Use This Simple Daily Framework To Create Profitable Growth

Scale My Ecommerce Store

Recently I was chatting with one of my past Mastery clients who I now count as a good friend and she was telling me about one of her stockists, an ecommerce retail store in a very specific niche.

This online store had been given some bad advice about scaling her business, particularly about Facebook ads. 

It was such damaging advice and nearly sent the poor woman bankrupt! 

The conversation got me to thinking a lot about two things:

1. What are we all optimising for in our business? Growth? Profitability? Time? These are opposing forces and you can't maximise them all at the same time. And

2. A lot of business owners just don’t figure out a way to pay themselves. Sometimes this is a lack of knowledge around managing cash flow and generating profit. Sometimes it’s a conscious decision to delay the payday to some potential future date when a big vision is realised and, perhaps, the business sold, and to keep reinvesting every possible dollar in the business towards that end goal. 

Building a business with predictable, profitable growth can feel obvious in theory... but is often overwhelming in execution.

Getting caught up in that ‘growth at all costs’ mentality often results in an entrepreneur constantly chasing shiny objects. Jumping from one expert or program making big promises to another, without actually taking the time to learn the fundamentals of business.

Or without realising that the fastest way to growing a successful business is a lot like getting fit – it takes dedicated practice and repetition with constant improvements over time.  

What is actually required in business is a simple daily framework for planning and executing profitable growth, that you practise every day.

Episode’s Show Notes:

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together. 

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