Using functional laboratory testing to optimise physical excellence – Dr Warren Brown

Health feeds Performance podcast

The integrative systems biology perspective is slowly and progressively seeping into sport and exercise nutrition practice. This way of working considers the health of an athlete’s digestive tract, neuroendocrine, immune, and musculoskeletal systems, along with factors such as mitochondrial energy production from available macronutrients; all of which can be measured by laboratory testing.

Dr Brown has honed his craft to assess the state of these body systems using functional laboratory testing, and talks to Ian Craig about his clinical experiences. In this podcast, Warren considers what is different about an athlete’s body compared to that of a lay person, and shares some of his favourite tests that he uses in a sporting context.

What’s more, not all important clinical information can be found in laboratory test reports, no matter how detailed, so Warren tells Ian about the ‘X-factors’ that he includes within the assessment and treatment of his athletic clients.

Podcast hosted by The Centre for Integrative Sports Nutrition. 

About Warren

Dr. Warren Brown earned his doctorate degree from The School of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, followed by completion of a CNME-accredited, clinical residency program in Tacoma, Washington. He has lectured at functional medicine conferences worldwide on the topic of laboratory testing and was a contributor to the 5th Edition of the Textbook of Natural Medicine. Since 2012, Dr. Brown has been helping athletes and active individuals to reach their highest levels of health and performance through his advanced clinical program. He currently serves as the Clinical Science Liaison for Genova Diagnostics, as well as a laboratory consultant for medical staff from several professional sports teams and Olympic teams.

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