We Need Your Help - Drive Corn Demand with E15

Kernels with Ohio Corn & Wheat

President's Challenge: Take action now and send this link to 10 other people.

Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Associaiton President, Tyler Drewes, and Ohio Corn & Wheat Executive Director, Tadd Nicholson, fill you in on what we're asking you to do. a few clicks right on your phone, tablet, computer, or other smart device can make a huge difference for the future of liquid fuels and you corn's demad in the global marketplace. 

Click here to tell Congress to pass year-round access to E15.

About Ohio Corn & Wheat

Ohio Corn & Wheat works to create opportunities for long-term Ohio corn and small grain grower profitability. It is a strategic alliance of two checkoffs and one membership-based organization. The Ohio Corn Checkoff and Ohio Small Grains Checkoff work to develop and expand markets, fund research and provide education about corn and wheat, respectively. The Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association is a membership organization advocating for supportive public policy on behalf of its farmer members.  For more information, please visit www.ohiocornandwheat.org. 

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