49 episodes

More and more, Customer Experience overtakes price and product as the key brand differentiator. Stay up-to-date with the latest Customer Experience insight, ideas and innovation. Join UX Indonesia and CX Insight, the leading digital transformation companies, as they host international experts and thought leaders sharing their insights each week. Whether you want to learn more about Product Design and Strategy (#ProductDesign #ProductStrategy), User Experience (#UX), Customer Experience (#CX), Service Design (#ServiceDesign), or Design Sprint (#DesignSprint), this is the podcast for you.


    • Technology

More and more, Customer Experience overtakes price and product as the key brand differentiator. Stay up-to-date with the latest Customer Experience insight, ideas and innovation. Join UX Indonesia and CX Insight, the leading digital transformation companies, as they host international experts and thought leaders sharing their insights each week. Whether you want to learn more about Product Design and Strategy (#ProductDesign #ProductStrategy), User Experience (#UX), Customer Experience (#CX), Service Design (#ServiceDesign), or Design Sprint (#DesignSprint), this is the podcast for you.

    Design Leadership Bagian 2

    Design Leadership Bagian 2

    Seorang leader adalah sosok yang memberikan contoh dan petunjuk mengenai arah perusahaan. Dalam episode kali ini, Mahardhika Sulistyo dan Adilla Kassandra menggarisbawahi pentingnya kolaborasi dalam merumuskan dan mewujudkan Visi Misi dan Objectives Key Results (OKR) dari perusahaan. Dengan kolaborasi, tujuan dari setiap aktivitas menjadi lebih jelas dan bisa dicapai.

    Fleksibilitas juga menjadi salah satu hal penting dalam perumusan OKR. Jika OKR sudah tidak lagi relevan, maka perlu adanya perbaruan agar selalu selaras dengan tujuan perusahaan.

    Dengarkan podcast UX Indonesia untuk versi lengkap Meetup Design Leadership dan jangan lupa untuk terus mengikuti akun sosial media UX Indonesia:

    Official Website: uxindo.com

    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo

    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo

    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux

    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia

    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia

    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo

    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo

    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 42 min
    Design Leadership Bagian 1

    Design Leadership Bagian 1

    Dr Eunice Sari membuka Meetup kali ini dengan pernyataan bahwa di balik produk yang menarik, ada proses desain yang tidak sederhana, yang di dalamnya melibatkan peran seorang leader.

    Podcast bagian pertama ini berisi cerita tentang pengalaman Mahardhika Sulistyo dan Adilla Kassandra sebagai leader yang bekerja dengan bermacam-macam tim dan bagaimana mereka bertransformasi dari “one man show” menjadi leader yang tahu cara beradaptasi, membangun bersama, dan memimpin diri sendiri sebelum memimpin orang lain.

    Dengarkan podcast UX Indonesia untuk versi lengkap Meetup Design Leadership dan jangan lupa untuk terus mengikuti akun sosial media UX Indonesia:

    Official Website: uxindo.com

    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo

    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo

    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux

    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia

    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia

    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo

    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo

    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 29 min
    Listen, Show, or Tell? Involving Staff in the Strategic Design (Part 2)

    Listen, Show, or Tell? Involving Staff in the Strategic Design (Part 2)

    In this second part, Julia Birks talks about the Co-design and Deliver steps.  She notes that what’s also important at these stages is to understand the constraints of the sort of situation you're in, and how you can get the best outcomes. Low fidelity is a key. Don’t waste your time to create beautiful polished things, and spend as much time as possible communicating the intent or the concept or the experience that the people are going to have. That way, they can make sense of it and give you feedback. The idea is to have lots of people in the co-design sessions from within the business who tell you where your ideas are bad. You want people to let you know what's working, and what’s not.

    If you want to build trust and confidence, start with your back of house staff and your frontline staff. Protect their privacy. Make them all feel part of a team. And make sure as part of that, you're establishing a regular feedback loop. So you can keep everyone across the business on the same page. However, you don't always get to this kind of level of maturity in collaborative design overnight. It takes time. It takes commitment, takes consistency but when you see the changes, it is all worth it.

    Click here for the summary of each episode and the full transcript: https://tinyurl.com/transcriptJuliaBirks

    Listen more about this in our podcast and don’t forget to follow UX Indonesia social media accounts for regular updates:

    Official Website: uxindo.com

    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo

    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo

    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux

    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia

    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia

    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo

    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo

    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 27 min
    Listen, Show, or Tell? Involving Staff in the Strategic Design (Part 1)

    Listen, Show, or Tell? Involving Staff in the Strategic Design (Part 1)

    According to Julia Birks, Associate Strategic Design Director of Merkel, Australia,  the “Tell and Sell Approach” doesn’t really work effectively since it separates the leaders from reality of what the frontline service experiences are like. As a consequence, they focus so much on the solution for the customer that they forget to pause, and really think about how they can effectively enable the staff, the internal teams to allow those great customer experiences to happen.

    Service design sprint is not about creating something perfect according to yourself. It's about creating something that works and brings about a great experience for both customers and staff.

    This is the main take out from the UX Meetup entitled “Listen, Show, or Tell? Involving Staff in the Strategic Design of Products and Service.” Click here for the summary of each episode and the full transcript: https://tinyurl.com/transcriptJuliaBirks

    Listen more about this in our podcast and don’t forget to follow UX Indonesia social media accounts for regular updates:

    Official Website: uxindo.com

    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo

    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo

    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux

    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia

    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia

    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo

    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo

    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 37 min
    Navigating and Progressing Your UX Career

    Navigating and Progressing Your UX Career

    Sudah siap dengan pengalaman terbaik Anda dalam memilih karir dibidang User Experience?

    Kami akan memberitahukan tips dan trik bagaimana caranya bagi kita untuk merencanakan karir dalam di bidang ini. Tentunya, Anda akan mengetahui hal-hal apa yang perlu kita tahu dan persiapkan untuk berkarir dibidang User Experience.  

    UX Indonesia Meetup kali ini, kita akan belajar dari Rudi Lim, Head of Product and Design dari GrabWheels, Singapore mengenai “Navigating and Progressing Your UX Career’.

    Ikuti juga media sosial UX Indonesia untuk mendapatkan segala informasi mengenai segala hal yang berkaitan dengan #userexperience  

    Official Website: uxindo.com
    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo
    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo
    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux
    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia
    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia
    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo
    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo
    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 1 hr 21 min
    Bagaimana Mencapai Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Profesional UX di Indonesia

    Bagaimana Mencapai Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Profesional UX di Indonesia

    Dalam sesi #uxmeetup​ kali ini Monika Halim menjelaskan bahwa menjalani sebuah pekerjaan dibidang UX tentunya harus dapat keluar dari zona nyaman dan mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan.

    Tidak hanya itu, karena bidang UX merupakan sebuah pekerjaan yang kompleks, kita harus siap untuk multitasking pada setiap pekerjaan.  

    Tak lupa juga kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada para peserta atas antusias dan partisipasi yang tinggi pada agenda ini.  

    Pastikan Anda tidak melewatkan agenda Meetup selanjutnya dengan mengikuti uxmeetup(dot)id  

    Ikuti juga media sosial UX Indonesia untuk mendapatkan segala informasi mengenai segala hal yang berkaitan dengan #userexperience

    Official Website: uxindo.com
    Facebook : facebook.com/uxindo
    Instagram : instagram.com/uxindo
    Twitter : twitter.com/indonesia_ux
    Google + : plus.google.com/+uxindonesia
    LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/ux-indonesia
    Line : line.me/ti/p/uxindo
    Unsplash : unsplash.com/@uxindo
    Pinterest : pinterest.com.au/uxindo

    • 1 hr 6 min

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