Untaxed & Uncollected

Untaxed And Uncollected
“Untaxed & Uncollected”播客

This is a podcast we decided to make on a whim. We talk about stuff, if you want to know more listen to it

  1. 2022/08/08

    Ep 42: Spongebob - The Movie

    SpongeBob: Plankton cheated. Plankton: Cheated?! [To Neptune] Hold on there, baldy! [Neptune turns off the light in his trident. To SpongeBob] Oh, grow up. What, you think this is a game of kickball on the playground? You never had a chance to defeat me, fool! And you know why? SpongeBob: Because you cheated? Plankton: [Dumbfounded for a second] No, not because I cheated. Because I'm an evil genius! And you're just a kid. A stupid kid! [He and his slaves laugh] SpongeBob: I guess you're right, Plankton. I am just a kid. Plankton: Of course I'm right. Okay, Neptune, time to kill. SpongeBob: And you know, I've been through a lot in the past six days, five minutes, twenty-seven-and-a-half seconds. And if I've learned anything during that time, It's that you are who you are. Plankton: That's right. Okay, Neptune... SpongeBob: And no amount of mermaid magic... [Turns to Mindy, who looks down sadly] ...or managerial promotion... [Turns to the frozen Mr. Krabs] ...or some other third thing... can make me anything more than what I really am inside: A kid. Plankton: That's great. Now, get back against the wall. SpongeBob: [over microphone] But that's okay! Plankton: What? What's going on? SpongeBob: Because I did what everyone said a kid couldn't do! I made it to Shell City, and I beat the Cyclops, and I rode the Hasselhoff, and I brought the crown back! Plankton: All right, we get the point.... SpongeBob: So, yeah, I'm a kid. [Dry ice smoke surrounds Plankton, and a spotlight falls on SpongeBob] And I'm also a goofball. And a wing nut. And a Knucklehead McSpazatron! Plankton: [coughs from the smoke] What's going on here? SpongeBob: But most of all, I'm... [he swipes his arm] Plankton: Okay, settle down. Take it easy. SpongeBob: I'm... I'm... Plankton: What the scallop?! SpongeBob: I'm a goofy Goober! Rock!

    1 小时 3 分钟


This is a podcast we decided to make on a whim. We talk about stuff, if you want to know more listen to it








