Walking With God - GOD TALK

Robert Lawrence
Walking With God - GOD TALK

What happens when you realize prayer doesn't work like you've been taught in church and God is not who you thought He was? If you have experienced either of these two phenomenons in your life then this story might be for you. For you see, this is "MY STORY. This is my JOURNEY OF FAITH." Faith is a pilgrimage with God, for this I know. Faith is a long, lonely, difficult road on the pathway to Heaven. There can be no other way if your hearts desire is truly to see God. I am convinced God is trying to communicate with us yet we are too busy to listen. I hope you enjoy my podcasts. Thank you


  1. 2018. 10. 27.

    Walking With God - God Talk

    INTRODUCTION: What happens when you realize prayer doesn't work like you've been taught in church and God is not who you thought He was? If you have experienced either of these two phenomenons in your life then this story might be for you. For you see, this is "MY STORY. This is my JOURNEY OF FAITH." "Faith is a pilgrimage with God, for this I know. Faith is a long, lonely, difficult road on the pathway to Heaven. There can be no other way if your hearts desire is truly to see God." (Larry Cappetto - July 14, 2018). I am convinced God is trying to communicate with us yet we are too busy looking at principals and formulas. There is a power out there trying to communicate with me. Are we listening? Are we receiving? Having grown up in church I don't remember once ever feeling God or sensing His presence in church building. There was a lot of mental assent going on but nothing from the heart. One of the greatest compliments I've ever received was when a Jewish Rabbi in Texas called me a "Church Without Walls!! I see and hear from God looking up at the stars at night (the vastness of the universe), on an ocean beach watching the waves roll in. It is not God's fault things aren't happening. The problem has been man's lame and shallow interpretation of who God really is. God and religion are not synonymous. They are two entirely different things, beings, and beliefs. If you would like to help SUPPORT this Podcast please consider SHARING these episodes and making a DONATION. PLEASE read my blog, GOD TALK:  PLEASE check out my other Podcast, “Voices of History.” OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://larrycappetto.com Thank you for listening. EMAIL: lcappetto@icloud.com



What happens when you realize prayer doesn't work like you've been taught in church and God is not who you thought He was? If you have experienced either of these two phenomenons in your life then this story might be for you. For you see, this is "MY STORY. This is my JOURNEY OF FAITH." Faith is a pilgrimage with God, for this I know. Faith is a long, lonely, difficult road on the pathway to Heaven. There can be no other way if your hearts desire is truly to see God. I am convinced God is trying to communicate with us yet we are too busy to listen. I hope you enjoy my podcasts. Thank you

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