Rabbi Aber introduces Untold Stories of the Torah, continuing the story of Shimshon in part four. The focus is on Shimshon’s miraculous killing of a lion, and how this event, though kept secret from his parents, sets the stage for key moments in the wedding and riddle challenge. Recap of Shimshon’s Lion EncounterShimshon’s encounter with the lion and later discovery of honey in its carcass becomes a central theme. The Wedding Feast and CompanionsShimshon’s father arranges a wedding feast as was customary, and the Philistines assign Shimshon thirty companions due to his isolation. Debate Over Wedding Feast DurationThere is a debate about whether the wedding celebration lasted seven or fourteen days. Shimshon’s Riddle ChallengeShimshon challenges his thirty companions with the famous riddle: Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet. Companions Fail to Solve the RiddleFor three days, the companions are unable to solve the riddle. Desperate, they pressure Shimshon’s wife to extract the answer from him, threatening to burn her and her father’s household if she refuses. Shimshon’s Wife Betrays HimShimshon’s wife, fearing for her life, pleads with Shimshon to tell her the answer. After days of her nagging, Shimshon finally reveals the solution. She immediately betrays him by telling the companions the answer. The Companions Solve the RiddleOn the seventh day, just before sunset, the companions approach Shimshon with the solution: What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion? Realizing they cheated by coercing his wife, Shimshon angrily declares, Had you not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle. Wedding Feasts and TimelineRabbi Aber discusses the various interpretations of how the wedding celebrations unfolded. Some believe the riddle was proposed during the seven pre-wedding days, while others argue it was posed after the wedding. The Threat to Shimshon’s WifeThe class explores the deeper implications of the threat made to Shimshon’s wife by the Philistine companions, who were willing to burn her and her father’s house to the ground if she didn’t provide the answer. Shimshon’s SuspicionsShimshon’s cryptic accusation—Had you not plowed with my heifer—hints at a deeper suspicion of betrayal, possibly even that his wife was unfaithful to him. The Aftermath of the RiddleAfter the riddle is solved and Shimshon kills the thirty men to pay off his companions, he leaves in anger. His wife’s father, assuming the marriage is over, gives her to another man, one of Shimshon’s companions. Shimshon’s Revenge BeginsLearning of his wife’s remarriage, Shimshon’s anger reignites, leading him to take violent revenge on the Philistines, setting the stage for his ongoing battle against them. This is one of the most famous episodes in Shimshon’s story, where his unpredictable and extreme tactics instill fear in his enemies. Divine Providence in Shimshon’s ActionsThe timing of Shimshon’s return and his violent actions align with divine providence, amplifying the devastation he unleashes on the Philistines. This becomes a recurring theme as Shimshon continues his mission to confront the Philistines. 41:30 – Shimshon’s Legacy and Ongoing ConflictThe class concludes by examining the legacy of Shimshon’s actions, which initiated a long and bloody conflict with the Philistines. 00:00 – Introduction 00:20 – Recap of Shimshon’s Lion Encounter 01:17 – The Wedding Feast and Companions 02:50 – Debate Over Wedding Feast Duration 05:25 – Shimshon’s Riddle Challenge 06:32 – Companions Fail to Solve the Riddle 07:04 – Shimshon’s Wife Betrays Him 07:40 – The Companions Solve the Riddle 11:45 – Wedding Feasts and Timeline 20:00 – The Threat to Shimshon’s Wife 21:34 – Shimshon’s Suspicions 25:00 – The Aftermath of the Riddle 34:28 – Shimshon’s Revenge Begins 36:00 – Divine Providence in Shimshon’s Actions 41:30 – Shimshon’s Legacy and Ongoing Conflict