In this bone-chilling episode of "Dark Matters," host Harper Hayes delves into one of the most infamous true crime cases - The Menendez Brothers. Joseph Lyle Menendez and Erik Galen Menendez, convicted of the brutal murders of their parents, José and Mary Louise "Kitty" Menendez, left the nation stunned with their shocking claims during the trial. Harper takes listeners on a journey through the dark history of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse that the brothers endured at the hands of their father, as well as the prosecution's argument of financial motives for the murders. With new evidence surfacing, this episode also explores the ongoing quest for justice by the Menendez Brothers and the lingering questions surrounding the case. Join us as we navigate through the complexities of human behavior, desperate acts, and the quest for truth in this thought-provoking installment of "Dark Matters." 🎧🔍🔦
- Show
- Channel
- PublishedJuly 24, 2023 at 10:00 PM UTC
- Season1
- Episode5
- RatingExplicit