Welcome To A Better Lifestyle

My Men Richard/Richard Lesperance
Welcome To A Better   Lifestyle

What do you want to be when you grow up? Well ! It's time to say Thank God it's Monday instead of Thank God it's Friday ! On this Podcast we empower you to be authentic in your professional journey and equip you with the essential tools to achieve greater success. Each episode brings actionable insights, inspiring stories and expert advice to help you embrace your true self & unlock your full potential. We cover a wide range of topics, including business, entrepreneurship, real estate & more, offering you the mindset, strategies and skills you need to thrive personally and professionally.

  1. 2月14日

    Lessons from Entrepreneurs Episode 2: Breaking Into Luxury Real Estate with Jacopo Lasiello

    About: Dr Jacopo Iasiello, CEO of Luxury and Wealth Group. Jacopo’s journey began in Naples, Italy, where his love for his family and city shaped his early passion for entrepreneurship. Starting at 11, he delved into books by real estate investors and entrepreneurs, laying the foundation for his future success. Despite an early career in soccer that ended due to injury, Jacopo transitioned to business, starting a successful jewelry chain at 18 and expanding his ventures globally. By 22, he starting in real estate, specializing in auctions and short sales, quickly earning a reputation for securing lucrative deals. Jacopo earned his PhD in International Business Management, authoring a thesis on "Successful Entrepreneurs" and studying under renowned trainers like Tony Robbins. Moving to Florida in 2011, he completed over 350 ++ real estate transactions, building a substantial property portfolio. His innovative M.P.B.E. method—Meditate, Morning, Pray, Biohacking, and Exercise—has transformed his life. His book, "Healthy, Rich, and Happy, aims to share this transformative approach with others. Book link: healthyrichandhappy.com Social Links: www.healthyrichandhappy.com  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacopoiasielloinvestorbroker/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacopoiasiellorealestate  Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacopo-iasiello-50936244/  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jacopoiasiellobroker2735 My Men Richard/Richard Lesperance richard.lesperance@gmail.com⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠https://linkedin.com/in/richardlesperance⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@mymenrichard

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What do you want to be when you grow up? Well ! It's time to say Thank God it's Monday instead of Thank God it's Friday ! On this Podcast we empower you to be authentic in your professional journey and equip you with the essential tools to achieve greater success. Each episode brings actionable insights, inspiring stories and expert advice to help you embrace your true self & unlock your full potential. We cover a wide range of topics, including business, entrepreneurship, real estate & more, offering you the mindset, strategies and skills you need to thrive personally and professionally.








