24 min

// Visualization: The Link Between Thoughts + Behaviors The Flourish Careers Podcast

    • Careers

Think about this: you're ready to embark on a new career path, although you don't have a clear vision of your goal—it's like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle without a picture to guide you.
It can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed, with countless possibilities swirling around your head. But that's where visualization swoops in to help. You can transform that vision into reality by gathering mental images of your future self flourishing in your next best role and envisioning your daily routine, workspace, and activities.
In this episode, we're diving into the captivating power of visualization and career changes. This isn't some fluffy, out-there concept—it's actually backed by science and used by successful folks, even world-class athletes!
Visualization alone is a powerful tool that enhances your mindset and focus, but when combined with significant effort, you can turn your HEART-based career intentions into reality. So, join me in unleashing the magic of your mind and watch as your intentions take shape.  
💛 Free Gift: HEART-Based Career Change Checklist
📚 Tools to help:
Playbook: Make The Leap! Ultimate Playbook For HEART-Based Career Change
Articles: Time Magazine, How the Brain Rewires Itself
Psychology Today, Seeing Is Believing 
For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog.

Think about this: you're ready to embark on a new career path, although you don't have a clear vision of your goal—it's like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle without a picture to guide you.
It can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed, with countless possibilities swirling around your head. But that's where visualization swoops in to help. You can transform that vision into reality by gathering mental images of your future self flourishing in your next best role and envisioning your daily routine, workspace, and activities.
In this episode, we're diving into the captivating power of visualization and career changes. This isn't some fluffy, out-there concept—it's actually backed by science and used by successful folks, even world-class athletes!
Visualization alone is a powerful tool that enhances your mindset and focus, but when combined with significant effort, you can turn your HEART-based career intentions into reality. So, join me in unleashing the magic of your mind and watch as your intentions take shape.  
💛 Free Gift: HEART-Based Career Change Checklist
📚 Tools to help:
Playbook: Make The Leap! Ultimate Playbook For HEART-Based Career Change
Articles: Time Magazine, How the Brain Rewires Itself
Psychology Today, Seeing Is Believing 
For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog.

24 min