Virtually Speaking Podcast

Virtually Speaking Podcast
Virtually Speaking Podcast

The Virtually Speaking Podcast is a technical podcast dedicated to discussing VMware topics related to private and hybrid cloud. Each week Pete Flecha and John Nicholson bring in various subject matter experts from VMware and from within the industry to discuss their respective areas of expertise. If you’re new to the Virtually Speaking Podcast check out all episodes on and follow on Twitter\X @VirtSpeaking

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
42개의 평가


The Virtually Speaking Podcast is a technical podcast dedicated to discussing VMware topics related to private and hybrid cloud. Each week Pete Flecha and John Nicholson bring in various subject matter experts from VMware and from within the industry to discuss their respective areas of expertise. If you’re new to the Virtually Speaking Podcast check out all episodes on and follow on Twitter\X @VirtSpeaking

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프로그램을 팔로우하고, 에피소드를 저장하고, 최신 소식을 받아보려면 로그인하거나 가입하십시오.

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