Wokism is the death wish of the inferior, the unintelligent, and their pawns Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Dr. Edward Dutton, an anthropologist, journalist, and polymath who lives and works in Finland and produces distinctive books that help to explain the ups and downs that occur during the unfolding of civilizations, as well as their causes. Dr. Dutton said that in the world’s current difficult condition there is a bit of justification for guarded optimism. In essence, the ideologues and practitioners of Wokism are unknowingly doing “God’s work”. So devoid of commonsense and intelligence are these Wokesters that they are, in essence, genetic mutants and are slowly being replaced by highly conservative peoples whose distinguishing characteristics are intelligence and religiosity. Indeed, Woke leaders are easily identified by their lack of truth-telling, their eagerness to revel in a high-level of lawlessness, a their noticeable lack of intelligence, their terror of a fair fight, their passion for being victims, hypocrites, narcissists, as well as for teaching other to be the same, their unending thirst for power, their rabid hatred of religion, and, most recently their eagerness to look after and support other peoples, rather than their own, as well as to pardon people associated with any kind of criminal activity. In short, Wokism is the property and pride of genetically inferior left-wingers who aim to cause civilizational collapse, while operating under the guise of “social justice” to hide their ardent dedication to Social Darwinism. On the other side of the divide lies conservatives, people who are generally fit (physically and intellectually); self-reliant, courageous, religious, group-oriented – a fundamental part of successful conservatism – and appropriately belligerent. The foregoing traits constitute the basis for surviving the lethal antics and intellectual nonsense advocated by mad left-wingers. American conservatives are especially capable of taking back their country, as they have proven themselves to be one of the world’s foremost examples of a people whose intelligence, belligerence, respect for tradition and their fellows, strong and durable religiosity, and ability to carve a successful civilization out of a wildly dangerous North American wilderness. These conservatives simply have no use for the tenets now cultivating the world’s current and aggressively anti-humanity morass. Professor Dutton closed by noting that the collapse of civilization for which the left yearns and has worked to cause, may yet come, but it will not come in the lands the Woke have worked so long to destroy. Instead, it will come in the non-Western countries that have followed the lead and ideas of the Wokists and so have prepared themselves for self-destruction. --Among Dr. Dutton’s Books (available at Amazon) are: --Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism (2024), by Edward Dutton and J. O. A. Rayner-Hilles --The Past is a Future Country: The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution (2022), By Edward Dutton. --At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means for the Future (2018), By Edward Dutton and Michael A. Woodley of Menie, 2018 https://www.newsmax.com/finance/insiders/michaelbusler/id-629/ Follow Two Mikes on Pickax: https://pickax.com/twomikes Follow Freedom First Network on Pickax at https://pickax.com/freedomfirstnet Elevate your meals with Freedom First Beef… even if you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse! Use code TWOMIKES for 15% off and enjoy high-quality beef whenever you crave it – today or tomorrow! https://freedomfirstbeef.com Be ready for anything life throws your way with The Wellness Company's Medical Emergency Kit. Order today using code TWOMIKES for a 10% discount at https://twc.health/ffn. Unleash the spirit...