Kenya Vision 2030 (Swahili: Ruwaza ya Kenya 2030) is the country's development programme from 2008 to 2030. It was launched on 10 June 2008 by President Mwai Kibaki. Its objective is to help transform Kenya into a "newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment."
Developed through "an all-inclusive and participatory stakeholder consultative process, involving Kenyans from all parts of the country”, the Vision is based on three "pillars": Economic, Social, and Political. The Vision's adoption comes after the country's GDP growth went from 0.6% in 2002 to 6.1% in 2006, under Kibaki's Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS).
The Vision 2030 development process was launched by President Mwai Kibaki on 30 October 2006 when he instructed the National Vision Steering Committee to produce a medium-term plan with full details on the development programmes that would be implemented in the first five years after the ERS expires on 31 December 2007.
A consultative approach was undertaken through workshops with stakeholders from all levels of the public service, the private sector, civil society, the media and NGOs while in rural areas, provincial consultative forums were also held throughout the country.
The objective of all these consultations was to provide an in-depth understanding of the country's development problems and the necessary strategies to achieve the 2030 goals.
A similar process and methodology was followed in identifying projects and priorities in the social and political pillars. Detailed analysis was carried out under a consultative process in order to come up with strategies capable of resolving the social and political problems that Kenyans faced.
To arrive at workable solutions, the team of experts learned as much as they could from countries that have achieved rapid growth and also improved the lives of their people greatly in a span of 20–30 years, The team made extensive use of information available from the government, Kenya's private sector, civil society and universities.
In this episode you will hear from Prof Gituro Wainaina who was one of the experts in the formulation of Vision 2030. Other voices include those of Kenyans who shared their views about the vision.
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- Show
- PublishedMay 2, 2022 at 8:09 PM UTC
- Length47 min
- Season2
- Episode1
- RatingClean