WaKe Up PoDcAsT

Ron Be
WaKe Up PoDcAsT 팟캐스트

Podcast by Ron Be


  1. 2020. 08. 29.

    Noble Natural Fight

    This is a story about a beautiful kid named Noble whose parents are fighting the government laws and a wicked hospital that is making a decision for a child that do not belong to them. These wicked laws that we have has made it to the point that we have to go through hell just to make a stance for our children if we don't believe in the chemicals that they continuously use on adults and kids even though statistics prove that it's never helped anyone. My brother from another introduced me to OD, aka John a few years back and it's been a blessing to know him. He is a strong father that's doing everything he can to defeat these devils from putting his beautiful daughter Noble on chemo, but today was tragic and it brought tears to my eyes because i felt his pain and even when I interviewed him I saw his pain, but these f*****g devils straight took his daughter away from her mother and father, but yet you have addicts, abusive, and rapus parents that still have their children. This is a dirty f*****g world that we are living in and if we (black people) don't come together they gon continue to feel that they have the right to experiment on us and do as they wish. We must come together as a culture and end the BULL SHIT. As long as I have been on social media I can say that I have never asked for anything, but tonight I am. Please whoever can and is willing to help this family in any kind of way please reach out, but we have to come together for Noble and her family. Lets not just say this is wrong and go about our lives let's turn this into a revolution and televise and bring awareness to what's going on. These laws has to be changed mos definitely this law where they think its ok to take your child away because you don't believe in their BULL SHIT ASS EXPIERMENTS. OD is a strong father and from what I saw he never asked for help, but I am for him and his daughter mother. Whoever got some ideas as to what can be done please reach out to me or him (OD Jonathan Porter) and also support NOBLE NATURALS, which was created by Nobles father and of course inspired by the beautiful Noble. With that being said listen to this interview with me and OD about the fight for Noble.

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Podcast by Ron Be

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