fearless, perfect version of you, some time in the future. They are for you TODAY, as you are, imperfections and all. And that is the best news we can hear all day! If it is true that we become what we behold, then behold Christ. Anything lower is beneath you as a royal priesthood, adopted child of God. MORE ABOUT TODAY'S EPISODE | MEET JESSICA! So, today, meet Jessica. It’s been a long weekend for Jessica, and she’s glad to be back home. She’s dirty, sweaty, smelly, and exhausted. The family went camping—the kids had been begging for months, and her husband had gotten new gear, including a comfortable sleeping pad for her. He knew how much she values her comfort. What he doesn’t know is how viscerally Jessica hates camping. He wouldn’t know, of course, because she makes a point of not letting her preferences get in the way of theirs. That’s what a good wife and mom does, right? Actually, the family loved it so much, they agreed to go again next month. She agreed to go, too. She is not looking forward to it, but it’s vastly preferable to being home alone all weekend anyway. Jessica is extremely loyal to her loved ones. She asks their opinion about everything before making a decision, and then asks their feedback about everything she has done. She enjoys being with them 24/7. Actually, one of her greatest fears, causing sheer panic at the thought, is to be alone all weekend at home. She would hate that even more than camping. Her loyalty is one of her key defining traits, in her opinion. It’s not just with family. Jessica prides herself on being a good friend and follower. She may not be gifted at taking initiative, but she thrives in following loyally. This means the occasional sacrifice, but isn’t that what friends do for each other? And this applies to her church family, too. For example, she often gets called on to cook meals for her church body, when a new mom has a baby or when someone is sick. The truth is, she doesn’t enjoy cooking at all. But Jesus said we are to bear our cross, right? Plus, they really need her. Jessica values looking young and good. She is always put together, with a smile on her face. Projecting such a confident image serves two purposes, in her mind: it makes Christ look good to outsiders, and it helps her avoid the anxiety she knows she would experience if she was seen at the grocery store with less than her best makeup and outfit on. With every passing year, she becomes more and more health conscious and seeks to ward off aging. She is always the first to get her flu shot. She eats well, knows all her vitamins, buys expensive anti-wrinkle cream, and exercises several times a week. Plus, it beats being home alone when the kids are at school and hubby is at work. She stay informed about what is happening in the world, and especially the tragedies of life. She spends a lot of time imagining how she would react if those calamities happened to her. Her mind always goes to the worst-case scenarios; she calls it wisdom in being well-prepared. She is not sure how that happens, but she always lands in the same hypothetical scene: what would happen if her husband died and she was left to fend for herself? She knows it does not sound very trusting in God, but she really doesn’t know what to do about it. So, Jessica prays that the faith of her church friends will somehow rub off on her, because she does not seem to be able to muster much of it on her own. And in the meantime she seeks to forget her growing anxiety by numbing it with escapes to a world of make-believe: she spends a lot of her days watching innocuous shows on Netflix and reading copious amounts of romance fiction. And then there’s always the escape of the ever-comforting deep house cleaning. She has more and more often found herself deep-cleaning at three in the morning when sleep would not come, despite the sleeping pills she’s gotten accustomed to. House cleaning is soothing. As she is scrubbing the kitchen tile again, she wonders: is she living the best version of her life? What would you tell Jessica? Would you pick up a brush and join her on her kitchen floor? Would you make her a cup of tea and tell her to take a deep breath and chillax a little? Proverbs challenges us with two options when fear paralyses us: to numb it, or to expulse it. Proverbs 31:6-7 describes the numbing through wine and forgetfulness. Jessica would recognize herself there. The alternative to numbing is expulsing the fear. Thomas Chalmers writes in the 1750’s about the “expulsion power of a new affection.” He means that removing fear is not enough; it needs to be replaced by something else: a deeper, more powerful affection. Jesus shared the story of the demon-possessed man who found himself in a worse situation when seven more demons came to invade the house that had been cleaned, but not filled (see Luke 11:24-26). In other words, fear is always a secondary motivation in the transformation process. It needs to be kicked out, but then the void left must be filled by something superior: faith and joy in God are the alternative proposed in Scripture. Joy is always a more powerful motivator than fear, because joy in God existed before the fall of man which ushered in fear. Joy in God predates fear in the garden of Eden. Joy in God will exist through all of eternity future when fear is but a dim memory. We will experience lasting change today when we choose to rejoice in God more than we choose to fear hypotheti

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  7. Engaging and resisting culture with Christlike faith | with Patrick Miller


    Engaging and resisting culture with Christlike faith | with Patrick Miller

    Stephanie here! Do, you, like me, feel more like an outsider in the American culture today than you did ten years ago, as a Christian? If that's the case, you're not alone. The question is, what kind of outsider will we become? Will we become a combative outsider and rage against your enemies? Will we become a conformist outsider and mirror the world around us? Will we become a conflict-averse outsider and avoid confrontation at all costs? GIWEAWAY COMING UP! In our February newsletter, we will give away THREE copies of "Joyful Outsiders" in partnership with Patrick and his publisher, Zondervan. We will also give 3 copies of our previous January book interview ("Happy Lies" by Melissa Dougherty, episode 374). So make sure to be signed up to our newsletter for a chance to win. Sign up here: https://www.gospelspice.com/signup How can I convey to you the timely importance of this book? This has to do with the questions that we encounter every day and that make us feel like outsiders. Like, how do I react when my child's teacher claims that there are hundreds of genders? Or, what do I say when my best friend calls me a Marxist because I'm troubled by systemic racism? Or, how do I talk with my mom when she posts conspiracy theories on Facebook? Or, how do I talk to my coworker who says that all Christians are bigots? For these important questions that we have to face today, there isn't one size fits all solutions. We need to first remember that as Christians, we are outsiders to the culture we live in. As Patrick Miller, says, we live in Babylon, and yet we are called by scripture to both make our home in Babylon and resist Babylon. How do we do that? Jesus calls us to live seamless lives, and yet the fear that we encounter daily when we experience being an outsider, that fear has a habit of making scenes in our lives. How can we together resist Babylon's efforts to tear the fabric of reality, even as we work to repair this fabric, and influence the world for Christ? It's really understandable that we want to relieve the tension. We could change our beliefs to fit in, we could rage against our enemies and force them to agree with us, or we could just retreat from it all. But do these options really help, or do they just help us feel more helpless and angry and confused? Do they make us more, or less Christlike? Jesus has so much for us. He's called us to be a joyful outsider like him. He was crucified as an outcast outside the city. Now he welcomes us to join him; to die to ourselves and discover that sacrificial love has the power to change the world. In Joyful Outsiders, pastors Patrick Miller and Keith Simon show us how to be a joyful outsider by laying out six ways to navigate a confusing culture at home, at work, and beyond. They draw on the examples of biblical characters to introduce six types of joyful outsiders: the artist, the protestor, the builder, the advisor, the ambassador, and the trainer. We might be an outsider in today's world, but that doesn't mean Jesus can't use us to change it. TAKE THE TEST go to joyfuloutsiders.com to discover how to address culture in the way God wired you.  MORE ABOUT “JOYFUL OUTSIDERS” This practical guide helps you find peace and clarity in a confusing culture. Through it, you will learn healthy, biblical ways to both cultivate and resist the world around you. You will learn how to change the culture without becoming like it. In Joyful Outsiders, you will: Discover joy by embracing your identity as an outsider Find which of the six ways God is calling you to follow Experience freedom from fear of the world and anger toward it Learn how to both resist and cultivate the world around you MEET PATRICK MILLER Patrick Miller is a pastor and cultural commentator who writes about politics, culture, and technology, contributing articles to Christianity Today, Newsweek, The Gospel Coalition, and other publications. His podcast, Truth Over Tribe is one of Apple's top news commentary podcasts, featuring interviews with leading Christian thinkers, writers, and scholars. He's the co-author of Truth Over Tribe: Pledging Allegiance to the Lamb, Not the Donkey or the Elephant. Patrick received a Master of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary, and pastors a politically diverse church, The Crossing. He and his wife, Emily, have two children. We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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  8. How can we cultivate spiritual integrity?


    How can we cultivate spiritual integrity?

    Wisdom. Most of us would say we possess some measure of it. And yet, we would probably all sign up for more, if it didn’t prove so, well… elusive? Unattainable? Reserved for the “truly spiritual”?  What if our desire for wisdom led us to look for the right answers in the wrong places? What if wisdom was accessible to anyone who asks? Most importantly, how do we get this wisdom that is not of the world? Gospel Spice Ministries invite you to ponder the wisdom of the book of Proverbs through a Christocentric perspective over the next few weeks. We promise spiritual flavor explosions steeped in the biblical concepts of hope, faith, and joy in the Lord. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom  How should we prioritize wisdom and holiness? Why should our lives aim to reflect our Lord’s? Our intention is to create and nurture a lifelong quest to cultivate holy wisdom in practical ways by acquiring new perspectives on daily living and “being transformed by the renewing of our minds.” Biblical wisdom is irresistibly attractive because it centers on Jesus Christ. In this episode, we will learn to see our heart as the driver behind our will (yes, the pun is absolutely intended!) and how we can surrender our will to God's perfect wisdom from above the sun. Our will both shapes and is shaped by our identity, so we will wonder: how can we center our identity on Christ? We follow Lady Wisdom and Folly in the pages of Proverbs today. We look at seven things the Lord hates, and how they all speak of behavior-based identity. We see that the road of flattery and deceit leads to death, but the road of integrity and truth leads to life. Then, we dare to dive into what it means to consider Christ as our Bridegroom. How is He our spiritual Husband? What does it mean? What does Scripture teach on that? And how is a human marriage as God intends, between a man and a woman, a picture of His heavenly intention of a spiritual marriage between Christ and His bride, the Church universal composed of all the true believers across time and space? Proverbs provides us with two mirrors to understand life: the self-centered-love mirror, with a distorted reflection; or the Christ-centered-love mirror, which points to God. We end with a powerful word picture helping us see that we live inside the picture book of God's universe, where marriage and wisdom are but stick-figure picture of the true Reality, with a capital R, that awaits us beyond the book. We live inside this universe-book today, but the Holy Spirit beckons us already, in Christ and through wisdom, to peek over the edge of the page into the glorious bottomless infinity of God's weighty presence. Through the Book of Proverbs, God invites you to taste the intoxicating love of His Son through the Holy Spirit. Come and be filled. Taste and see that the Lord is good today! Each week, we will meet a fictitious character embodying a specific trait we hope to learn from. Comfort and forgetfulness, foolishness and lack of perspective, lust and envy, pride and arrogance, selfishness and self-centeredness, fear and anxiety, greed and vanity, deceit and manipulation. We have a rocky road ahead—where a glorious Savior awaits. And so today, meet Brian. Brian has a charming, magnetic personality. He is extremely pleasant in public company, and able to make fascinating conversation. This is due partly to his vast intelligence, and partly to his self-reliance and ability to perform well. He has cultivated his many talents in eclectic ways and has become accustomed to being admired for them. He plays the violin with quite some skill. His academic knowledge often makes him the most learned person in the room. He is well-traveled and loves to experience new foods at the latest fashionable restaurants in his little town. It started as a genuine quest for joy and happiness, and who could blame him? Over the years, he developed a craving for this feeling of superiority. He performed to cultivate the tinge of admiration in the voices of others. Adulation became the leitmotiv of his joy. He placed his hope in his super-sized abilities. He decided that his faith is best placed in himself. Brian’s superior intelligence allowed him to outsmart most people with impunity: he realized he could get away with a great deal… and increase his status in people’s eyes—and in his own eye. The deceit and will-full manipulation started innocently enough; it was lying for a good cause—at first. He loved feeling in control of his environment through flattery. Over time, his insatiable hunger to be admired and in control, because it was met with success, enticed him to come to a powerful conclusion: he was truly superior to others. He started having adulterous affairs to soothe his ever-growing right to be loved, admired, and in control. He craved that feeling of being the giver and the receiver of all things—to be a god, really. He was growing closer to divinity—ultimate in control and power and influence. For a while more, his self-deception worked well enough to mask the looming chasm of hopelessness. When it didn’t, light drugs bridged the gap and helped Brian maintain his own self-image and deep-seated sense of superiority. Not to mention, drugs gave him reprieve from the stress of having to remember the many threads of deceit in his business and his personal life. He increased the dosage when he needed drugs to drown his own accusing conscience until he forgot its voice altogether. What a relief! Most recently, Brian has turned to more powerful drugs for yet one more reason: to dim the pain of wondering, deep down inside, if he is not as significant as he thinks he is. He is wondering if that is why he never really left his small hometown to try the “big leagues.” Better to be a large fish in a tiny pond, where he can use others as a self-reflecting mirror to boost his own self-proclaimed divinity. Brian’s mom, his last advocate, keeps warning him to stay away from the lure of addiction to women and drugs. He ignores her. What does she know, the old hag? Unfortunately, he recently had to move in with her—he lost his business due to his drug addiction, and his latest wife just kicked him out after she found out he had slept with her best friend. He doesn’t even remember why he had married her in the first place. Her loss. What would you tell Brian today? Like most of us, Brian desires hope and joy. He turned to deceit and manipulation because he thought he could control them into a fastpass to happiness. They appealed to him because his heart was rooted in the wrong quest—the quest for happiness within himself. Our quest is rooted in our identity, and Brian’s identity is misplaced: he places his worth in himself. He has recently come to the unsettling realization that he might not be the equivalent of a modern-day god. He is created in the image of God, but he is not God. There is a world of difference. As believers in Christ, we all intend to build our life with hope, joy, and faith. Brian shows us that there are two paths we can take in this life: the first is the road of deceit and self-deception that ends in death. It has pitstops and long residencies in manipulation, lying and adultery. The second path is the road of integrity and truth that ends in life. It lingers in and develops self-sacrifice, love, and self-awareness. This second path teaches us that we discover who we are when we are loved for who we are. Brian never allowed anyone to love him for who he truly was, and he never even allowed himself to love himself as he was—warts and all. Brian doesn’t see that our physical world with its longings and passions is but a picture book of the greater spiritual realities that tug at his heart. Our gifts and abilities and talents are shadows pointing to greater spiritual realities. Brian mistook his many talents for divinity. He mistook the shadow for the real thing. He is imago Dei, but he is not God. The Bible teaches that the universe is a stick-figure picture book to show us the great Reality of God. We humans live inside the picture book of the universe as the crowing act of creation. Our many abilities are shadows of a greater, spiritual reality—we are created in the image of God; we ourselves are not God. Imagine a children’s book illustrating each alphabet letter with a corresponding word. Imagine you have never actually seen a duck, which is the photo for the letter D. Seeing the photo of the duck is not the same thing as actually experiencing the duck. Knowing it’s not a donkey, a donut or a dandelion is not enough to know what a duck is. If you have never seen a duck in real life, you cannot say that the picture book is a satisfactory substitute. The picture book is only a sample of the true Reality, a stick-figure shadow of it. The universe points to the Reality of God, but it is not the same thing as experiencing God in His fullness. How tragic it would be to be content with the picture book when Reality awaits! Brian has mistaken the 2D-flat rendition of the duck for the real thing; he has confused his many-talents imago dei identity with being dei–being God. We have not yet experienced complete Reality. God is much more real, tangible and weighty than anything we have ever experienced on this side of the picture book. Unlike Brian, let us keep the eyes of our faith on the true foundation of our hope and joy. None of us has ever experienced the fullness of the presence of God. And yet, in Christ, the Holy Spirit beckons us through wisdom to peek over the edge of the page into the glorious, bottomless infinity of God’s weighty glory and presence. Heaven and the material universe meet in Christ Jesus: God “has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radia

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Hungry for deeper intimacy with God? Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him? Ready to embrace your full identity in Christ? Gospel Spice is your Jesus Christ-centered podcast, infused with in-depth Bible flavors and sprinkled with a dash of French culture. Have you recently found yourself less than captivated by your relationship with God? Have you found the pages of Scripture to be stale and lifeless? Are you looking for a spiritual flavor explosion in your journey with God? Then Gospel Spice is your new secret ingredient.  French host and Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to spice up your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Could the Christian faith prove more delightful & delicious than you’ve tasted so far? A feast awaits. Begin today! Join Stephanie and her guests to taste & see that the Lord is good! The Gospel Spice Podcast is ranked Top 1% All Categories globally*, and is listened to from 170+ countries.  Guests include Dallas & Amanda Jenkins, Max Lucado, Joel Rosenberg, Os Guinness, Jennifer Rothschild, Sheila Walsh, Susie Larson, Jonathan Evans, Ruth Chou Simons, Jim Cymbala, Jo Saxton, Alisa Childers, Curt Thompson, and so many, many more. When not with her guests, Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to delight in God by diving deep into Scripture! Gospel Spice was recognized as the 3rd most recommended podcast for Christian women in 2025. So, don't miss out! NEW! SHOP GOSPELSPICE MERCH DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES  We exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools by Gospel Spice Ministries. We provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. The majority of donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog (*ListenNotes ranking, 2025) Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!









