Video 2 - Scientific Miracles in the Quran: The Formation of the Universe

The origin of the universe is described in the Qur'an in the following verse: He created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. (Qur'an, 6:101).
This information is in full agreement with the findings of contemporary scientists. As we stated earlier, the conclusion that astrophysics has reached today is that the entire universe, together with the dimensions of matter and time, came into existence as a result of a great explosion that occurred a long time ago. This event, known as "The Big Bang," is the catalyst for the creation of the universe from nothingness. This explosion, all parties in the scientific community agree, emanated from a single point some 15 billion years ago.
- Émission
- FréquenceTous les jours
- Publiée18 novembre 2022 à 01:15 UTC
- Durée2 min
- ClassificationTous publics