"Voyages With Vampires"

Caitlin & Corrine
"Voyages With Vampires"

"Voyages with Vampires": A Harry Potter & Twilight podcast...Join Caitlin and Corrine, as they sail away with the "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer and the "Harry Potter" books by J.K. Rowling. Discussing everything from the books, films, and even music that relates to the series!


  1. 24.08.2009

    VwV#13: "Poof!"

    Episode # 13 Episode #13: “Poof!” Music: “15 Step” by Radiohead Running time: 1 hour & 24 minutes Producers: Caitlin & Corrine August 21, 2009 Randi joins us on the island, for her first time on the show as our super awesome guest speaker! We talk about the new “New Moon” trailer and give our reviews for “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!” You’ve been warned: SPOILELRS within! We talk about the newest "Potter" film and the second "Twilight" book, but other "Potter" & "Twilight" books are mentioned and discussed. The three of us miss Tori! :[ We do quite a lot of plugging, oh dear! “New Moon” Trailer: _Rob (Edward): -“Burning man eyes!” Right out of the book! We also talk about Edward’s eyes at the end of the trailer, that red/golden color. -We have a discussion about the leaving of Edward: Is he mean enough? Have we not seen enough yet? How does the scene compare to the book? _Kristen (Bella): -Why is she kissing Jake? We discuss. -We discuss her acting, can she play a developing Bella? (The transformation from teenager to mother.) _Taylor (Jake): -We fan girl. A bit. :] -Taylor is Jacob, we’ve decide. Ha. We discuss how he has the character down pat and he seems to really care about the story. -His last line is brilliant! Case close. :] -Werewolf Jake? We talk size, color, and comparing him to the werewolves in our minds. Do the werewolves get bigger? Our they aiming for Jake to have the same fur color as Bella’s hair? We love the transformation of human Jake into werewolf Jake. _Dakota & Others: -Italy looks fantastic! -Dakota looks amazing and exactly how we pictured her from the book. -We express our feelings on how the Cullens are looking for the upcoming movie. -Favorite books? We talk about our favorite books and scenes that will come to the big screen. Particularly our feelings towards Jake throughout the series and how that effected our outlook on the second and last novels. Also, we converse about different Cullen family members’ stories, like Rose and Jasper. “Half-Blood Prince:” _Favorite Scenes! - Everything from Dan in “Felix Felicis,” the bathroom scene between Harry & Draco, and the relationship growth between Ron & Hermione. _Least Favorite Scenes: -The separation between Ron, Harry, and Hermione in the final scene and not mentioning the Horcrux being objects from the founders. We also talk about the ups and downs of the Weasley house being burnt down. _Tom (Draco): -We rave over Tom Felton’s performance in “Half-Blood Prince!” Caitlin & Corrine are most excited to see Draco in the seventh film. _Dan (Harry): -We love his humor, when he’s on the luck potion, for example. :] Also, his range of emotional acting to light humor. _Rupert (Ron): -The love potion is great! -The scene straight out of the book that melted our hearts: When Ron says “Hermione,” in the hospital wing. _Emma (Hermione): -We love the ease in her Hermione in the sixth film. -The scene between Harry & Hermione, when Hermione is crying, is one of our favorites and great character develop. _Michael (Dumbledore): -Caitlin & Randi love Dumbledore in this one and Corrine isn’t too sure. -Why is Dumbledore so much different in this one, than in the past? _Alan (Snape): -The ending scene was great and we discuss Snape’s role in the future books/films. Some of the audio went weird, argh, must of it came okay. But some of it is a bit abrupt and here are the time codes if you get confused: 26 min.: Kristen playing the same characters and how that will compare to how she plays Bella. 28 min.: We were talking about Taylor and then it cuts a bit crudely to talking about Rob. 32 min.: Another rough cut from talking about Rose to HBP. 42 min.: From Harry & Hermione to Dumbledore randomly. :/ 43 min.: Dumbledore to Snape. Thanks for listening! :]

  2. 05.02.2009

    Episode #10: "Maverick Mayhem!"

    EpisodeTen Date: October 24, 2008. Producers: Caitlin & Corrine Time: About 15 minutes Corrine & I (Caitlin) come into the studio to record a “Twilight” news filled “Voyages with Vampires” with “Twilight” music and more on October 24, 2008. -We define “maverick.” -Edward & Obama would totally hang out together. -We’re LIVE with Paramore! We wish. -We talk about our Friday night, “Twilight” listening party plans. -Corrine almost forgets the “Half-Blood Prince” trailer. *Gasp* -Young Tom Riddle is brilliant. Case closed. -We talk “Twilight” news. -We plug twilightsource.com & “Imprint.” - “New Moon!!” -Taylor Laurent must be so excited… - “Twilight” toys, Rob at “Sex Drive” premiere, “Twilight” soundtrack, t-shirts, movie still photos, and more. -Something really frosts Caitlin’s cookies. - “Decode” music video- we discuss. Will it be “Twilight”-y? -We discuss “Twilight” movie still with Carlisle and a dying Edward. Carlisle’s inner struggle to bite Edward. Rob’s amazing acting. -Prom photos too- Kristen Stewart looks like a doll and Rob looks exactly like we pictured Edward -Edward looking worried-gorgeous! -Time machines! -Whoa! -Caitlin wants a Edward action figure for her birthday. -”Harry Potter” & “Twilight” in “Lego” form. Amazing. -Have a maverick night! -Blooper! -Please, rate & review and subscribe to us on iTunes, just search “Voyages with Vampires” on iTunes, e-mail us at vwv.podcast@gmail.com, or leave a comment on any of our posts at vwvpodcast.blogspot.com. Thanks for listening! -This episode’s music is “Decode” by Paramore from the upcoming “Twilight” soundtrack in stores and on iTunes November 4th.

  3. 30.11.2008

    VwV #7: Twilight Movie Fan Girl Squeeling Episode of Greatness...LIVE!

    http://ia310825.us.archive.org/1/items/Vwv7twilightMovieFanGirlSqueelingEpisodeOfGreatnesslive/supermassivetwilightliveblackhole.mp3 VwV 7: “Twilight” Movie Fan Girl Squeeling Episode of Greatness…LIVE! Producers: Caitlin, Corrine, & Tori! Time: 51:24 Music: “Twilight” soundtrack Corrine, our special guest Tori, and I (Caitlin) come into the studio or “island” to fan girl squee over the new “Twilight” film- right after we see it! -SPOILERS! -Sorry for the audio quality in parts and for this taking a long time to get out. -LIVE to talk about the new “Twilight” movie with our bestie friend Tori on November 21, 2008. Overall reactions, favorite parts, least favorite parts, most loved lines, characters, & actors. Cafeteria & Baseball. We love Rob, Taylor, Cam, Kellan, & Dan. - Caitlin’s rolling with the “Potter” parallels tonight. How you would react to the movies if you read the books first. It’s like the director’s cut versions of DVDs. -The Cullen family was perfect. Case closed. Alice was sweet and perfect in every way. Caitlin wishes for Jasper to have more lines. Kellan’s perfectly delivered lines and knife skills. Esme and Carlisle were very warm and just how we pictured them from the book. Charlie was great too. Pepper spray, Bella leaving, and the shot gun. -Bella’s friends & Werewolves. Caitlin and Tori agree Angela was played perfectly, Corrine likes Eric, Caitlin likes how forward Mike was, and we all love Jessica’s girly-ness. Jake’s friends…OK. We talk werewolves and how it’ll make Jake and his friends look in “New Moon.” -Eyes. We talk eyes. -Everyone cheered for the “Potter” trailer. Wow, they’re still doing “Harry Potter?” July?! We debate the switching of “Potter.” Caitlin loves “Potter” & Corrine loves Tom. -We talk music. For the baseball, car lot scene with the Rob Pattinson glasses, and Bella at the end of the fight scene. “Supermassive Black Hole,” “Spotlight,” & “Let Me Sign.” -Landscape. Tori & I agree that it was beautiful. Where is Forks anyways? -Prom. Edward has mind powers. I’m going to bite you…Not! -Didn’t care much for… Corrine didn’t care much for Bella’s leaving. We discuss sparkling and blurry lines whilst vampires run. We do realize that there is an issue of time, but we wish there was more time to do more low key, calm Bella and Edward hanging out moments. -Port Angeles & Random stuff. We love when Edward comes in his Volvo. 3 We talk about the way Kristen brought the more wise and mature side of Bella to screen. Clumsy-ness too. Tori & I figure out why Rob’s shirt is open in that photo in the “Twilight Movie Companion” book. Great mystery solved. We talk about if we were at the top of a tree with Robert Pattinson. Oh…Got it! We fan girl. Jeez. We leave into the twilight, we’ll see you next show, thanks for listening! Bloopers! -If you want to subscribe to the show, go to iTunes and type in “Voyages with Vampires” into the search bar and leave a comment and review on our podcast page. Please check out our ‘Blogspot’ too, vwvpodcast.blogspot.com or you can e-mail us your thoughts on the books or movies at vwv.podcast@gmail.com. Thanks, bye.

  4. 01.11.2008

    VwV # 5: 21! (Hells to the yeah!!)

    http://ia311215.us.archive.org/3/items/Vwv521hellsToTheYeah/halloween.mp3 Date: October 31, 2008 Producers: Caitlin & Corrine -We come into to do a special Halloween mini with music and the whole works. Not to mention, a new ‘Twilight’ trailer and scene! Hells to the yeah! -We love the new trailer! Amazing. It’s the same month as the movie release! 21 Days! “I’m strong enough to kill you.” Tell it as it is Rob, tell it as it is. We talk bloopers, characters, chemistry and more: Rob and Kristen really do have chemistry. Caitlin will never doubt Kristen ever again after she delivered that ’No’ line. (Not that she ever did have any. Ha.) Carlisle, Esme, & James- oh my! Why draw more action to yourself and jump over the truck bed? Favorite scenes and lines. Rob looks coool driving. We sing & Caitlin says taglines. “Forever. Beings. Now!” -We don’t promote violence on this show. -Costumes. Stalker or dedicated? Dedicated. -Corrine is so out of the loop. -We watch the new scene too, in the cafeteria with Edward &Bella! Caitlin says “Hello” to Rob. Kristen’s lines are funny and deep. Very Bella. “What if I’m the bad guy?” Love it. -Happy Halloween! Write in, please, at vwv.podcast@gmail.com or visit our Blogspot at vwvpodcast.blogspot.com and leave a review on any of the posts. Also rate and review us on iTunes. Thanks! -Music for this show is “The Nightmare Before Christmas” & We Are Scientists’ “After Hours.”

  5. 31.08.2008

    VwV #4: "Push-pops" at Ten

    http://ia311305.us.archive.org/1/items/Vwv4push-popsAtTen_71/episode4.mp3 Caitlin and Corrine come into the “studio” or “island” to record a funny, rare, and unedited episode of “Voyages with Vampires;” for August 30, 2008. -Bloopers at the start instead of the end, totally unedited. Coool. -I’d do it. -I (Caitlin) hate to edited too, so it’s OK. -Push-pops! Corrine’s kept farting…Er…Making weird noises. -“Twilight” related Youtube videos. -“More Edward, more! Make it higher!” -No “Breaking Dawn?” Huh? Our BD episode, died. -The last six minutes were…Crap…Torture. -SUPER excited for school! -The training wheels come off before you know it. -“Midnight Sun!” -Poor Steph! -Will she finish it or will she not? - We discuss. -“New Moon!” “Breaking Dawn!” Oh my! -Taylor? Whoa, didn’t see that one… -Edward?! Rob, Corrine, Rob! -“Harry Potter” & “Twilight” is different because of time? -They’ll never die! -Like “Star Wars.” Only they’re WAY cooler. -Harry & Edward vs. Luke. Come on. -Caitlin disappoints the thousands of “Stars Wars” fans. -The Little Panda bear things. -“Twilight” and “Narnia?” Jasper Hale who wants to kill people then jumping to “Narnia?” No offense. -Edward & Bernie should be friends! -Every song can be connected to “Twilight.” -Caitlin sings. -“The Best of Both Worlds”- Werewolves and vampires! -The Cullens are “one big happy family!” -Caitlin does the most girlish fan girl ‘yay!’ ever. -Theories. -Harry Snape…Doesn’t have that ring. -Like a ship! -Rob’s not composing the lullaby = [ -That’s dedication for you! -Rob in a rock band. -Plug away! We’ll be back, after these messages… vwv.podcast@gmail.com, vwvpodcast.blogspot.com, or write a review on iTunes. Thanks! -Mobile call, live on the show! -Corrine has to run, bye see ya next show! -Please e-mail us, write a review, or visit our blogspot; thanks and we’ll see you next episode! Music: “Read My Mind,” “Change Your Mind,” “Mr.Brightside,” and “Somebody Told Me” by The Killers.

  6. 23.08.2008

    VwV #2: Germany!

    http://ia311240.us.archive.org/1/items/Vwv2Germany/episode3.mp3 (Hey, a quick note, I got a bit too full of myself editing this episode...Thinking I had it all down, I went a little too fast and didn't realize that before it was too late, there's a couple gaps in sections of the show. Very sorry, and more attention will be paid to next time; including the bit at the end about us rocking- that's the "blooper" Haha. Thanks a lot, see you next episode!) VwV #2: Germany! Corrine and Caitlin come into the "studio" to record a zombie-feeling episode for "Voyages with Vampires" on August 19, 2008. -Corrine decides to podcast from the floor, as we jump into some BIG film news. -"Harry Potter" moved back, "Twilight" moved forward- we talk. -Summer is better for families...? -The power of "Potter." -Something good came out of this...? Sure, sure. -IMAX! -Peacock. -Good job, "Twilight!" -We talk romance vs. action in the upcoming "Twilight" movie. -We talk about the 100 miles we walked. -E-mail us please! We want to hear your thoughts...vwv.podcast@gmail.com, write a review on iTunes, visit our blogspot too; thanks!= ] -We talk pickles; a tribute to the Mugglecast guys. -Back in the day... -We record with Bananas. -Friday plans: -A possible live show? -"Pineapple Express!" -Corrine, "I'm totally glad I dipped in your ink." -Act of randomness! -Power hungry. -Honey! -Heh? Please e-mail in an article, so Caitlin can stop trying to figure this out. (Update: Corrine and I found the article last night, it was for when Rob had to bite Cam we guess...) -Fan girl squeeee! -We're "Twiotters!" -"Twilight" conference?! -We dream of a live show...And drool over the fact that if Mugglecast came to see us. -Who needs an education? -We could walk down the street, singing "Everytime We Touch." -My mom comes with cookies. -A "That 70s Show" hangout- minus the drugs. -Corrine's SUPER excited for school. -Tomfoolery! -A possible live show? -Germany! -Music: "Starlight" by Muse; "Everlasting Friend," "Calling You," and "Overweight" by Blue October; "I Like That" by Air Traffic; "Keep On Running" by Goldspot; and "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis. Please e-mail, review on iTunes, and visit our blogspot. Thanks and we'll see you next show!

  7. 30.07.2008

    VwV 1: "Out with the old, in with the new!"

    http://ia311305.us.archive.org/2/items/Vwv1outWithTheOldInWithTheNew_93/newrr1.mp3 Hullo all, Corrine & I are proud and excited to announce...The time has finally come! After a lot of hard work and determination, "Voyages with Vampires" is finally ready to go! We've been wanting to do this for a very, very long time and now it's finally happening. I'll post the second it's up on iTunes and you can check out the show notes below. Thanks so much! Toodles & Stay Fierce, Caitlin 3 VwV1: "Out with the old, in with the new!" For our pilot episode we… -Intro and discuss “Wine Red” by The Hush Sound. -A miracle! -Our last random ramblings…Or our first? -We discuss our plans for our future show. -We have commitment issues. -We talk hair. -Ego, oh dear. -Bloodsuckers, Imprint, Mugglecast, Pottercast- we love ‘em all! - We dream about podcasting with “Bloodsuckers.” -Jacob and Jessica forever!!! -Corrine threatens the Jacob/Bella lovers. We apologize in advance… -Jesper, Jasper’s new name. Yup. -We discuss the connection between “Red Wine,” Bella and Edward, and Adam and Eve. Even what viewers of songmeanings.net think. -Stay tuned at the end for our mini blooper reel! -Please excuse the annoying buzzing sound, we’re working on it. Thanks for listening past it! -Please also visit our blogspot for everything “Voyages With Vampires!” Also, rate and review us on iTunes, pretty please. Thanks much, we’ll see you next episode!

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"Voyages with Vampires": A Harry Potter & Twilight podcast...Join Caitlin and Corrine, as they sail away with the "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer and the "Harry Potter" books by J.K. Rowling. Discussing everything from the books, films, and even music that relates to the series!

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