Washington’s Native Bees

Nature Now

Buzzz... Think of a bee. Do you see a honey bee gathering pollen and making honey in its hive? Is it native to the Western Hemisphere? No! Think of another bee. Do you see a bumble bee? Peraps a picture or a drawing? Think of another bee. Having problems? Do you know that there are over 600 native bee species in Washington? Nan Evans talks with Dr. Karen Wright from the Washington Department of Agriculture to learn more about our native bees and the Washington Bee Atlas. (Airdate: January 29, 2025)

Learn more:
Washington Bee Atlas
Washington Native Bee Society
Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees by Thor Hanson
Jefferson County Master Gardener Foundation's Yard and Garden Lecture Series
Bird sound recording courtesy of Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Macaulay Library
Music from the library of Laura Martin

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